Howard County Land Patents

    *Post Office - this is just a finding aid, many plats span multiple zip codes

Land Patent Description *Post Office MD State Archives Survey
A PIECE BY ITSELF Surveyed 9/1/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Sep 1797 by Wiilliam Hobbs for 52 acres repatented as Trouble For Nothing; Surveyed for Samuel Mansell in 1771 "on the south side of Patapsco Falls and about eighty yards from the said falls and on the west side of a draught or small branch that descends into the said falls" Mt. Airy
A SLIPE BY CHANCE Surveyed 9/27/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Oliver for 100 acres repatented as Oliver's Chance; "on the south side of the Maine falls of Patapsco River Beginning at a bounded white oak it being also the beginning tree of Daniel Rawlings his part of a tract of land called Good Fellowship taken up by Mr. Christopher Randall of Baltimore County" Ellicott City - West
A STONY HILL SIDE Surveyed 3/24/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jan 1731 by Charles Pierpoint for 15 acres; "Between a tract of land called Chews Vineyard Manner [Manor] and the great falls of Patapsco River" starting "between the said falls and a race dugg by the said Pierpoint for to build a water mill thereon" Ellicott City - East
ACCIDENT Surveyed 9/14/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Sep 1775 by James Kirby for 3 acres; "Beginning at the end of ten perches in the north twenty six degrees east eighty perch course of the land called Hatherly's Resolution" Ellicott City - West
ACCORD Surveyed 5/27/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1757 by James Hood for 42 acres; "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco near the mouth of a branch called the Great Bridge Branch next adjoyning a tract of land called Johns Chance" starting at the end of the twelfth course of Johns Chance Sykesville
ACORN HILL Surveyed 11/16/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Dec 1794 by John Welsh for 49 acres; Adjoining Additional Defense but does not say where
ADAM THE FIRST Surveyed 10/1/1687; Patented in Oct 1687 by Adam Shipley for 500 acres repatented as Adam The First And Adam The Second Resurveyed; Resurveyed with vacancies for 580 acres in May 1742. Ellicott City - West
ADAM THE FIRST AND ADAM THE SECOND RESURVEYED Surveyed 5/21/1742 by William Cromwell; Patented in May 1742 by Adam Shipley for 137 acres; A portion of the resurveyed Adam The First with vacancies Ellicott City - West
ADAMS FORREST Surveyed 9/21/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1743 by Adam Barnes for 287 acres repatented as Invasion; "on the head drafts of Middle River" beginning at bounded trees of Henry's Park Sykesville
ADDITION - Carroll Patented in Mar 1703 by Charles Carroll for 3000 acres Ellicott City - West
ADDITION - Duvall Surveyed 5/8/1733 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in May 1733 by Lewis Duvall for 100 acres repatented as Lewises Lot; "on the west side of a tract of land called Broken Land" beginning "near to the end of the north two hundred perches course of a tract of land called Clarks Direction" Laurel
ADDITION TO ACORN HILL Surveyed 11/16/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Dec 1794 by John Welsh for 25.75 acres; Beginning at the end of the 33rd course of Hobsons Choice, this parcel was not patented as it was wholly disconnected from Acorn Hill and that is not allowed in a single patent
ADDITION TO BROTHERS LEVEL Surveyed 3/1/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1745 by Robert Barnes for 420 acres; Resurvey of Brothers Level "on the head drafts of Howards Branch descending into Snowdens River". Glenelg
ADDITION TO CHAMPION FORREST Surveyed 10/14/1765 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Oct 1765 by John Hammond for 96 acres; "on the drafts of a run called Deep Run adjoining to a tract of land called The Anvil beginning at the original beginning place of a tract of land called September the 14 1739" Jessup
ADDITION TO CHANCE Surveyed 3/21/1785 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1785 by Charles Carroll for 8 acres; adjoining Doororegan, Chance, and The Discovery Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO CHESTNUT HILL Surveyed 3/25/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1771 by Philip Hammond for 30 acres; "adjoining a tract or parcel of land called Chestnut Hill now is the possession of the said Philip Hammond Beginning at the end of the thirty seventh course of the said land" Mt. Airy
ADDITION TO CONCORD Surveyed 4/21/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1762 by John Hood for 25 acres repatented as Break Neck Hill; "Beginning at the beginning trees of the land called Concord .. on the west side of the Great Bridge Branch" Cooksville
ADDITION TO DORSEYS SEARCH Surveyed 2/18/1802 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Feb 1802 by Richard Ridgely for 15.75 acres; Adjoining Dorseys Search Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO FREEBORNS PROGRESS Surveyed 2/18/1802 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Feb 1802 by Richard Ridgely for 4 acres; Adjoining Freeborns Progress and Dorseys Search Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO GARDNERS GARDEN Surveyed 2/26/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Sep 1724 by William Gardner for 200 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; in Baltimore County "on both sides the main falls of Patapsco River"; adjoining Hebron and Mount Calvary according to their patents Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO GOOD FOR LITTLE Surveyed 5/26/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jan 1775 by William Selman for 20 acres; "Beginning at the end of twenty four perches on the fifteenth line of a tract or parcel of land called Good For Little"; appears to have been surveyed as Larkins Inheritance in 1810 - perhaps land became escheat? Elkridge
ADDITION TO GOOSE NECK Surveyed 1/22/1746 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1746 by Benjamin Lawrence for 25 acres repatented as Benjamin's Addition; "between a tract of land called Goose Neck and a tract of land called Pheasant Ridge" Glenelg
ADDITION TO HALF PONE Surveyed 5/7/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1765 by Charles Carroll for 9 acres; "on a draft of Patuxent River", adjoining Mary's Lott Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO HARBERTS CARE Patented in Jun 1706 by Burridge Scott for 50 acres repatented as Hammond's Discovery; Three parcels of land formerly part of this survey were resurveyed for Hammond's Discovery. Elkridge
ADDITION TO HATHERLYS FORREST Surveyed 4/14/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1744 by John Hatherly for 100 acres repatented as Hatherly's Contrivance; "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco and on the drafts of Patuxent River near the Main Waggon Road leading to Monocacy" Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO HAZARD Surveyed 1/6/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by Mathias Hammond for 6.5 acres repatented as Larances Purchase; "Beginning at the beginning trees of a tract or parcel of land called Bens Luck" Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO HOBBS PARK Surveyed 2/13/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1725 by John Hobbs for 100 acres; in Baltimore County starting "at the last bound tree of a parcel of land called Cross's Forest and standing at the head of a run called Stoney Run", adjoining Stringer's Neglect Columbia - South
ADDITION TO HOODS HALL Surveyed 6/10/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1727 by Benjamin Hood for 100 acres; "on the west side of Patuxent River" beginning at the beginning trees of Hoods Hall Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO HOODS HALL AND BENS LUCK Surveyed 1/6/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by Mathias Hammond for 6 acres; lying between Hoods Hall and Ben's Luck Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO HOPSONS CHOICE Surveyed 4/11/1721 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1725 by John Mackinzie for 100 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; in Baltimore County "on the south side the main falls of Patapsco River", adjoining Margrett's Fancy Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO JOSEPHS ADVANCEMENT Surveyed 2/24/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Dec 1753 by Joseph Hobbs for 578 acres repatented as Poverty Discovered; Resurvey of tract of same name "being in the head drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent", adjoining the Conclusion West Friendship
ADDITION TO KENDALLS DELIGHT Surveyed 1/6/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by Mathias Hammond for 6 acres repatented as Larances Purchase; "Beginning at a white oak by the north west branch it being the second boundary of Kendel's Delight" Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO LONG BOTTOM Surveyed 1/29/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1749 by John Hood for 45 acres repatented as Rich Meadow; "on the drafts of the western Falls of Patapsco River between a tract of and called Shipley's Search and a tract of land called the Invasion and joyning a tract of land called Longbottom" Sykesville
ADDITION TO MANSELLS RANGE Surveyed 1/13/1747 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1747 by Samuel Mansell for 107 acres repatented as Mansells Defense; Resurvey of Mansells Range beginning "on a levell on the west side of the head of a draft of Snowdens River called Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch" Woodbine
ADDITION TO MOUNT UNITY Surveyed 12/8/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jul 1796 by John Ellicott for 46.75 acres; Beginning "at the beginning of a tract or parcel of land called Littleworth"; shown on the plat for West Ilchester Ellicott City - East
ADDITION TO NEW YEARS GIFT Surveyed 12/8/1722 by John Dorsey; Patented in Mar 1730 by Caleb Dorsey for 210 acres repatented as Addition To New Year's Gift Resurveyed; in Baltimore County "between Elk Ridge and the easternmost main branch of Patuxent River" adjoining New Year's Gift, survey done Dec 1722 but patent was denied the first time Columbia - East
ADDITION TO NEW YEARS GIFT RESURVEYED Surveyed 11/30/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1754 by Edward Dorsey for 272 acres repatented as New Years Gift Enlarged; adjoining Talbotts Resolution, Whittakers Chance, Bells Chance, Higgins Chance And Dorsey's Friendship Columbia - East
ADDITION TO PART OF FREDERICKS BURGH Surveyed 3/3/1766 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Mar 1766 by Benjamin Warfield for 350 acres repatented as Second Addition To Fredericksburgh; Resurvey of his part of "Fredericks Borough", he had the northern end Woodbine
ADDITION TO PHELPS LUCK Surveyed 4/3/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1725 by John Hammond for 118 acres repatented as Hammond's Elk Ridge Connection; in Baltimore County at Elk Ridge near the Elkhorn branch Columbia - East
ADDITION TO PORTERS CARE Surveyed 1/6/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by Mathias Hammond for 8 acres; "Beginning at the beginning trees of a tract or parcel of land called Hoods Hall" Ellicott City - West
ADDITION TO SNAP SHORT Surveyed 4/22/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1757 by Robert Israel for 12 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River joining a tract of land called Snap Short" Clarksville
ADDITION TO STONEY HILL Surveyed 4/29/1773 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1774 by Samuel Dorsey for 19.5 acres; Surrounds Stoney Hill patented by Robert Barnes Glenelg
ADDITION TO STORE HOUSE HILL Surveyed 1/24/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by John Hood for 6.5 acres; "Beginning at the end of the fourth course of a tract or parcel of land called Store House Hill" Sykesville
ADDITION TO THE GROVE Surveyed 7/31/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1762 by Peter Shipley for 315 acres repatented as Four Brothers Portion; Resurvey of The Grove (Resurveyed) "in the great fork of Patuxent River" adjoining White Wine And Claret and Snowdens Third Addition To His Manor Clarksville
ADDITION TO TIMBER NECK Surveyed 1/21/1734 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Oct 1736 by Charles Carroll for 400 acres repatented as Timber Neck Corrected; "on both sides of a run called the Deep Run of Patapsco Beginning at the end of the first course of a tract of land called Scotts Folly" Hanover
ADDITION TO TROY Surveyed 2/18/1718 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1719 by Caleb Dorsey for 100 acres; "lying at Elk Ridge in Baltimore County" Elkridge
ADDITION TO TUCKERS DELIGHT Surveyed 11/4/1723 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1725 by William Tucker for 150 acres; in Baltimore County on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River Ellicott City - East
ADDITION TO WHATS LEFT Surveyed 3/2/1783 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Sep 1784 by William Shipley for 29.5 acres; Lying between What's Left, Shipley's Search, Good Neighborhood, and Last Shift Sykesville
ADDITIONAL CHANCE Surveyed 11/10/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1755 by Samuel Mansell for 200 acres repatented as Additional Chance Increased; Resurvey of Chance - Mansell "on the head drafts of Snowden's River on a branch of the said river called Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch", adjoining Chestnut Hill Mt. Airy
ADDITIONAL CHANCE INCREASED Surveyed 3/29/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1769 by Edward Warfield for 520 acres; Resurvey of Additional Chance starting "on the east side of Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch", adjoining Chestnut Hill Mt. Airy
ADDITIONAL DEFENSE Surveyed 10/30/1754 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1754 by Samuel Mansell for 2384 acres repatented as Range Declined; Resurvey of Mansells Defense "on the head drafts of Snowdens River and on the head drafts of the western falls of Patapsco River in the barrans", adjoining Addition to Mansells Range, Mobberley's Desire, Chestnut Hill, Wise Mans Folly; mentions the north side of Indian Johns Cabbin Branch, Poplar Spring, also a spring at the head of a draft of the Cattail River, the waggon road Woodbine
ADDITIONAL PROGRESS Surveyed 3/18/1756 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1756 by John Whipps for 412 acres repatented as Whipps Hills; Resurvey of Progress "on the western falls of Patapsco River partly in Ann Arundell county and partly in Baltimore county" starting "at the end of the first course of the Forrest Grove", adjoining Shipley's Search, Whips Lott, Adams Garden Sykesville
ALTOGETHER Surveyed 5/10/1719 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Jun 1736 by Thomas Worthington for 1200 acres; "lying on the dividing line of Ann Arundel and Baltimore County on the west side of the Middle River of Patuxent" Clarksville
ANYTHING - Moberley Surveyed 5/4/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Moberley for 100 acres; "on the head of a branch of Snowden's River of Patuxent" and near Thomas' Lott, shares the same beginning trees with Everything according to that patent, shown on the plat for Moorehouse's Generousity Dayton
ANYTHING - Ridgely Surveyed 2/10/1759 by Loch Weems; Patented in Feb 1759 by Charles Ridgely for 56 acres repatented as Clover Land; "Beginning in the north eighty four degrees west line eight hundred and sixty perches from the beginning of said line it being the first course of a tract of land called The Woodford" Sykesville
ANYTHING WILL SUIT Surveyed 6/22/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1775 by Samuel Mansell for 15 acres; "Beginning at the end of nine perches on the north thirty eight degrees east fifty eight perches line(?) of a tract or parcel of land called Hampton Court it also being the thirty seventh course of the said tract" Mt. Airy
ARNOLDS FANCY Surveyed 4/16/1747 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1747 by John Arnold for 50 acres; "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco River and on the drafts of Patuxent" Ellicott City - West
ASH WEDNESDAY Surveyed 4/11/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by John Hood for 6.5 acres; "Beginning at the westernmost tree of two bounded white oaks standing on the east side of Locust Thickett Branch they being boundarys of a tract of land called Conclusion and also of a tract of land called Cumberland" West Friendship
ATHOLL Surveyed 1/22/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Aug 1732 by James Macgill for 600 acres repatented as Atholl Enlarged; "in a fork of Patuxent River called Winkepin fork" adjoining "Hunting Ground which said tree and stone stands on the east side nigh the mouth of a fork of a run called Beavers Run" Columbia - West
ATHOLL ENLARGED Patented in Sep 1763 by James Macgill for 875 acres repatented as Joseph's Gift Columbia - South
BACHELLORS CHOICE Surveyed 11/10/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Mar 1728 by Philip Howard for 100 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; "on the south side the main falls of Patapsco River Beginning at three bounded oaks standing close by the said falls at the mouth of a run said trees being the bounded trees of the land called Mayden's [Maidens] Bower surveyed for Jane Grey" Ellicott City - West
BACHELORS CHOICE Patented in Mar 1728 by Samuel Peele for 100 acres; see also Batchelor's Choice
BACHELORS HALL ENLARGED Surveyed 9/28/1820 by John Duvall; Patented in Nov 1820 by Richard Hopkins for 302.12 acres; Resurvey of Batchelors Hall Elkridge
BACHELORS HOPE Surveyed 10/20/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Mar 1728 by John Viner for 25 acres repatented as Brown's Purchase; Lying in Baltimore County near Elk Ridge; south of Vine's Chance as shown in Brown's Purchase patent formerly in Baltimore County Jessup
BACHOLDERS CHOYCE Surveyed 3/1/1726 by Richard Gist; Patented in Nov 1735 by Phillip Sewell for 85 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; "on the west side of the main falls of Patapsco River" beginning near "the head of a branch descending into the west side of the afsd falls of Patapsco River" Ellicott City - West
BARE GROUND Surveyed 6/10/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Moberley for 57 acres; lying "in a fork of Snowden River of Patuxent called Pinkstones and Bradshaws fork" beginning "in a hallow on the eastward of Pinkstones and Bradshaws Settlement" Woodbine
BARE HILLS Surveyed 2/1/1718 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Parr for 100 acres; starting "on the east side of the Middle River of Patuxent" Columbia - South
BARNES FRIENDSHIP Surveyed 1/1/1746 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1746 by Peter Barnes for 250 acres; Resurvey of 106 acre Shipley's Search "between the head drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent and the western falls", adjoining Barnes' Hunt and Shipley's Search Sykesville
BARNES HUNT Surveyed 10/26/1733 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Joshua Barnes for 64 acres repatented as Conclusion; "on the eastward side of the head of the Middle River of Patuxent", to the east side of Joshua Barnes' dwelling Sykesville
BARNES LUCK Surveyed 1/29/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Oct 1730 by James Barnes for 80 acres; "on the east side of Brown's River of Patuxent", adjoining Mt Gilboa Ellicott City - West
BARNES PLEASANT MEADOW Surveyed 5/10/1765 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in May 1762 by John Hood for 17 acres; "Beginning at the end of the sixth course of a tract of land called the Conclution (Conclusion)" Sykesville
BARNES PURCHASE Surveyed 7/2/1756 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1758 by Robert Barnes for 296 acres; Resurvey of the 50 acre tract This or None "on the branch of Snowdens River" near "the south side of the head of a draft of a branch called Nelson's Branch", adjoining the Addition to Brothers Level, Pheasant Ridge, Henry And Peter, and Round About Hills Glenelg
BARRAN HILLS Surveyed 3/25/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1748 by Charles Carroll for 285 acres; Resurvey of Hockley partly in Anne Arundel County and partly in Baltimore County on both sides of the head of Patapsco River Elkridge
BARRYS DUCK Surveyed 3/12/1766 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jul 1768 by William Spurrier for 50 acres; starting "at the head of a small draft that descend into a branch called the Great Branch" Jessup
BATCHELORS DELIGHT Patented in Jun 1700 by Daniel Wells for 298 acres; Adjoining Clark's Directions to the north according to that resurvey Fulton
BATCHELORS HALL Patented in Mar 1695 by John Medcalf for 180 acres repatented as Bachelors Hall Enlarged; Adjoining Dorsey's Angles and Timber Neck and Hammond's Discovery; MSA site has 1694 in HoCo Tract Index Elkridge
BEAR GARDEN FOREST - Resurveyed Surveyed 5/31/1762 by John Murdock; Patented in Jun 1762 by John Pierce Duvall for 194 acres repatented as Bear Garden Forest Enlarged; Beginning "near the mouth and on the north side of a branch called the Bear Garden branch" lying partly in Frederick County and partly in Anne Arundel County Woodbine
BEAR GARDEN FOREST ENLARGED Surveyed 12/14/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Dec 1770 by Samuel Musgrove for 286 acres; Resurvey of Bear Garden Forest - Resurveyed with added vacancies lying partly in Anne Arundel and Frederick Counties Woodbine
BEARHEAD Surveyed 2/14/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by William Cumming for 30 acres repatented as Warfields Connection; lying in the Barrans starting "on a flat between the drafts of Snowdens River" Woodbine
BEAUTIFUL CRAFT Surveyed 11/15/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1751 by William Glann for 50 acres repatented as Chestnut Hill; "on the head drafts of Snowdens River", starting "on the west side of a draft of Snowdens River known by the name of the White Marsh fork" Mt. Airy
BELLS CHANCE Surveyed 1/10/1733 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Peter Bell for 100 acres; "on a place called Elkridge adoining to a tract of land originally called Stephens forrest" Columbia - East
BELTS CHANCE Surveyed 3/1/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1723 by Benjamin Belt for 232 acres repatented as Woodford; Baltimore County "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River" Sykesville
BELTS HILLS Surveyed 3/22/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1723 by John Belt for 800 acres; Baltimore County "on the south side the main falls of the Patapsco River", Vachel Dorsey inherited 790 acres located at or near Hood's Mill from his father John and his mother Honor Elder from her father John Elder according to J. D. Warfield. Sykesville
BELTS POINT Surveyed 1/12/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1725 by John Belt for 112 acres; in Baltimore County "on the south side of Patapsco River" starting "at a point on the upper side of a run called Deep Run ? bounded oak being supposed to be the beginning tree of a tract of land called Cusicks Forrest" Elkridge
BENJAMINS ADDITION Surveyed 3/6/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Benjamin Howard for 505 acres; Resurvey of Goose Neck, Addition To Goose Neck, and Dorsey's Grove Glenelg
BENS DELIGHT Surveyed 12/7/1763 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Dec 1763 by Henry Griffith for 46 acres repatented as Three Brothers; "near the main branch of Patuxent River and on the west side", adjoining Hoods Hall Ellicott City - West
BENS LUCK Surveyed 2/21/1728 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Aug 1736 by Benjamin Stevens for 50 acres repatented as Three Brothers; "on the east side of the Patuxent River", between Pinkstone's Delight and Hoods Hall Ellicott City - West
BENSONS PARK Patented in Mar 1696 by Daniel Benson for 250 acres Ellicott City - East
BENSONS REQUEST Surveyed 10/25/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1752 by Richard Snowden for 260 acres; Resurvey of Parr's Addition "in the great fork of Patuxent River", adjoining Boyce's Beginning, Bear Hill, Addition surveyed For Thomas Worthington, Scantline Lott, Athol, and Williams Lott Columbia - South
BEYOND FAR ENOUGH Surveyed 12/12/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Robert Nelson for 100 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River" .. "in the fork of a branch now called Hankeses Branch". Surveyed by Henry Ridgely for Peter Hanks 12 Dec 1729 and whose heirs sold to Robert Nelson on 15 May 1734. Glenelg
BISHOPS OUTLET Surveyed 9/2/1742 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1742 by Thomas Bishop for 84 acres repatented as Hammonds Discovery - Charles; "adjoining to a tract of land called Bishops Range" starting "close on the west side of Poplar Branch" West Friendship
BISHOPS RANGE Surveyed 4/30/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Thomas Bishop for 171 acres repatented as Hammonds Discovery - Charles; "on the east side of Middle River" starting on the "west side of a draft called poplar(?) draft which said draft leads into horse runn" West Friendship
BITE THE BITER Surveyed 6/4/1723 by James Weems; Patented in Aug 1725 by Benjamin Gaither for 700 acres; "on the east side of Snowdens River of Patuxent" Highland
BITE THE SKINNER Surveyed 4/28/1760 by Loch Weems; Patented in Dec 1760 by Henry Ridgely for 821 acres repatented as John's Hurry; Resurvey of Hobson's Choice (spelled Hopson's in patent) Woodbine
BITT BY CHANCE Patented in May 1730 for 46 acres repatented as Davis' Purchase; Probably patented by Richard Davis Laurel
BLACK MEADOW Surveyed 7/16/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Nov 1767 by Elizabeth Dorsey for 11 acres; "Beginning at the end of the thirty fourth course of a tract of land called Dorseys Range" Glenwood
BOWDENS FOLLY Surveyed 2/10/1721 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1727 by Thomas Cockey for 50 acres repatented as Mount Misery; in Baltimore County "on the south side of the main fallls of Patapsco River"; 59.5 acres when repatented Ellicott City - East
BOYCES BEGINNING Surveyed 8/10/1717; Patented in Aug 1717 by James Boyce for 50 acres repatented as Roberts Lot; Original courses given in resurvey which has now become escheat and is basically renamed Roberts Lot Columbia - South
BREAK NECK HILL Surveyed 1/23/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1773 by John Hood for 169 acres; Resurvey of Addition to Concord starting "on the south end of a Stoney Ridge on the east side of a branch called the Great Bridge Branch", sound like it lies on both sides of the branch Sykesville
BRENT WOOD FOREST Surveyed 9/27/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1770 by Samuel Mansell for 25 acres; "on the south side of Patapsco Falls in the Barrons" starting "at the head of a small draft of the said falls called the Bee Draft Branch; shown on plat for Split Tract Mt. Airy
BROKEN LAND Surveyed 6/10/1719 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Oct 1722 by Thomas Worthington for 660 acres repatented as Worthingtons Addition; "beginning at three bounded white oaks of Ridgely's Neck" Laurel
BROOKE FIELDS Surveyed 1/14/1764 by John Murdock; Patented in Jan 1765 by James Brooke for 1663 acres; Resurvey 118 acres of Silence (granted to Philemon Dorsey and Elizabeth Ridgely for 726 acres in Aug 1753) in Frederick County, references "south side of Swan Harbour Branch" Woodbine
BROTHERS ADDITION Surveyed 1/4/1808 by John Hatherly; Patented in Oct 1810 by Archibald Dorsey for 19 acres; adjoining Caleb's Purchase and Grecian Siege Elkridge
BROTHERS AGREEMENT Surveyed 3/18/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1761 by George Shipley for 470 acres repatented as Shipley's Content; Resurvey of The Neglect (granted to John Martin) starting "on the head of a small draft descending into the western falls of Patapsco River", one border "near to the waggon road" Mt. Airy
BROTHERS LEVEL Surveyed 9/29/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Robert Barnes for 154 acres repatented as Addition to Brothers Level; "on the head drafts of a branch of Snowdens River of Patuxent called Howards Branch", northward of Brothers Partnership Glenelg
BROTHERS LOVE Surveyed 11/16/1727 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Oct 1730 by John Howard for 177 acres; "on a branch of Snowdens River of Patuxent called now Howards Branch" beginning "on a hill side and on the north side of the aforesaid Howard Branch and near a fork thereof" Dayton
BROTHERS PARTNERSHIP - Dorsey Surveyed 10/7/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1734 by Joshua Dorsey for 632 acres; "on the west side of a tract of land called Good Range" starting "at the end of the fourth line of a tract of land called Altogether and at the end of the fourth lines of the aforesaid tract of land called Good Range" Dayton
BROTHERS PARTNERSHIP - Shipley Surveyed 12/11/1722 by John Dorsey; Patented in Oct 1738 by Peter Shipley for 200 acres repatented as Partnership Renewed; in Baltimore County "on Elk Ridge" starting "at the head of a draft of a branch descending into Deep Run" Ellicott City - East
BROTHERS PARTNERSHIP - Warfield Surveyed 8/8/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1752 by John Warfield for 486 acres; Resurvey of Venison Park "in the great fork of Patuxent River and on both sides of a branch called Hammonds Great Branch, adjoining Rich Neck and Warfield's Range Laurel
BROWNS ADDITION - Joshua Surveyed 4/23/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Joshua Brown for 40 acres; "Between Ranters Ridge and Good Fellowship on the South side of Patapsco Falls" beginning "nigh a corner of Good Fellowship" Woodstock
BROWNS ADDITION - Thomas Surveyed 6/10/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1762 by Thomas Brown for 54 acres; starting at the beginning tree of Brown's Purchase Columbia - South
BROWNS CHANCE Surveyed 4/30/1765 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1765 by Thomas Brown for 48 acres; Beginning at "the eighth bounder of a tract of land called Brown's Purchase" Elkridge
BROWNS CHANCE AND CAPTAIN DORSEYS FRIENDSHIP Patented in Jul 1702 by Thomas Brown for 574 acres Clarksville
BROWNS ENLARGEMENT Surveyed 7/17/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1750 by Robert Brown for 298 acres; Resurvey of Far Enough starting near Howards Branch, adjoining Rocky Ridge, Hay Stack Meadow, and Browns Branch Glenelg
BROWNS FORREST Surveyed 5/10/1695; Patented in Mar 1696 by Thomas Brown for 387 acres repatented as Brown's Forrest (Resurveyed); Hammonds Inheritance; Rezin Hammond's part of 316 acres was resurveyed by Hammonds Inheritance and its courses are listed there, not sure why his part and Valentine Brown's part together exceed the acreage listed for this patent Ellicott City - West
BROWNS FORREST - Resurveyed Surveyed 2/17/1759 by Loch Weems; Patented in Sep 1810 by Valentine Brown for 213 acres; Resurvey of 200 acres of Brown's Forrest with 13 additional vacant acres Ellicott City - West
BROWNS HOPYARD Surveyed 3/2/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1725 by Robert Brown for 250 acres repatented as Joseph's Gift; "on both sides of Brown's River", adjoining Griffith's Range, Cockshill Columbia - South
BROWNS PURCHASE Surveyed 4/5/1728 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Oct 1730 by John Brown for 748 acres repatented as Brown's Purchase Resurveyed; Resurvey of Vines Chance, Ridgelys Lot, and Batchelors Hope "on both sides of a great branch called Ridgelys Great Branch", formerly part of Baltimore County Jessup
BROWNS PURCHASE RESURVEYED Surveyed 9/9/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1808 by John Spurrier for 795 acres; Resurvey of Brown's Purchase starting "on the east side of Ridgelys Great Branch" at the beginning tree of the original tract Jessup
BRYER BOTTOM Surveyed 3/26/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Mar 1762 by John Hood for 25 acres repatented as Guinns Purchase; adjoining Woodford Marriottsville
BUNKERS HILL Surveyed 3/22/1776 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1786 by Samuel Chance for 580 acres repatented as Bunkers Hill Fortified; Resurvey of Shipley's Content, which was a resurvey of Brothers Agreement and The Neglect, extending the property to the Patapsco River; starting at the end of the first line of Mill Land Mt. Airy
BUNKERS HILL FORTIFIED Surveyed 7/24/1797 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Feb 1800 by Jeremy T Chase for 712.5 acres; Resurvey of Bunkers Hill Mt. Airy
BURGESS LOOK OUT Surveyed 5/30/1765 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1766 by Joseph Burgess for 320 acres; Resurvey of his part of Upland beginning "at the end of the tenth line of the whole tract" Dayton
CALEBS PASTURE Surveyed 4/26/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1744 by Caleb Dorsey for 262 acres repatented as Rockburn; "on the south side of Patapsco Falls Beginning at a bounded white oak of Mores[sic] Morning Choice standing in the head of a branch leading into the said falls and on the north side of the main road from Elkridge to the landing" Elkridge
CALEBS PURCHASE Patented in Mar 1730 by Caleb Dorsey for 1255 acres; adjoining The Neglect according to that survey Elkridge
CALEBS VINEYARD Surveyed 6/27/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Jun 1744 by Caleb Dorsey for 200 acres; "on the south side of the mane falls of Patapsco River" Ellicott City - East
CAMPBLES CHANCE Surveyed 7/16/1726 by James Weems; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Campble for 218 acres; "on the head of Grimmitts Branches and on the east side of the Second Addition to Snowdens Addition" starting "at the end of the first line of William Griffiths land and near the easternmost side of the aforesaid Second Addition" Fulton
CARRICK Surveyed 1/26/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Apr 1771 by John Gardiner for 115 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; Resurvey of Yates Inheritance of 1717 beginning on the "draft side of a run called the Island Run Branch" Ellicott City - West
CARTERS ADDITION Surveyed 5/10/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jul 1733 by Daniel Carter for 23 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; "on the South Side of the Main falls or great branch of Patapsco River", adjoining Maiden's Bower patented for Jane Grey Ellicott City - West
CARTERS ROCK Surveyed 4/8/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jul 1733 by Daniel Carter for 100 acres repatented as Todd's Improvement; "on the South Side of the great falls of Patapsco River and near to the land formerly taken up by George Yate" Ellicott City - East
CARTERS WHIM Surveyed 5/26/1727 by Philip Jones; Patented in Jul 1737 by Daniel Carter for 88 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; in Baltimore County, adjoining Gray's Bower Ellicott City - West
CATCH AS CATCH CAN Surveyed 3/5/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Mar 1762 by Joseph Hobbs for 60 acres repatented as What's Left - Hobbs; starting "on a point and near to the main draft of the Middle River of Patuxent" West Friendship
CHAMPION FORREST Surveyed 5/17/1727 by Philip Jones; Patented in Apr 1730 by Philip Hammond for 663 acres; Resurvey of Dorsey's Grove in Baltimore County "between the drafts of Patuxent and Patapsco River" beginning at "a ridge on the west side of the present Elk Ridge road about 20 yards thor[sic] from and about two hundred yards within the division line of Baltimore and Anarundell Cty" Jessup
CHANCE - Carroll Patented in Sep 1709 by Charles Carroll for 969 acres repatented as Chance (Resurveyed) Ellicott City - West
CHANCE - Carroll Resurveyed Surveyed 6/4/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Dec 1743 by Charles Carroll for 1425 acres; Resurvey of Chance adjoining Doohoregan, Kendall's Delight, Kendalls Enlargement, and The Discovery Ellicott City - West
CHANCE - Mansell Surveyed 4/3/1746 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1746 by Samuel Mansell for 42.5 acres repatented as Additional Chance; "on the head drafts of Snowdens River" beginning "on the west side of a branch called Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch" Mt. Airy
CHANCE - Pierpoint Surveyed 3/15/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1757 by Henry Pierpoint for 35 acres; "joyning the following two tracts of land viz. Talbotts Resolution Manor and Long Reach Beginning at the end of the north west 436? Course of the afsd Talbotts Resolution Manor" Columbia - West
CHARITIES PURCHASE AND JAMES LOT Surveyed 5/2/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by James Norwood for 200 acres; "near the head of Patuxent River" starting "close by a large spring called Sling mud{?) Spring which said spring falls into Poplar Spring Branch" Marriottsville
CHERRY BOTTOM Surveyed 2/16/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Feb 1762 by Samuel Musgrove for 18 acres; beginning "on the east side of the Cattail River" Woodbine
CHESTNUT HILL Surveyed 9/29/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1754 by Nathan Hammond for 1246 acres; Resurvey of Beautiful Craft "on the head drafts of Snowdens River" adjoining Neal's Chance, on the SE side of Indian Johns Cabbin Branch Mt. Airy
CHESTNUT RIDGE Surveyed 3/7/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1757 by William Hanks for 40 acres; "in the fork of Patuxent River Beginning at the end of the twenty fourth course of a tract of land called Worthington's Range" Clarksville
CHEWS RESOLUTION MANOR Patented in Nov 1695 by Samuel Chew for 1073 acres repatented as Chews Resolution Manor - Resurveyed; contains Avaco Ellicott City - East
CHEWS RESOLUTION MANOR - Resurveyed Surveyed 12/10/1718 by John Dorsey; Patented in Mar 1730 by Caleb Dorsey for 1318 acres; "lying at Elk Ridge in Baltimore County", adjoining Talbott's Resolution Manor Ellicott City - East
CHEWS VINEYARD Patented in Nov 1695 by Samuel Chew for 1024 acres Ellicott City - East
CLARKS DIRECTIONS Patented in Feb 1730 by William Nicholson for 700 acres repatented as Clark's Directions - Resurveyed; Originally surveyed Oct 1718 according to resurvey Fulton
CLARKS DIRECTIONS - Resurveyed Surveyed 4/18/1738 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1738 by Philip Hammond for 322 acres; Resurvey of tract of same name "on the South Side of another tract of land called Batchelors Delight and on the north side of a branch of Patuxent called Snowdons River", also adjoining Neal's Delight Fulton
CLARKS WALKS Patented in Jul 1702 by Richard Clark for 200 acres repatented as Clark's Walks - Resurveyed Laurel
CLARKS WALKS - Resurveyed Surveyed 11/1/1726 by James Weems; Patented in Jul 1741 by Nathan Hammond for 365 acres; Resurvey of a tract of the same name "in the fork of Patuxent River between a branch and said river" Laurel
CLARYS FORREST Surveyed 1/9/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Jr. Clary for 100 acres; "on the north side of a branch called Dorseys Great Branch" adjoining White Wine and Claret and another tract called Henry And Thomas Clarksville
CLOVER LAND Surveyed 11/29/1803 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Nov 1806 by Hoop Chamberlain for 175 acres; Resurvey of Anything and part of Invasion Sykesville
COCKEYS NEGLECT Surveyed 5/13/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1775 by Edward Dorsey for 24 acres; "Beginning at the side of the falls of Patapsco River it being at the end of the fourteenth course of a tract or parcel of land called Cockeys Regulation" Ellicott City - East
COCKEYS REGULATION Surveyed 1/30/1747 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1747 by Thomas Cockey for 212 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; Resurvey of The Long Discovery "on the south side of the Falls of Patapsco River about 12 miles above the head of said river", adjoining Yeate's Contrivance Ellicott City - East
COCKSHILL Patented in Nov 1710 by John Jones for 200 acres Columbia - East
COLES CHOICE Surveyed 11/20/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jan 1762 by William Cole for 327 acres; Resurvey of Griffith's Range adjoining Jones' Fancy, Halls Lot, and Cocks Hill (Cockshill)) Columbia - South
COLES CHOICE RESURVEYED Surveyed 6/29/1809 by John Hatherly; Patented in Jun 1810 by Alfred Cole for 454 acres; Resurvey of Cole's Choice, plat shows all adjoining lands and river Columbia - South
COLUMBIA Surveyed 6/1/1795 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jul 1804 by Samuel Goodman for 813 acres repatented as Columbia - Corrected; Resurvey of Find It If You Can adjoining The Warfields, Ridgely's Range, Stop The Gap, Warfield's Forrest, Good Will, Little-worth, Worthless, and Pleasant Meadows Woodbine
COLUMBIA - Corrected Surveyed 7/14/1803 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Jul 1804 by William Alexander for 813 acres; Corrected survey of Columbia Woodbine
COLUMBIA - Resurveyed Surveyed 6/1/1795 by Vachel Stevens; by Samuel Goodman for 2420 acres; Resurvey of The Victory Woodbine
CONCLUSION Surveyed 9/29/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by John Hood for 792 acres; Resurvey of Barnes Hunt "on the south side of the Western Falls of Patapsco River and on the head drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent" adjoining Barnes Friendship, Henry's Park, The Invasion; near a draft of Locust Thicket branch; plat shows the Barrans and Stoney Barran Ridge Cooksville
CONCORD Surveyed 8/10/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1752 by John Hood for 108 acres repatented as Concord Resurveyed; "on the drafts of the Western Falls of Patapsco River" starting "on the west side of the Great Bridge Branch" Cooksville
CONCORD - Resurveyed Surveyed 7/17/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1773 by John Hood for 513 acres; Resurvey of Concord Resurveyed adding vacancies on Baltimore County side Cooksville
CONCORD RESURVEYED Surveyed 11/16/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Mar 1765 by John Hood for 340 acres repatented as Concord - Resurveyed; Resurvey of Concord "at the end of the seventeenth course of a tract of land called Johns Chance" Cooksville
CONTENT Surveyed 1/20/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1755 by Jason Frissell for 5 acres repatented as Contentment; This land was found to lie in Yates Contrivance so was resurveyed a few months later Ellicott City - East
CONTENTION Surveyed 12/1/1773 by James Calder; Patented in Jun 1773 by Joseph Hayward for 20 acres; "lying partly in Baltimore County and partly in Annarundel County beginning .. on the north east side of a hill on the west side of the main falls of Patapsco River a little above Ellicotts Mill"; never patented Ellicott City - East
CONTENTION ENDED Patented in Dec 1763 by Henry Ridgely for 370 acres Glenwood
CONTENTMENT Surveyed 5/12/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1755 by Jason Frissell for 350 acres; Resurvey of Content "on west side of the main falls of Patapsco River" and bounding on it, adjoining Carter's Rock and Yeates Contrivance; Content was found to lie in Yates Contrivance so the resurvey was done shortly thereafter Ellicott City - East
COOPERS LOT Surveyed 4/3/1728 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Mewshaw for 100 acres; "on a branch in the fork of Patuxent River called Hammond's Branch", surveyed for John Mewshaw who turned over his rights to the property to John Worthington Laurel
COPPER HILL Surveyed 9/27/1731 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Aug 1739 by John Gardner for 5 acres; "on the west side of the maine falls of Patapsco River and near to a tract of land called Carters Rock laid out for Daniell Carter", location described in Oella survey Ellicott City - East
COST UPON COST Patented in Jul 1749 by Robert Ridgely for 33 acres repatented as Felicity Columbia - West
COSTLY Surveyed 4/14/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Oct 1769 by Henry Howard for 29 acres; "Beginning at the end of the nineteenth course of a tract of land called Howards Resolution" West Friendship
COWICK HALL Surveyed 6/12/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Mar 1729 by Thomas Wainwright for 236 acres repatented as Upton Park; lying Baltimore County starting at "the first bounded trees of the land called Sewell's(?) Delight standing on the west side the main falls of Patapsco River" Ellicott City - East
CREAGHS ENLARGEMENT Surveyed 2/24/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jul 1750 by James Creagh for 274 acres; Resurvey of Howards Chance and part of Mount Gilboa beginning at two oaks "standing on the east side of the main waggon road near the end of the south by west line of a tract of land called Hopsons Choice they being the original beginning trees of a tract of land called Hatherleys Resolution" Ellicott City - West
CROSSES FORREST Patented in 1697 by John Cross for 357 acres Columbia - East
CROW NEST BOTTOM Surveyed 10/19/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Oct 1762 by Mordecai Selby for 10 acres; "Beginning at the end of the seventh line of a tract of land called Shipley's Discovery", included on the Lost By Neglect plat shown in the northwest corner of the plat Cooksville
CUMBERLAND Surveyed 5/8/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by Adam Barnes for 640 acres; Resurvey of John's Lott "on the drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent", adjoining Invasion, Pheasant Ridge, Henry And Peter West Friendship
CURRY GALLS Surveyed 9/10/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in May 1747 by Michael Wallis for 25 acres repatented as Curry Galls - Resurveyed; "near the head of the Middle Branch of Patuxent River".."on the north side of a branch called Mewshaw's Branch" Woodbine
CURRY GALLS - Resurveyed Surveyed 5/9/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Michael Wallis for 289 acres repatented as Justice Required; Resurvey of Curry Galls referenced by survey of Justice Required but not found on MSA site Woodbine
DARBYS DESIRE Surveyed 10/20/1736 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1739 by Josias Darby for 50 acres; "in the fork of Patuxent River next adjoyning to a tract of land called Hammond and Gest [Geist] Beginning at a bounded white oak standing in the north thirteen degree east line of the land" and running northeast from there Clarksville
DAVIS HILL Surveyed 3/3/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1737 by Thomas Davis for 50 acres; "in the Great Fork of Patuxent River" Laurel
DAVIS PASTURE Patented in Jun 1700 by Isaac Davis for 200 acres Fulton
DAVIS PURCHASE Surveyed 3/6/1739 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1739 by Richard Davis for 244 acres; Resurvey of Bitt By Chance, Neal's Delight, and The Hoppyard "between the plantations of Thomas Mobberley and Philbert Wright" Laurel
DAYS DISCOVERY Surveyed 5/10/1734 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jul 1737 by James Barnes for 235 acres repatented as Three Brothers; originally surveyed by Col. John Dorsey for Nicholas Day but transferred to James Barnes; adjoining Mount Gilboa Ellicott City - West
DEAR BOUGHT Surveyed 4/11/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by John Hood for 3.5 acres; "Beginning at the end of nineteen perches on the south five degrees west thirty four perches line of a tract or parcel of land called Conclusion it being the second line from a bounded white oak the same being a boundary of the said tract" Cooksville
DEAVERS CHOICE Surveyed 1/20/1716 by John Clark; Patented in Sep 1723 by Stephen Deaver for 100 acres repatented as Rock Hall; in Baltimore County starting "on the west side of Brown's River" Columbia - South
DEAVERS LOT Surveyed 5/9/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1727 by Stephen Deaver for 200 acres repatented as Rock Hall; in Baltimore County on both sides of Brown's River starting near the Great Stone at the mouth of the Island Meadow Columbia - South
DEFIANCE - Dorsey Surveyed 9/2/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1761 by Philemon Dorsey for 100 acres; "beginning at the end of forty perches on the thirty eighth course of a tract of land called Silence" Woodbine
DEFIANCE - Hobbs Surveyed 9/1/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1762 by Joseph Hobbs for 80 acres repatented as The Trusty Friend; "between two drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent" Cooksville
DELAWARE BOTTOM Surveyed 9/28/1717 by John Clark; Patented in Aug 1719 by Elizabeth Jones for 300 acres repatented as Woodford; "lying in Baltimore County between the drafts of Patuxent River and Patapsco River". Sold to Samuel Howard by Matthias Hammond according to Hammond's Enlargement. Marriottsville
DENTONS PART OF THE SECOND DISCOVERY Surveyed 3/3/1725 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Sep 1729 by Vachel Denton for 500 acres; Resurvey of southern half of The Second Discovery for Vachel Denton Ellicott City - West
DEPENDENCE Surveyed 4/22/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1755 by John Dorsey for 928 acres repatented as Dependence Renewed; Resurvey of Struggle For Life "on the drafts of Snowdens River in the Barrans", adjoins Henry And Peter, Curry Galls, and Dorseys Range Glenwood
DEPENDENCE RENEWED Surveyed 3/25/1818 by John Duvall; Patented in Jan 1819 by Richard Dorsey for 478 acres; Resurvey of Dependence Glenwood
DISAPPOINTMENT Surveyed 9/2/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1761 by Philemon Dorsey for 400 acres repatented as Resurvey On The Disappointment; "beginning at the end of the forty-fifth course of a tract of land called Silence" and proceeding north and west from there Woodbine
DISCORD Surveyed 4/25/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1757 by John Hood for 18 acres; "on the drafts of the western falls of Patapsco River and joyning a tract of land called the Conclusion Beginning at the end of the twenty fourth course of the afsd land called the Conclusion" Sykesville
DISPUTE ENDED Surveyed 4/25/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1752 by John Dorsey for 306 acres repatented as Howards Improvement; Resurvey of Southern Addition "on the drafts of the Patuxent River" by splitting off two separate parts for John Dorsey with the rest remaining with Philip Hammond, first part starting at the beginning tree of Jack's Peacock, the second part starting at the beginning trees of Charities Purchase and James Lot Marriottsville
DODDERIDGES FORREST Patented in Mar 1695 by John Dodderidge for 200 acres repatented as Hammond's Inheritance Ellicott City - West
DOOHOREGAN Patented in Jul 1702 by Charles Carroll for 7000 acres repatented as Doohoregan (Resurveyed) Ellicott City - West
DOOHOREGAN - Resurveyed Patented in May 1711 by Charles Carroll for 10000 acres repatented as Doohoregan (Resurveyed Again); Resurvey of Doohoregan Ellicott City - West
DOOHOREGAN (Resurveyed Again) Surveyed 11/20/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Nov 1724 by Charles Carroll for 10480 acres; Resurvey of Doohoregan (Resurveyed), filed as an unpatented certificate Ellicott City - West
DORSEYS ADDITION Surveyed 4/30/1742 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1745 by Henry Dorsey for 60 acres repatented as Dorsey's Second Addition; "in the fork of Patuxent River Beginning at the end of the eighteenth course or line of a tract of land called Worthington's Range" Clarksville
DORSEYS ADDITION TO THOMAS LOT Surveyed 8/28/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1750 by Edward Dorsey for 348 acres; Resurvey of Edward Dorsey's 202-acre share of Thomas' Lot "in the Great Fork of Patuxent River", bounds along Geists Branch, adjoins Left Out Dayton
DORSEYS ADVENTURE Patented in Jun 1688 by John Dorsey for 400 acres repatented as Dorsey's Inheritance; Original plat shown in resurvey but missing some of the original course measurements Ellicott City - East
DORSEYS ANGLES Surveyed 6/2/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Joshua Dorsey for 200 acres; "on a branch of Patapsco River called Deep Run" starting at a bounded tree that stands on both Timber Neck and Batchelor's Hall Elkridge
DORSEYS CHANCE - Caleb Surveyed 4/13/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Feb 1722 by Caleb Dorsey for 200 acres; lying at Elk Ridge in Baltimore County starting at "a bounded tree of the land called Moore's Morning Choice" Elkridge
DORSEYS CHANCE - Joshua Surveyed 9/13/1718 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1722 by Joshua Dorsey for 150 acres; in Baltimore County at Elk Ridge near "a draft of a great branch called Ridgelys Great Branch and on the east side of the said branch" Elkridge
DORSEYS FRIENDSHIP AND HIGGINS CHANCE Surveyed 6/22/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jul 1733 by Thomas Higgins for 115 acres repatented as Joseph's Advancement; "in the fork of the Middell River of Patuxent and on the Western Branch thereof" West Friendship
DORSEYS GROVE Surveyed 8/9/1721 by John Dorsey; Patented in Sep 1723 by John Dorsey for 1030 acres repatented as Champion Forrest and Benjamin's Addition; in Baltimore County "on the west side of Carrolls Mannor and on the north side of a tract of land called Good Range" West Friendship
DORSEYS HILL Surveyed 3/15/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1736 by Joshua Dorsey for 200 acres; adjoining Batchelor's Hall "near unto a place called Elkridge" starting "in the fork of a draft of a run called Middell Run" Elkridge
DORSEYS INHERITANCE Surveyed 2/10/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Sep 1732 by Edward Dorsey for 750 acres; Resurvey of Dorsey's Adventure and Whittecars's Purchase Ellicott City - East
DORSEYS INTRUST Surveyed 2/18/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jul 1762 by Vachel Dorsey for 30 acres; "being on the western fall of Patapsco River partly in Ann Arundell and part in Baltimore county", adjoining Salethea(Salopia) Sykesville
DORSEYS LANE Surveyed 12/13/1760 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Oct 1761 by Eli Dorsey for 130 acres repatented as Four Brothers Portion; including unpatented land within the boundaries of The Discovery Columbia - West
DORSEYS MILL SEAT Surveyed 5/24/1824 by John Duvall; Patented in Jul 1825 by Mortimer Dorsey for 29 acres; Resurvey of part of Good Will To His Lordship, part of The Neglect, part of Hills And Dales, part of Cherry Bottom, and The Resurvey On Dorseys Range. Woodbine
DORSEYS RANGE Surveyed 5/7/1746 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1746 by John Dorsey for 233 acres; "on the drafts of Snowdens River" beginning "in the fork of a draft of Bush Cabbin Branch descending into the afsd river to the west side of of a high point or ridge" Woodbine
DORSEYS RANGE - Resurveyed Surveyed 1/30/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1748 by John Dorsey for 430 acres; Resurvey of tract of same name "on the drafts of that Branch of Patuxent called the Cattail River", also refers to Bush and Limm's Cabbin Branch Woodbine
DORSEYS SEARCH - John Patented in Mar 1696 by John Dorsey for 479 acres; Site of Dorsey Hall (Ely Dorsey (to Richard Ridgely to Caleb Dorsey of Caleb) Ellicott City - West
DORSEYS SECOND ADDITION Surveyed 9/26/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1755 by Henry Dorsey for 462 acres; Resurvey of Dorsey's Addition starting "at the end of the eighteenth course of a tract of land called Worthington's Range being the original beginning place of the afsd Dorseys Addition" Clarksville
DOUGHOREGAN ENLARGED by Patented in Aug 1822 by Charles Carroll for 13360 acres Ellicott City - West
DRYERS INHERITANCE Patented in Mar 1695 by Samuel Dryer for 254 acres repatented as Hammond's Inheritance; Later resurvey says 1696 Ellicott City - West
DUNGHILL GROUND THICKET Surveyed 4/26/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1754 by James Barnes for 314 acres; Resurvey of 150 acres by same name originally surveyed in 1740 "on the drafts of Snowdens River in the Barrans" Woodbine
DUNKEL Surveyed 1/17/1737 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1739 by John Campbell for 228 acres repatented as South Bran; "in the fork of Patuxent River on the east side of Cambels (Campbells) Chance" beginning "at the head of the chief branch of Haystack Meadow" Clarksville
DUVALLS RANGE Surveyed 5/1/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1731 by Samuel Duvall for 300 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River on both sides of a branch called Hanks's branch" .. "Beginning at two bounded white oaks standing at the head of a draft leading out on the south side of the aforesaid Hanks's branch" Glenwood
EAGLE TOWER Surveyed 11/16/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jun 1768 by Robert Davis for 8 acres; Adjoining Hatherly's Contrivance Ellicott City - West
EDWARDS DISCOVERY Surveyed 3/22/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1750 by Philip Edwards for 350 acres repatented as Hammond's Enlargement; Resurvey of Edward's Hopewell, partly in AA County and partly in Baltimore County, near to the fork in the falls of the Patapsco River, adjoining Hammond's Pursuit, Northern Addition, and Tivises Adventure. John Brunt sold part to Charles Hipsley, another part to William Swartz. Marriottsville
EDWARDS HOPEWELL Patented in Sep 1749 by Philip Edwards for 21 acres repatented as Edward's Discovery Marriottsville
EDWARDS LOT Surveyed 6/8/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1747 by Philip Edwards for 50 acres repatented as Hammond's Enlargement; Adjoining Woodford, starting near "a small draft that loads into Patapsco Falls" Marriottsville
ELLICOTTS PARK Surveyed 6/25/1802 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Jul 1804 by George Ellicott for 22.25 acres; "located adjoining the tracts of land called Calebs Vineyard and The Pavement lying in Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties", "lying and being in Anne Arundel County adjoining and between a tract of land called Haywards Discovery and the aforesaid tract called Calebs Vineyard" starting "at the end of thirteen perches in the second line of a tract of land called Calebs Vineyard" Ellicott City - East
EQUITABLE Surveyed 12/11/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1751 by Henry Howard for 50 acres repatented as Howard's Resolution; lying "on the north side of the Doohoregan Manor" starting at trees on Bishop's Range West Friendship
EVERYTHING Surveyed 4/16/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1764 by Vachel Warfield for 50 acres; Share the same beginning trees with Anything Dayton
EXCHANGE - Dorsey Surveyed 1/24/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Philemon Dorsey for 70 acres; "between a tract of and called Dorsey's Grove and a tract of land called Partnership Beginning at the end of the second course of the said Dorsey's Grove" Dayton
EXCHANGE - MacGill Surveyed 9/8/1763 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1765 by James Macgill for 28 acres; "Beginning at a large stone marked IM on the east side of one of the main drafts of Patuxent River it being the beginning of a tract of land called Deavours (Deavers) Lott", borders along the southern and eastern border of Deaver's Choice Columbia - South
FAR ENOUGH Surveyed 12/11/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by William Hankes for 100 acres repatented as Brown's Enlargement; in the great fork of the Patuxent River, starting "about 40 yards to the northwards of a branch called Howards Branch leading into the North Branch or Snowdens River" Glenelg
FELICITY Surveyed 2/26/1785 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1795 by John Sterrett for 1696.5 acres repatented as Hazelwood; Resurvey of parts of Steven's Forrest, Whitacre's Chance, Cash Upon Cash, Triangle, and Brown's The Addition formerly belonging to Mathias Hammond Columbia - West
FERRY BRIDGE Surveyed 6/11/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Mar 1728 by Thomas Wainwright for 224 acres repatented as Gaither's Adventure; in Baltimore County "on the west side of Patapsco falls" Ellicott City - West
FIND IT IF YOU CAN - Mansell Surveyed 11/12/1756 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1756 by Samuel Mansell for 5 acres repatented as Look Sharp; "on the drafts of Snowdens River and near to the land called Chesnut Hill" Mt. Airy
FIND IT IF YOU CAN - Welsh Surveyed 3/12/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Mar 1767 by Charles Welsh for 1 acres repatented as Columbia; starting south of a hill called the Mine Bank Hill, described in the unpatented resurvey called The Victory, shown in the plat for Columbia Woodbine
FINE SOIL FORREST Surveyed 5/15/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in May 1745 by Peter Barnes for 95 acres repatented as Henry And Peter; "on the head draughts of the Middle River of Patuxent" starting "on the west side of the head of a branch leading into the aforesaid River" Glenwood
FINISH Surveyed 4/14/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Nov 1768 by Henry Howard for 71 acres; "Beginning at the end of the fiftieth course of a tract of land called Invasion" Sykesville
FIRE TONGS Surveyed 9/7/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jul 1768 by Richard Yeates for 8 acres; "Beginning at the beginning of a tract or parcel of land called Browns Purchase" Jessup
FIRST ADDITION TO ARNOLDS FANCY Surveyed 1/11/1785 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1786 by Charles Carroll for 8 acres; adjoining and between Hartherly's Contrivance, Eagle's Tower, the Mistake, Arnold's Fancy Ellicott City - West
FIRST ADDITION TO LITTLE WORTH Surveyed 1/24/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by John Hood for 2 acres; "Beginning at the end of the third course of Little Worth" Cooksville
FIRST CHOICE Surveyed 6/7/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Aug 1784 by George Whipps for 21 acres; "on the south side of the main western falls of Patapsco River" starting "near the end of the fifth line of a tract or parcel of land called Forrest Grove which was on the 15th day of November AD 1732 granted unto a certain John Whipps (grandfather to the said George Whipps) for 90 acres of land" .. "on the west side of the head of one of the drafts of the Second Branch that is above Bens Branch" Sykesville
FIRST DISCOVERY Surveyed 3/16/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1757 by Caleb Dorsey for 234 acres; on the drafts between Deep Run and Patapsco Falls south of Moore's Morning Choice Elkridge
FIRST DIVISION Surveyed 4/10/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1745 by Henry Howard for 458 acres; Resurvey of the rest of The Second Part Of Discovery "on the east side of the Middle River of Patuxent" adjoining Discovery, Kendall's Enlargement, The Disart, Brown's Addition, Pushpin, and Doohoregan Mannor. Ellicott City - West
FOOD PLENTY Surveyed 7/20/1720 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Jun 1734 by Thomas Reynolds for 830 acres; "on the east side of Ridgelys Great Branch" Jessup
FOSTERS FANCY Patented in Nov 1727 by Henry Ayton for 95 acres repatented as Foster's Fancy (Resurveyed) Elkridge
FOSTERS FANCY - Resurveyed Surveyed 3/27/1728 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Mar 1733 by Henry Ayton for 98 acres repatented as Hanover; Resurvey of same tract with vacancies "on the south side of Patapsco River and near the head thereof" Elkridge
FOSTERS MAKESHIFT Surveyed 10/20/1742 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1746 by Hugh Foster for 50 acres; "in the fork of Patuxent River" starting "on the south side of a branch called Gishs(Geists?) branch", see plats for Grimes Venture and Moorehouse's Generousity for proper location further southeast Clarksville
FOUR BROTHERS PORTION Surveyed 2/12/1812 by Charles Stewart; Patented in May 1812 by Richard Owings for 1210 acres; Resurvey of Luck Supported, Dunkell, Pinch Close Forrest, part of The Addition To The Grove, part of The Fourth Division Of The Discovery, part of The Fifth Division Of The Discovery, part of Dorsey's Lane, part of Southbran, part of Campbell's Chance, and Richmond's Lot Columbia - West
FOXHUNTERS UNITED FRIENDSHIP Surveyed 10/23/1770; Patented in Oct 1770 for 3360 acres repatented as Honest Triumph; Resurvey of Saint James Park given a certificate but evidently never patented due to errors, was amended to exclude land in Mansells Purchase, Just In Sight, Sherwoods Forrest, and the String Enlarged and now named Honest Triumph lying entirely in Anne Arundel county Mt. Airy
FREDERICKS BURGH Surveyed 2/16/1756 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1756 by Henry Griffith for 590 acres repatented as Addition To Part Of Fredericks Borough and Warfields Connection; Resurvey of Hickory Forrest "on the branches of Snowdens River of Patuxent in the Barrans", vacancy starting "..on a hill about 100 yards distance from the east side of a draft of Snowdens River called and known by the name of Linn Cabbin Branch", near "the main road that leads up by John Mobberley's old plantation to John Welshes.." Woodbine
FREEBORNS PROGRESS Patented in Dec 1695 by Thomas Freeborn for 600 acres repatented as Smiths Fortune Ellicott City - West
FRIENDSHIP - Carroll Surveyed 3/25/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1755 by Charles Carroll for 62 acres; "on that branch of Patuxent called Browns River" beginning "at the end of the first course of a tract of land called Porters Care and in the north course of a tract of land called Shipards [sic - Shephards] Forest" Ellicott City - West
FRIENDSHIP - The Platt Resurveyed Surveyed 2/18/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1748 by William Spires for 153 acres; Resurvey of The Platt "in the great fork of Patuxent River and on the east side of a branch of the said River called the Cattail River", adjoining Gilpin Glenelg
FRIENDSHIP - West Surveyed 8/23/1792 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Oct 1793 by Stephen West for 237 acres; Resurvey of Remnant Corrected Elkridge
FRIENDSHIP ENLARGED Surveyed 2/14/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Feb 1771 by Henry Ridgely for 1915 acres repatented as Prospect Hill; Resurvey of Friendship lying in both AA and Frederick counties, omitting land in elder surveys (Hobb's Purchase, Dickersons Chance) adjoining Black Walnut Plains and Henry And Elizabeth Mt. Airy
FRIZELLS CHANCE Patented in Nov 1735 by Thomas Worthington for 84 acres repatented as Windsor Plains; Adjoining Mount Aetna, see resurvey for courses Ellicott City - West
FROSTS VENTURE Surveyed 10/22/1801 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Sep 1802 by John Jr. Frost for 23 acres; "being partly in Anne Arundel and part in Baltimore county adjoining and between" Salophia and Dorsey's Intrust starting "at the beginning of the land called Salophia it also being the beginning of the land called Dorsey's Intrust" Sykesville
GAITHERS ADVENTURE Surveyed 2/10/1776 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1776 by Edward Gaither for 210 acres repatented as Three Brothers; Resurvey of Ferry Bridge adjoining Pinkstone's Delight, Mount Gilboa, Rebecca's Lot starting at "beginning tree of Mt. Gilboa and the beginning tree of Days Discovery" Ellicott City - West
GAITHERS CHANCE Surveyed 1/24/1746 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1747 by Samuel Gaither for 50 acres; "on the west side of the Middle River Patuxent on the drafts of a branch called Sagulons(?) branch", adjoining Thomas Lott and Altogether Dayton
GAITHERS ENLARGEMENT Surveyed 9/4/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in May 1763 by Samuel Gaither for 100 acres; Resurvey of Gaither's Chance beginning at "the end of the north eighty degrees west line of a tract of land called Worthington's Range" Clarksville
GARDINERS GARDIN Surveyed 1/8/1716 by John Clark; Patented in Sep 1716 by William Gardner for 100 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; in Baltimore County "southwest side of the main falls of Patapsco River" Ellicott City - West
GARDINERS MILL Surveyed 1/8/1716 by John Clark; Patented in Oct 1716 by Christopher Gardner for 100 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; in Baltimore County "southwest side of the main falls of Patapsco River" Ellicott City - West
GEISTS PLAINS Surveyed 2/17/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1725 by Thomas Bordley for 540 acres; in Baltimore County "on the west side of a branch of Patuxent called Browns River" starting "at the head of a draught of Clarks (Charles?) A?em? Branch known by the name of the ?ock draught and in the line of the fourth course of a tract of land called The Discovery" Columbia - West
GET THROUGH IT IF YOU CAN Surveyed 8/1/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Mar 1813 by Samuel Welsh for 1.25 acres; "Beginning at the end of the fortyeth line of the land called Hampton Court" Mt. Airy
GILPIN Surveyed 12/3/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Thomas Athorpe for 250 acres repatented as Pressby; "in the uppermost fork on Snowdens River of Patuxent commonly now called Pinkstone's Fork" Brookevillle
GIRLS PORTION Patented in Jun 1705 by Richard Kethin for 100 acres Columbia - West
GLEN OWEN Surveyed 10/24/1817 by John Duvall; Patented in Feb 1819 by William Gwynn for 419 acres; Resurvey of Valley Of Owen adjoining Bensons Park and Chews Vineyard Ellicott City - East
GOOD FELLOWSHIP Patented in Mar 1728 by Christopher Randall for 536 acres; Adjoining Hammond's Enlargement Woodstock
GOOD FOR LITTLE Surveyed 1/22/1723 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1725 by Richard Barnes for 250 acres; in Baltimore County on Elk Ridge, adjoining Troy to the south of it Elkridge
GOOD HOPE Surveyed 7/15/1793 by Archibald Orne; Patented in Apr 1796 by Walter Magruder for 122 acres; "lying partly in Montgomery partly in Anne Arundel County" beginning "at the beginning tree of a tract of land called Pork Plenty if no Thieves", narrow strip running along the east boundary of Pork Plenty If No Thieves and the southern boundary of Terra Execultabilis Woodbine
GOOD LUCK Surveyed 5/30/1771 by James Calder; Patented in Aug 1773 by Michael Mackinzie for 50 acres repatented as Good Luck Enlarged; lying partly in Anne Arundel county and partly in Baltimore county bounded by Sewells Contrivance, Carters Whim, Grays Bower, and Batchelors Choice starting "at the end of the fifteenth line of a tract of land called Sewells Contrivance"; Sewell's Contrivance runs along the north side of the Patapsco in Baltimore County Ellicott City - West
GOOD LUCK ENLARGED Surveyed 5/30/1792 by Thomas Gist; Patented in Dec 1796 by Melcher Keener for 82 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; Resurvey of Good Luck adjoining Sewell's Contrivance, McKenzie Will, Carter's Whim, Gray's Bower, Batchelors Choice, and Fools Folly Ellicott City - West
GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD - Prestidge Surveyed 11/16/1759 by Loch Weems; Patented in Nov 1759 by John Prestidge for 7.5 acres repatented as West Ilchester; "near the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "near the lines of a tract of land called and known by the name of Bolten's Old Fiealds near the main falls of Patapsco River" (probably Bowden's Folly) Ellicott City - East
GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD - Ridgely Surveyed 10/9/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Oct 1732 by Henry Ridgely for 250 acres repatented as Resurvey Of Tracts; "at the head drafts of Dorseys Great Branch and adjoining a tract of land called Ridgely's Care" Highland
GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD - Shipley Surveyed 4/11/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1743 by Adam Shipley for 100 acres repatented as Good Neighborhood Enlarged; "on the south side of the Westernmost Draft of the Great Falls of Patapsco River" Sykesville
GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD ENLARGED Surveyed 3/10/1746 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1746 by Adam Shipley for 340 acres repatented as Selby's Inheritance; Resurvey of Good Neighborhood, adjoining Shipley's Search, John's Chance, Shipley's Discovery; near "a great branch called and known by the name of the Bridge Branch" Sykesville
GOOD RANGE Surveyed 5/8/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1719 by Edmond Benson for 1000 acres; in Baltimore County adjoining Altogether Ellicott City - West
GOOD WILL Surveyed 9/29/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1762 by William Fisher for 100 acres; starting "on the north side of a draft called Snake ? Draft" Woodbine
GOOD WILL TO HIS LORDSHIP Surveyed 10/6/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1764 by Samuel Musgrove for 480 acres; Resurvey of Hammond's Delight with vacancies Woodbine
GOOSE NECK Surveyed 1/2/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Jan 1744 by Benjamin Lawrence for 100 acres repatented as Benjamin's Addition; "partly between two tracts of land one called Dorseys Grove the other called Ovenwood Thicketts" Glenelg
GOSNELLS CHANCE Surveyed 2/11/1721 by John Dorsey; Patented in Feb 1721 by James Gosnell for 150 acres; in Baltimore County "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "near the head of a branch called Cranberry Branch" Ellicott City - West
GRAYS BOWER Surveyed 5/30/1718 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1718 by Jane Gray for 100 acres repatented as Gray's Bower (Resurveyed); in Baltimore County "the south side the main falls of Patapsco" starting near "the mouth of a branch called Bucks Branch" Ellicott City - West
GRAYS BOWER - Resurveyed Surveyed 9/4/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1743 by William Cumming for 110 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; Resurvey of tract of same name Ellicott City - West
GRECIAN SIEGE Surveyed 11/30/1754 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1754 by Joshua Shipley for 39.5 acres repatented as Grecian Siege - Resurveyed; "on Elk Ridge and on a draft of Deep Run next adjoining a tract of land called Troy"; Joshua Shipley transferred the certificate to Caleb and Edward Dorsey and Alexander Lawson in Feb 1757. Elkridge
GRECIAN SIEGE - Resurveyed Surveyed 2/20/1756 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1757 by Caleb Dorsey for 412 acres; Resurvey of tract with same name, adjoining Good For Little, Troy, Caleb's Purchase, and Isle of Ely Elkridge
GREENS DELIGHT Surveyed 5/30/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in May 1734 by Richard Green for 100 acres; "on the east side of Snowdens River of Patuxent above a tract of land called Hammond And Geist" beginning "on a level between a hill and the aforesaid river" Clarksville
GREENS MEADOW Surveyed 12/3/1760 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jan 1761 by Richard Green for 60 acres; starting near "a north hill side near to a branch called Spurriers Branch" Clarksville
GRIFFITHS RANGE Surveyed 11/4/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1731 by Henry Griffith for 360 acres repatented as Cole's Choice; in Baltimore County on the east side of Patuxent River als: Brown's River, adjoining Cockshill Columbia - South
GRIMES CHANCE Surveyed 10/16/1742 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1745 by James Grimes for 90 acres repatented as Grimes Venture; "on a branch of Snowdens River of Patuxent called Spurriers Branch" starting "on a hillside and on the south side of the head of a draft of the said Spurriers Branch" Clarksville
GRIMES VENTURE Surveyed 8/18/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1750 by James Grimes for 232 acres; Resurvey of Grimes' Chance "in the great fork of Patuxent River on a branch called Spurriers Branch", adjoining Lemington, Spurriers Lott, then crossing Spurriers Branch, Left Out, Fosters Makeshift Clarksville
GRIMMETTS CHANCE Surveyed 11/1/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Feb 1728 by Thomas Worthington for 100 acres; in Baltimore County "on the east side of the Middle River of Patuxent and on the southward of Carroll Mannor" Clarksville
GROG Surveyed 3/30/1758 by Loch Weems; Patented in Mar 1758 by William Ridgely for 40 acres; north of Left Out Clarksville
GUINNS PURCHASE Surveyed 12/19/1790 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Sep 1791 by Dr. Lyde Goodwin for 309 acres; Resurvey of part of Woodford adjoining Hammond's Enlargement, starting "on the east side of Delaware Bottom Branch and near to the mouth of said branch where it intersects with the western falls of Patapsco River" adjoining Taylor's Park, Snowdens Cowpen Regulated, and Bryar Bottom Marriottsville
HALF PONE Patented in Jun 1706 by James Barley for 300 acres; adjoining Whole Gammon as of 1741 Ellicott City - West
HALLS LOT - Elijah Surveyed 8/27/1739 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1740 by Elijah Hall for 3 acres; "on the South side of the Patapsco River and near the head there of and between two branches descending into said river the one called Deep Run and the other called Stoney Run" starting near "a spring descending into Stoney Run" Jessup
HALLS LOT - Joseph Surveyed 8/4/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1753 by Joseph Hall for 128 acres; "joyning a tract of land called Warfields Contrivance" beginning "at the end of the last course of the afsd Warfields Contrivance" Columbia - South
HAMMOND AND GEIST Surveyed 6/7/1723 by James Weems; Patented in Mar 1730 by Christian Geist for 1000 acres; "on the east side of a branch of Patuxent called Snowden's River, adjoining Benj. Gaither's Bite the Biter Highland
HAMMONDS DELIGHT Surveyed 1/1/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1743 by John Moberly for 40 acres; "on a branch of Snowdens River" starting "on the west side of a branch of Snowdens River called Piney Branch" Brookevillle
HAMMONDS DISCOVERY - Charles Surveyed 10/23/1798 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Mar 1805 by Charles Hammond for 699.75 acres; Resurvey of Southern Addition, Walkers Lane [ed. should be Walkers Laying], Bishops Outlet, Howards Resolution, Equitable, Bishops Range, Woodford West Friendship
HAMMONDS DISCOVERY - Philip Surveyed 4/26/1756 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1758 by Philip Hammond for 74 acres; Resurvey of Addition to Harberts Care adjoining Batchelor's Hall, Troy Elkridge
HAMMONDS ELK RIDGE CONNECTION Surveyed 11/19/1795 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Sep 1818 by John Hammond for 709 acres; Resurvey of Phelps Luck, Addition To Phelps Luck, Recovery, John's Lot [ed. Hammond's Lot], and part of Major's Choice Columbia - East
HAMMONDS ENLARGEMENT Surveyed 12/1/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jun 1798 by Col. Rezin Hammond for 1877 acres repatented as Woodford (Resurveyed); Resurvey of Northern Addition, Edwards Discovery, Edwards Lot, Woodford, Mill Meadow, Intervene, and Jack's Peacock Marriottsville
HAMMONDS INHERITANCE Surveyed 3/1/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Oct 1796 by Col. Rezin Hammond for 2348 acres; Resurvey combining Kendall's Delight, Dryer's Inheritance (1695), Doddridge Forrest (1696), part of Kendall's Delight (1701), The Enlargement (1704), Second Division (1745), The Desart (1696), part of Brown's Forrest (1695), and The Addition (1709) Ellicott City - West
HAMMONDS LOT Surveyed 5/11/1737 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1748 by John Hammond for 152 acres repatented as Hammond's Elk Ridge Connection; Resurvey of northern part of Major's Choice Columbia - East
HAMPTON COURT Surveyed 4/7/1765 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Nov 1767 by Thomas Johnson for 1710 acres repatented as Trouble For Nothing; Resurvey of Pillaged Land with vacancies lying in both Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties, adjoining Moberley's Tavern to the south and Favour And Ease to the west Mt. Airy
HAMUTELS CHOICE Surveyed 7/31/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jul 1755 by Richard Welsh for 5 acres; "on the drafts of Snowden River of Patuxent in the Barrans" starting "on the west side of a hill facing one of the drafts of the Cattail River"
HANOVER Surveyed 3/5/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jul 1737 by Dr. Charles Carroll for 679 acres; Resurvey of Cusacks Forest, Cusacks Wellfare, and Fosters Fancy lying "on the south side of the western branch of Patapsco River", further described in the survey for Maccubbin's Search Hanover
HARBERTS CARE Patented in Mar 1696 by Elinor Harbett for 146 acres; Adjoining Hammond's Discovery (Harbetts Clear on map) Elkridge
HARD LODGING Surveyed 7/9/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1752 by John Howard for 22 acres; "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco River", adjoining Poole's Chance to the west according to that patent Cooksville
HARD TO GET AND DEAR PAID FOR Surveyed 9/5/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1747 by John Moberly for 114 acres repatented as Hard To Get And Dear Paid For (Resurveyed); "in the fork between Snowdens River and Cattail River" Brookevillle
HARD TO GET AND DEAR PAID FOR - Resurveyed Surveyed 7/3/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by Neale Clark for 320 acres repatented as Hard To Get And Dear Paid For (Resurveyed Again); Resurvey of tract of the same name "in the fork of Snowdens River" Brookevillle
HARD TO GET AND DEAR PAID FOR (Resurveyed Again) Surveyed 10/6/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jul 1765 by Thomas Snowden for 668 acres; Resurvey of tract of the same name, not sure why the patent went to the Snowdens; adjoins Presley/Pressby, Barren Ridge, Bare Ground, southwest corner in Frederick county Brookevillle
HARRISONS CHANCE Surveyed 7/4/1728 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Thomas Harrison for 62 acres repatented as Hebron; "on the south side of the Great falls of Patapsco River" adjoining Gardiners Mill and near a cave called Owings Cave Ellicott City - West
HARRYS LOT - Ridgely Surveyed 3/15/1732 by Charles Calvert; Patented in Jun 1734 by Henry Ridgely for 702 acres; Resurvey of Ridgelys Forrest and Ridgelys Addition Jessup
HARRYS LOT - Warfield Surveyed 4/9/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1762 by John Warfield for 99 acres repatented as Resurvey On Harry's Lott; "near the head of a small draft that descends into Snowdens River", resurvey starts "at the end of the twenty third course of a tract of land called Fredericksborough it being abounder of said land" Woodbine
HATHERLYS CONTRIVANCE Surveyed 2/1/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1750 by John Hatherly for 250 acres; Resurvey of Hatherly's Forrest and Addition to Hatherly's Forrest "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River and on the branches of Patuxent River" Ellicott City - West
HATHERLYS FORREST Surveyed 8/12/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1742 by John Hatherly for 100 acres repatented as Hatherly's Contrivance; "on the north side of Patuxent River" Ellicott City - West
HATHERLYS RESOLUTION Surveyed 4/14/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1744 by John Hatherly for 50 acres; "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco and on both sides the mane waggon road leading to Monocacy" beginning "at the end of the south by west line of Hopstants [Hopsons] Choice it being a tract of land of John Mackinze and on the east side of the main waggon road aforesaid" Ellicott City - West
HAY FIELD Surveyed 4/14/1821 by John Duvall; Patented in Aug 1825 by Samuel Ridgely for 602 acres; Resurvey of Turkey Point, Howards Resolution, North Hills, and Second Discovery West Friendship
HAY LAND FARM Surveyed 3/14/1826 by John O'donnell; Patented in Aug 1828 by John O'donnell for 1305 acres; Resurvey of parts of Altogether, Worthington's Range, Brown's Chance & Dorsey's Friendship, Good Range, Dorsey's Addition Clarksville
HAY MEADOW Surveyed 11/18/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jul 1770 by Edward Dorsey for 23 acres; "beginning at the end of 412 perches of the second course of the land called Taylor's Park" Sykesville
HAYWARDS DISCOVERY Surveyed 3/2/1773 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1773 by Joshua Hayward for 47 acres; "Beginning at .. the beginning trees of a tract or parcel of land called Little Worth"; shown on the plat for West Ilchester Ellicott City - East
HAZARD Surveyed 2/2/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1726 by Thomas Howard for 50 acres repatented as Larances Purchase; in Baltimore County "on the west side of Brown's River of Patuxent on both sides the mouth of the north west branch on the southward of the land called Hoods Hall" starting at "the beginning tree of Kendall's Delight" Ellicott City - West
HAZELWOOD Surveyed 11/4/1801 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Apr 1814 by William Matthews for 522.5 acres; Resurvey of part of Felicity, part of Stevens Forest, and part of Whitacres Chance; adjoining Talbotts Resolution Manor Columbia - East
HEAD QUARTERS Surveyed 1/11/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1785 by Samuel Chase for 845 acres; Resurvey of the String Enlarged showing adjoining tracts Hampton Court, Pillaged Land, Empty Bottle, A Cork For The Empty Bottle, Mansell's United Friendship, and Range Declined Mt. Airy
HEBRON Surveyed 6/8/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Dec 1753 by John Hamilton for 212 acres repatented as Mount Calvary; Resurvey of Harrisons Chance "on the south west side of the main falls of Patapsco River", adjoining Gardiners Mill, Batchelors Choice, Thackers Chance, Gardiners Gardin, Cockey's Regulation Ellicott City - East
HENRY AND PETER Surveyed 10/6/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1751 by Peter Barnes for 585 acres repatented as Windsor; Resurvey of Fine soil Forrest "between the branches of the Middle River of Patuxent and the branches of Snowdens River in the Barrans", adjoining Boyling Springs, Round About Hills, Pheasant Ridge Glenwood
HENRY AND THOMAS Surveyed 8/18/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1719 by Thomas Worthington for 600 acres repatented as Worthington's Range; in Baltimore County beginning at a bounded tree on White Wine and Claret Clarksville
HENRYS LOT Surveyed 5/27/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jul 1768 by Henry Cutsary for 50 acres repatented as Henry's United Friendship; "on the west side of a branch called Mill Branch" Mt. Airy
HENRYS PARK Surveyed 3/22/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Adam Barnes for 100 acres; "near the head of the Middle River of Patuxent" starting "on the north side of the head of a branch called Barron Branch leading in on the east side of the aforesaid Middle River" West Friendship
HENRYS UNITED FRIENDSHIP Surveyed 6/30/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Aug 1770 by Samuel Mansell for 312.75 acres; Resurvey of Henry's Lott starting "near the east side of one of the drafts of Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch and about north from the said Henry Cutsary's dwelling plantation" at the beginning trees of I Have Been A Great While At Rest" Mt. Airy
HICKENS CHANCE AND DORSEYS FRIENDSHIP Surveyed 1/26/1723 by John Dorsey; Patented in 1725 by Thomas Hickens for 187.5 acres repatented as Joseph's Gift; "between Elk Ridge and the easternmost branch of Patuxent River", starting at New Year's Gift Columbia - East
HICKORY BOTTOM Surveyed 3/3/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1749 by Robert Davis for 10 acres; "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River Beginning at the end of the north seventy nine degrees west 370 perch course of a tract of land called Ranters Ridge" Woodstock
HICKORY FOREST Surveyed 3/13/1754 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1754 by Henry Griffith for 20 acres repatented as Fredericks Burgh; "in the fork of Snowden River" near the road "that leads from John Mobberley's old plantation to John Welsh's" Woodbine
HICKORY RIDGE Surveyed 11/17/1720 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Sep 1723 by Neale Clarke for 618 acres repatented as Hickory Ridge (Resurveyed); "near a branch of Patuxent River called Snowdens River and on the North side of the said river between the land called White Wine and Claret and the land called Snowdens Manner" Highland
HICKORY RIDGE - Resurveyed Surveyed 9/17/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1755 by Greenberry Ridgely for 418 acres; Resurvey of tract of same name to remove land lost to elder surveys, adjoining Partnership Highland
HILLS AND DALES Surveyed 3/10/1779 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Apr 1794 by John Dorsey for 40 acres; "adjoining the following tracts or parcels of land viz. Ridgelys Range, Ridgelys Great Park, Cherry Bottom, Trouble Enough, Pleasant Prospect and Dorseys Range" starting at the beginning trees of Cherry Bottom Woodbine
HOBBS BARGAIN MADE GOOD Surveyed 5/21/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Mar 1813 by John Welsh for 15 acres; "Beginning at the end of eight perches on the thirty third line of the land called Hampton Court", this is in the same place as Whats Left - French, perhaps the land became escheat since it was called a survey and not a resurvey Mt. Airy
HOBBS LOT Surveyed 4/30/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Samuel Hobbs for 65 acres repatented as Hobb's Lot Enlarged; "in the great fork of Patuxent River" starting "on the west side of the fork of Bacon Branch" Ellicott City - West
HOBBS LOT ENLARGED Surveyed 3/27/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Aug 1770 by Philip Warfield for 135 acres; Resurvey of Hobb's Lot, adjoining Altogether and Second Discovery Ellicott City - West
HOBBS PARK Surveyed 12/24/1722 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1725 by John Hobbs for 200 acres repatented as Stringer's Park; in Baltimore County on Elk Ridge Columbia - South
HOBBS REGULATION Surveyed 11/22/1798 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Feb 1812 by Henry Hobbs for 388 acres; Resurvey of Poverty Discovered, adjoining Cumberland, Winsor, Henry and Peter, Dorseys Friendship and Higgens Chance West Friendship
HOBBS SUPPORT Surveyed 8/6/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1745 by John Hobbs for 140 acres repatented as Luck Supported; "on both sides of that branch of Patuxent called Middle River on the south side of a tract of land called The Discovery" starting at a fork in the branch called Richmond Branch "at the end of the fifth course of a tract of land called Richmond's Lot" Columbia - West
HOBSONS CHOICE - Welsh Surveyed 5/7/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by John Welsh for 295 acres repatented as Bite The Skinner; Resurvey of Moberley's Rest on the drafts of Snowden's River (indexed as Hopkin's Choice at AA patent site), adjoining Wise Mans Folly, on the north side of a draft of the Cattail River and bordering a stoney ridge and a swamp Woodbine
HOLLANDS CHANCE Surveyed 9/30/1719 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Feb 1725 by George Budds for 400 acres; "lying in the fork of Patuxent" starting "near a small branch which runs into Snowdens River" Laurel
HOLLANDS SWEEP Surveyed 6/23/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jul 1770 by Anthony Holland for 22 acres; "Beginning at the end of twenty-five perches on the eighth line of a tract or parcel of land called Browns Enlargement" Glenelg
HONEST TRIUMPH Surveyed 6/15/1774 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Dec 1774 by Jonathan Pinkney for 1125 acres repatented as The Blooming Plains; Resurvey of Saint James Park (to correct errors in the earlier unpatented resurvey called Foxhunters United Friendship), separated into two tracts north and south of Sheerwood Forrest Mt. Airy
HOODS FRIENDSHIP Surveyed 3/1/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1754 by John Hood for 550 acres; Resurvey of John's Lott "on the drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent", adjoining Invasion, Pheasant Ridge, Henry And Peter Glenwood
HOODS HALL Surveyed 4/2/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Dec 1722 by Benjamin Hood for 100 acres; in Baltimore County "on the west side of the easternmost branch of Patuxent River (being called Brown's River)" Woodstock
HOODS HAVEN Surveyed 9/13/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1757 by James Hood for 20 acres repatented as Hood's Haven (Resurveyed); lying "on the main falls of Patapsco" starting at "the beginning tree of a tract of land called Bakers Delight" Ellicott City - East
HOODS HAVEN - Resurveyed Surveyed 1/8/1763 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Feb 1763 by John Hood for 115 acres; Resurvey of Hood's Haven Ellicott City - East
HOPSONS CHOICE - MacKinzie Surveyed 1/7/1716 by John Clark; Patented in Jan 1716 by John Mackinzie for 100 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; in Baltimore County "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "near the head of a branch called Cranberry Branch" Ellicott City - West
HOPSONS CHOICE - Mercier Surveyed 12/13/1765 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Feb 1766 by Luke Mercier for 503 acres repatented as Airy Hills And Pleasant Spriings; Resurvey of Mercier's Friendship lying partly in Baltimore county and partly in Anne Arundel county, adjoining Robert's Advantage, Concord, Rowleys Neck Cooksville
HOWARDS CHANCE - Cornelius Surveyed 4/19/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1749 by Cornelius Howard for 235 acres repatented as Resurvey Of Tracts - Howard; "in the great fork of Patuxent River", adjoining Worthington's Range and Clary's Forrest, it appeared to be part of Clary's Forrest but never patented as such Clarksville
HOWARDS CHANCE - Philip Surveyed 9/10/1740 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Philip Howard for 100 acres repatented as Creaghs Enlargement; "between Patuxent River and Patapsco fawls".."on the north side of a small branch called Plumtree Branch Ellicott City - West
HOWARDS FAIR AND AMICABLE SETTLEMENT Surveyed 3/23/1787 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1788 by Brice Howard for 788 acres; Resurvey of Howard's Passage, Steven's Forrest, and Second Part Of Discovery, lying on a small branch of Browns River, adjoining Girls Portion, The Addition Columbia - West
HOWARDS IMPROVEMENT Surveyed 12/1/1803 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Jan 1805 by John Eager Howard for 771 acres; Resurvey of The Mistake, Joshua's Loss And Dorsey's Advantage, and part of Dispute Ended Marriottsville
HOWARDS LUCK - Resurveyed Surveyed 4/23/1723 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Oct 1725 by Orlando Griffith for 801 acres repatented as Worthington's Plains; Resurvey of Howard's Luck adjoining Hammonds Land lying on and crossing the Patuxent River Savage
HOWARDS PASSAGE Surveyed 2/16/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1727 by Joseph Howard for 500 acres repatented as Howard's Fair And Amicable Settlement and Joseph's Gift; "lying in Baltimore County on the west side of a branch of Patuxent called Brown's River" Columbia - West
HOWARDS RESOLUTION - Cornelius Surveyed 3/25/1754 by Nicholas Ruxton Gay; Patented in Jan 1756 by Cornelius Howard for 465 acres repatented as Wilks And Liberty; Resurvey of part of Malone's Resolution lying partly in Baltimore County and partly in Anne Arundel, starting "near a small run descending into the western fork of Patapsco falls", the plat matches what is shown on the Warfield's Forest plat as extending south of the Patapsco and adjoining Warfield's Forest to the west. Woodbine
HOWARDS RESOLUTION - Henry Surveyed 7/29/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1753 by Henry Howard for 1184 acres repatented as Hay Field; Resurvey of Turkey Point and Equitable "on the drafts of that Branch of Patuxent called the Middle River", adjoining Brown's Chance And Captain Dorseys Friendship, Altogether, The Second Discovery, Dorsey's Grove, Poplar Spring Garden, Invasion, Woodford, Walkers Laying, Charities Purchase And James Lott, Doohoregan, Bishop's Range, Bishop's Outlet West Friendship
HUNTING GROUND Surveyed 3/3/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Sep 1726 by Nicholas Ridgely for 380 acres repatented as Worthingtons Improvements; in Baltimore County "on the east side of Middle River of Patuxent and on the north side of a tract of land called Ridgely's Range" beginning "by a run called Hunting Run" at the same trees as those beginning Ridgelys Range Columbia - West
HUNTINGDON Surveyed 10/25/1817 by John Duvall; Patented in Sep 1818 by Edward W. Dorsey for 263 acres; Resurvey of part of Rebeccas Lot and part of Mount Aetna Ellicott City - East
HUTCHCRAFTS FORTUNE Patented in Jun 1734 by Thomas Hutchcraft for 175 acres repatented as The Victory; "..on the south side of Spurrier Branch it being a draft of Snowdens River" Clarksville
I AM SATISFIED HERE Surveyed 2/1/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Feb 1777 by Hugh Finlay for 30 acres; "Beginning @ the end of twenty seven perches of the third line of a tract or parcel of land called A Piece By Itself" Mt. Airy
I HAVE BEEN A GREAT WHILE AT REST Surveyed 9/27/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Dec 1769 by Samuel Mansell for 25 acres; "in the Barrons" starting "on the east side of a draft of Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch and about north from Henry Cutsary's dwelling plantation" Mt. Airy
ILCHESTER Surveyed 5/10/1802 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Feb 1805 by Jonathan Ellicott for 100 acres; Lying partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Baltimore Counties , a resurvey of A Stony Hill Side, Batchelors Hope, Dyers Whim, Nicholas And Alexander, The Addition To Nicholas And Alexander, and part of Belinda Ellicott City - East
INDIANS GUN Surveyed 12/5/1797 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Mar 1812 by Nicholas Watkins for 282 acres; Resurvey of Dorseys Grove and part of Invasion West Friendship
INTERVENE Surveyed 4/12/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Dec 1790 by Ely Davis for 23 acres repatented as Hammond's Enlargement; Adjoining and between Northern Addition and Edward's Lot Marriottsville
INVASION Surveyed 5/27/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1747 by Adam Barnes for 1187 acres repatented as Clover Land; Resurvey of Adam's Forrest "on the head drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent", adjoining John's Lot, Dorsey's Grove, Poplar Spring Garden, Belts and Stevens Hills West Friendship
ISLE OF ELY Surveyed 2/21/1718 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1720 by Pleasance Dorsey for 200 acres; "lying at Elk Ridge in Baltimore County", adjoining Troy and Addition To Troy Elkridge
JACKS PEACOCK Surveyed 9/28/1717 by John Clark; Patented in Sep 1717 by Thomas Jacks for 300 acres repatented as Hammond's Enlargement Marriottsville
JAMES LOT Patented in Nov 1741 by James Norwood for 200 acres Fulton
JAMES LUCK Surveyed 10/8/1724 by James Weems; Patented in Nov 1726 by John James for 50 acres; "on the east side of a branch called Hammonds Branch"
JASONS MISTAKE Surveyed 5/17/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in May 1762 by John Hood for 10 acres; starting "on a bottom or hollow that descends into the western falls and near to the end of the south twelve degrees west thirty six perch course of a tract of land called Good Neighborhood" Sykesville
JOHN AND ELIZABETH Surveyed 5/26/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1758 by John Sellman for 286 acres repatented as Windsor Plains and Mount Hebron; Resurvey of Sewell's Lot "between the drafts of Patapsco Falls and the drafts of Browne River of Patuxent", intersects the twelfth course of Addition To Gardiners Gardin, intersects the sixth course of Johns Lookout, intersects the end of the tenth course of Yeates Addition, intersects the end of the third course of Frizells Chance, intersects the end of the second course of Taylors Hall, intersects the end of the sixth course of Gosnalls Chance, and adjoins Hopson's Choice Ellicott City - West
JOHNS ADVENTURE Surveyed 9/8/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1796 by John Hayward for 25.75 acres; wedge-shaped vacancy between Chew's Vineyard, Vine's Fancy, and Adam The First; beginning "at the end of the fifth line of a tract or parcel of land called Chews Vineyard" Ellicott City - East
JOHNS BEGINNING Surveyed 2/20/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Feb 1762 by John Welsh for 2 acres repatented as John's Beginning Enlarged; starting "near the head of a small draft that descends into Snowdens River and on the west side of the aforesaid draft", it is shown on the plat for Warfield's Addition Enlarged Woodbine
JOHNS BEGINNING ENLARGED Surveyed 1/20/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Feb 1764 by John Welsh for 236 acres repatented as John's Hurry; Resurvey of John's Beginning starting "on a hill side in the fork of two drafts of Snowdens River" which was the beginning of the original tract Woodbine
JOHNS CHANCE - Hammond BaCo Surveyed 4/2/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1748 by John Hammond for 1603 acres; Resurvey of Stoney Hills mostly in Baltimore County and partly in Anne Arundel County starting "on the west side of a branch called and known by the name of Sams Spring branch which leads into the north side of the western falls of Patapsco River" adjoining Johns Lot, Hammonds Fine Soil Forrest, Owensis(Owings?) Out Land Sykesville
JOHNS CHANCE - Hammond HoCo Surveyed 5/15/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in 1725 by John Hammond for 184 acres; "on the west side of Brown's River of Patuxent and between two tracts of land the one called Browns Forrest and the other the Addition formerly taken up by Thomas Brown of Ann Arundell county" Columbia - West
JOHNS HURRY Surveyed 4/3/1786 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1802 by John Welsh for 599 acres; Resurvey of Your Name, John's Beginning, Snug Bit, and part of Bite The Skinner, adjoining Additional Defense, Range Declined, Hobson's Choice, Moberley's Rest, Wise Mans Folly, and Pole Bridge Tract Woodbine
JOHNS LOOKOUT Surveyed 5/11/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1733 by John Gardiner for 100 acres repatented as Johns Lookout Enlarged; "near to a place called Upton" starting "on the east side of a branch called Island Runn and near to the plantation of John Yeates"; it was enlarged in Sep 1765 to 135 acres Ellicott City - West
JOHNS LOOKOUT ENLARGED Surveyed 3/15/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1765 by John Gardiner for 135 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; Resurvey of Johns Lookout adding adjoining vacancies Ellicott City - West
JOHNS LOT - Barnes Surveyed 3/22/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Adam Barnes for 100 acres repatented as Cumberland; "near to the head branches of the Middle River of Patuxent", the warrant was John Dorsey's part of a larger warrant granted to Joshua Dorsey Glenwood
JOHNS LUCK Surveyed 3/29/1804 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Sep 1805 by John Sappington for 42 acres; adjoining and between Brown's Purchase, Food Plenty, and Warfield's Contrivance starting at "the beginning tree of a tract of land called Brown's Purchase" Jessup
JOHNSONS CARE Surveyed 4/7/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1764 by Thomas Johnson for 154 acres; Resurvey of The Fork partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Frederick counties starting "at the end of the fourth line of the land calld Darby's Desire" Brookevillle
JONES ADDITION Surveyed 3/8/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Jones for 19 acres; beginning "at or near the end of the south east course it being two hundred and thirty perches in length of a tract of land now in the possession of the aforesaid John Jones called Cockshill" Columbia - East
JONES FANCY Surveyed 3/10/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Jones for 131 acres; "near to a place called Elkridge" starting "at the end of five perches distance in or near a north fifty four degrees east course from the end of the south east one hundred and eighteen perches course - it being also the tenth course of a tract of land called Griffith's Range" Columbia - South
JOSEPHS ADVANCEMENT Surveyed 5/1/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1750 by Joseph Hobbs for 312 acres repatented as Addition To Joseph's Advancement; Resurvey of Dorsey's Friendship And Higgins Chance, enlarged in Dec 1753 to 578 acres West Friendship
JOSEPHS AND JACOBS INVENTION Surveyed 3/2/1773 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1773 by Jacob Hayward for 171 acres; beginning "at the beginning trees of a tract or parcel of land called Caleb's Vineyard" Ellicott City - East
JOSEPHS GIFT Surveyed 7/18/1792 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Apr 1793 by Harry Howard for 1226.5 acres; Resurvey of part of Stevens Forest, Kilkenny, Rock Hall, Deavers Lot, part of Brown's Hopyard, part of Howard's Passage, Repentance, part of Atholl Enlarged, part of Richmond's Lot, part of Higgins (Hickens) Chance And Dorsey's Friendship, and Deaver's Choice Columbia - South
JOSEPHS HAZARD Surveyed 11/30/1723 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1723 by Joseph Howard for 100 acres repatented as Killkenny Joined; "lying in Baltimore County and on the east and west side of the Patuxent River" starting at "the beginning tree of a parcel of land called Kill-kaney" Columbia - East
JOSHUAS ADDITION Surveyed 2/2/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1723 by Joshua Sewell for 250 acres repatented as Mount Misery; in Baltimore County "on the south side the main falls of Patapsco River" on the "east side of a run called the Island Run", adjoining the land of Major Colegate(?), only 152 acres when repatented as the rest were part of Yate's Contrivance. Joshua Sewell conveyed to Thomas Cockey in 1725. Ellicott City - East
JOSHUAS DESIRE Surveyed 6/15/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1724 by Joshua Sewell for 136 acres repatented as Upton Park; in Baltimore County "on the south side the main falls of Patapsco River" starting near a bounded hickory of Rebecca's Lott, called Joshua's Delight by Upton Park resurvey. Joshua Sewell conveyed Joshuas Delight to Thomas Wainwright in 1724. Ellicott City - West
JOSHUAS EXPECTATION Surveyed 6/15/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jul 1726 by Joshua Sewell for 57 acres repatented as Upton Park; in Baltimore County "the south side the main falls of Patapsco River beginning at a bounded white oak of the land called Freeborn's Progress". Joshua Sewell conveyed to Thomas Wainwright in 1724. Ellicott City - West
JOSHUAS FOLLY Surveyed 11/1/1723 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1734 by Joshua Sewell for 40 acres; in Baltimore County "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River". Joshua Sewell conveyed to Thomas Cockey in 1725. Ellicott City - East
JOSHUAS GROVE Patented in Sep 1717 by Joshua Sewell for 100 acres repatented as Mount Misery; 104 acres when repatented. Philip sold to Lance Todd in 1724, Joshua Sewell conveyed to Thomas Cockey in 1725(?). Ellicott City - East
JOSHUAS LOSS AND DORSEYS ADVANTAGE Surveyed 11/4/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by Joshua Brown for 75 acres repatented as Howards Improvement; Resurvey of Whole Gammon "on the drafts of Patuxent River adjoining a tract of land called Half Pone", adjoining Doohoregan Manor, The Mistake, and Arnold's Fancy Ellicott City - West
JOSHUAS LOT Surveyed 5/12/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Mar 1763 by Joshua Dorsey for 6.5 acres repatented as Resurvey Of Tracts - Howard; "between three other tracts of parcels of land viz. White Wine And Claret, White Oak Orchard, and the land called Poor Mans Beginning" beginning "on the east side of a draft that descends into Claggetts Run Clarksville
JUST IN TIME Surveyed 11/28/1815 by John Duvall; Patented in Aug 1816 by Larkin Shipley for 50.5 acres; starting at "the original beginning trees of a tract of land called Brothers Partnership", adjoins Hammond's Elk Ridge Connection Ellicott City - East
JUSTICE REQUIRED Surveyed 3/23/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1757 by Henry Ridgely for 1024 acres; Resurvey of Henry Ridgely's part of Curry Galls - Resurveyed which was 257 acres Woodbine
KELLYS INGENUITY Surveyed 10/15/1802 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Dec 1810 by Levin Warfield for 5.25 acres; "Beginning at the end of the forty seventy line of a tract of land called Additional Chance encreased" Woodbine
KENDALLS DELIGHT Patented in May 1701 by John Jones for 500 acres repatented as Hammond's Inheritance; Later resurvey says Daniel Kendall Ellicott City - West
KENDALLS ENLARGEMENT Patented in Dec 1701 by John Jones for 400 acres repatented as Hammond's Inheritance; Later resurvey says Daniel Kendall Ellicott City - West
KILLKENNY Surveyed 9/2/1713; Patented in Sep 1713 by Richard Fowler for 100 acres repatented as Killkenny Joined; in Baltimore County "on the south side the main falls of Patapsco River" Columbia - East
KILLKENNY JOINED Surveyed 5/7/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Ephraim Howard for 2421 acres repatented as Joseph's Gift; Resurvey of Hazard and Killkenny "standing near Brown's River", adjoining Stevens Forrest, Deavers Lott, Higgens Chance and Dorseys Friendship Columbia - East
KINGSTON Surveyed 5/23/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1810 by John Hobbs for 10 acres; Surveyed in 1775 "Beginning at the end of forty five perches and a half of a perch on the sixth line of a tract or parcel of land called Bowdens Folly" Ellicott City - East
KINGSTON SUBURBS Surveyed 3/19/1776 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1797 by Jonathan Ellicott for 5 acres; "Beginning at the end of thirty six perches on the sixth line of a tract or parcel of land called Bowden's - it being the same place where a tract or parcel of land called Kingston begins Ellicott City - East
LARANCES PURCHASE Surveyed 8/15/1793 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Sep 1798 by Dr. Lyde Goodwin for 317 acres; Resurvey of part of Kendall's Delight, Hazard, Addition To Hazard, Second Addition To Hazard, Addition To Kendall's Delight; Third, Fourth, and Fifth Additions To Kendall's Delight Ellicott City - West
LARKIN THE SECOND Surveyed 1/20/1809 by John Hatherly; Patented in Jun 1810 by Larkin Shipley for 81 acres; lying partly in Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties beginning "at the end of the thirty first line of a tract of land called The Blooming Plains" Mt. Airy
LARKINS INHERITANCE Surveyed 11/28/1808 by John Hatherly; Patented in Feb 1810 by Larkin Shipley for 25.25 acres; beginning "at the end of twenty four perches on the fifteenth line of the land called Good For Little and at the end of the twenty first line of the tract called Grecian Seige"; appears to be in same place as Addition To Good For Little - perhaps the land had become escheat? Elkridge
LAST SHIFT Surveyed 5/1/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1756 by Robert Shipley for 345 acres; Resurvey of Shipley's Foresight between Shipley's Search, Forrest Grove, and Good Neighborhood Ellicott City - East
LASWELLS HOPEWELL Surveyed 4/10/1707 by James Carroll; Patented in Dec 1728 by Thomas Davis for 200 acres; "in the fork of Patuxent River" starting "near the fork of a small branch falling into a river called Snowdens River right against the mouth of which branch is a small island in the river aforesaid" Laurel
LEES RANGE Patented in Dec 1714 by Francis Lee for 90 acres repatented as WARFIELDS CONTRIVANCE - Resurveyed Columbia - South
LEFT OUT Surveyed 11/15/1727 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1730 by John Howard for 252.5 acres; Lying "on a glade called the Passion Glade leading into a branch of the Middle River of Patuxent called Siglands Branch" beginning "on the north side of the aforesaid passion glade and in or near a line of Thomas His Lot" Clarksville
LEMINGTON Surveyed 10/20/1742 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1742 by Robert Wright for 50 acres; "in the fork of Patuxent River", adjoining Spurriers Lott Clarksville
LESSWORTH Surveyed 4/11/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1773 by John Hood for 101 acres; Resurvey of John Hood's part of Worthless starting "at the end of the north thirty seven degrees west fifty perches course of a tract of land called Pooles Chance" Cooksville
LET JUSTICE TAKE PLACE Surveyed 8/17/1793 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Oct 1796 by John Cornelius for 15.75 acres; narrow vacancy between Carter's Rock and Yates' Contrivance originally surveyed for Richard Bond and Andrew Woodrow but patented by John Cornelius Ellicott City - East
LEWIS LOT Surveyed 8/29/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1748 by John Ryon for 261 acres; Resurvey of Pretty Land and Addition "in the Great Fork of Patuxent" adjoining Clark's Direction and Cambels Chance (Campble's Chance) Laurel
LIBERTY GREEN Surveyed 9/19/1789 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1792 by Robert Alcock for 35 acres; "Beginning at the beginning trees of the lands called Brother's Partnership and Thomas's Lott" Dayton
LITTLE WORTH - Hood Surveyed 5/1/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in May 1761 by John Hood for 96 acres; adjoining Conclusion Cooksville
LITTLE WORTH - Howard Surveyed 4/25/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1737 by John Howard for 25 acres; "on the west side the main falls of Patapsco River and on the east side of the land the said Howard now liveth"; shown on plat for West Ilchester Ellicott City - East
LITTLEWORTH Surveyed 7/6/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by William Fisher for 60 acres repatented as Worthless; "on the South Side of the Main Waggon Road that lead to Monocacy" starting "on the west side of the Cattail Marsh" Woodbine
LONG AND NARROW Surveyed 4/20/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1763 by Nicholas Worthington for 25 acres repatented as Worthingtons Addition; starting "on the bank of the Middle River of Patuxent and on the south side thereof", adjoining Warfield's Range Laurel
LONG BOTTOM Surveyed 2/20/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1743 by John Hood for 40 acres; starting at "the head of the Bottom called the Long Bottom which descends into the head of Bens Branch" Sykesville
LONG REACH Patented in Nov 1695 by Edward Dorsey for 448 acres Columbia - West
LOOK SHARP Surveyed 10/25/1757 by Loch Weems; Patented in Nov 1758 by Samuel Mansell for 243 acres repatented as Windsor Forest; Resurvey of Find It If You Can beginning "near the head of a small branch that descends into Snowdens River" Mt. Airy
LOST BY NEGLECT Surveyed 3/23/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Sep 1775 by Mordecai Selby for 260 acres; Resurvey of Selbys Inheritance which starts "on the south end of a Stony (Stoney) Ridge on the East side of a branch called the Great Bridge Branch and to the Eastward of the head of a small draft which descends into the said branch near the place called Break Neck Hill", adjoining Crownest Bottom (drawn on the plat) Sykesville
LUCK SUPPORTED Surveyed 4/30/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1754 by Joshua Warfield for 639 acres repatented as Four Brothers Portion; Resurvey of Martin's Luck and Hobbs' Support Columbia - West
LUCY AND RACHELS LOT Surveyed 4/27/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Aug 1735 by Benjamin Stevens for 215 acres; "on the south side of a branch called Bens Branch" Sykesville
LYDES CONTRIVANCE Surveyed 10/15/1802 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Sep 1804 by Lyde Griffith for 20 acres; Adjoining and between Range Declined, Peace, Samuel's Contrivance, and Additional Chance "Beginning at a large rock stone called Indian Johns Cabbin stone it being a boundary of a tract of land called Silence" Woodbine
MACCUBBINS DISCOVERY Surveyed 6/29/1786 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1789 by Dr. Charles Carroll for 14.5 acres; adjoining Hanover, First Discovery, and Barran Hills "beginning at the intersection of the seventeenth course of a tract of land called Belt's Point with the south west four hundred and nine perch line of a tract called Hanover" Elkridge
MACCUBBINS SEARCH Surveyed 3/5/1788 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Feb 1789 by William Hammond for 66 acres; "Beginning at the end of the south east by south five degrees east one hundred eighty six perches line of a tract of land called Hanover" Elkridge
MACKENZIES ANGLE Surveyed 1/6/1774 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Sep 1807 by Aaron Mackenzie for 4.5 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; "Beginning at the end of forty perches on the first line of a tract of land called Carters Whim" Ellicott City - West
MACKINZIES DISCOVERY Surveyed 5/15/1727 by Richard Gist; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Mackinzie for 138 acres repatented as MacKinzie's Discovery Enlarged; "in Baltimore County on the west side of the main falls of Patapsco River" starting at the "beginning bounded trees of a tract of land called Margrett's Fancy" Ellicott City - West
MACKINZIES DISCOVERY ENLARGED Surveyed 10/5/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1746 by John Mackinzie for 162 acres repatented as Tarripin Ramble; Resurvey of Mackinzies Discovery "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River" adjoining Margretts Fancy, Hobsons Choice, and Addition to Hobsons Choice" Ellicott City - West
MAJORS CHOICE Surveyed 6/12/1688; Patented in Jun 1688 by Edward Dorsey for 599 acres repatented as John's Lot - Hammond and Hammond's Elk Ridge Connection; Survey courses found in resurvey called Hammond's Lot but indexed at MSA site at John's Lot Columbia - East
MAJORS CHOICE - Resurveyed Surveyed 5/11/1737 by William Cromwell; by John Hammond for 633 acres; Resurvey of Major's Choice included in survey of Hammonds Lot Columbia - East
MANSELLS ANGLE Surveyed 2/16/1763 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1763 by Samuel Mansell for 17 acres; "Beginning at the end of the forty-fourth course of Mansells Additional Defense" and running southeast Mt. Airy
MANSELLS DEFENSE Surveyed 1/30/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by Samuel Mansell for 1364 acres repatented as Additional Defense; Resurvey of Addition To Mansells Range "on the head drafts of Snowdens River and on both sides of the Main Waggon Road to Monocacy" Woodbine
MANSELLS RANGE Surveyed 4/4/1746 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1746 by Samuel Mansell for 7.5 acres repatented as Addition To Mansells Range; lying "between the head drafts of Snowdens River and the head drafts of western falls of Patapsco River on the south side the mane waggon road leading to Monocacy" beginning "on a levell near to the west side of a glade leading to the head of a branch called Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch" Woodbine
MANSELLS UNITED FRIENDSHIP Patented in Dec 1769 by Thomas Johnson for 559 acres; Resurvey of Who Knows The Worth Of It for Samuel Mansell done in 1760 but he turned over the rights to Johnson who then acquired the patent. The plat and courses are included but the survey itself seems to be missing. Mt. Airy
MARGRETTS FANCY Surveyed 4/8/1721 by John Dorsey; Patented in Feb 1723 by John Oliver for 100 acres; "lying in Baltimore County aforesaid on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "on the north side of a branch called Ivy Branch descending into the aforesaid falls", adjoining MacKinzies Discovery Ellicott City - West
MARLBOROUGH PLAINS Patented in Aug 1710 by Peter Pinkstone for 150 acres repatented as White's Contrivance Savage
MARTINS LUCK Surveyed 10/25/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in 1725 by John Martin for 200 acres repatented as Luck Supported; in Baltimore County "on the west side the Middle River of Patuxent" starting near the mouth of a run called bear Run" Columbia - West
MARYS LOT Surveyed 6/2/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Oct 1732 by Edward Tulley for 73 acres; in Baltimore County adjoining Shephard's Forest to the west Ellicott City - West
MERCERS TROUBLE Surveyed 10/22/1787 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1815 by Richard Mercier for 216 acres repatented as Merciers Industry; Resurvey of part of Hobsons Choice, part of Sallys Chance, and Rowleys Neck Woodbine
MERCIERS FRIENDSHIP Surveyed 8/20/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Luke Mercier for 369 acres repatented as Hopson's Choice - Mercier; Resurvey of Shipley's Will lying partly in Baltimore County and partly in Anne Arundel County, adjoining Robert's Advantage, Shipley's Discovery, Concord, Rowley's Neck, and Stoney Barrans Hills; also adjoining Poole's Chance according to that patent Cooksville
MERCIERS INDUSTRY Surveyed 1/19/1814 by Darby Ensor; Patented in Mar 1815 by Richard Mercier for 266 acres; Resurvey of Hobsons Choice, Sallys Chance, Stoney Hills, Mercers Trouble, Fine Soil Forest, and Merciers Friendship Woodbine
MERCIERS LOT Surveyed 11/12/1776 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jan 1786 by Andrew Mercier for 45 acres repatented as Mercier's Lot Resurveyed; "Beginning at the beginning trees of a tract or parcel of land called Shipley's Adventure being the land George Shipley now lives upon" Cooksville
MERCIERS LOT RESURVEYED Surveyed 11/10/1792 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Oct 1793 by Andrew Mercier for 74 acres; Resurvey of Mercier's Lot beginning at the beginning trees of Mercier's Lot and Shipley's Adventure Cooksville
MIDDLE SPRING Surveyed 5/11/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Sep 1803 by Benjamin Warfield for 30 acres; Beginning "on the south side of a draught that leads into Snowdens River and about one hundred yards below a spring", it was surveyed in May 1772, shown on the plat for Warfields Addition Enlarged Woodbine
MILFORD ENLARGED Surveyed 7/5/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Aug 1762 by John Welsh for 92 acres; lying in both Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties, adjoining Tevis' Adventure; adjoining Hammond's Enlargement according to that patent Marriottsville
MILL LAND Surveyed 3/30/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jul 1768 by Samuel Mansell for 25 acres; beginning "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco River and a small distance below the fork of said falls" Mt. Airy
MILL MEADOW Surveyed 9/23/1761 by William Black; Patented in Feb 1762 by William Black for 14 acres repatented as Mill Meadow (Resurveyed) Marriottsville
MILL MEADOW - Resurveyed Surveyed 7/20/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jul 1772 by John Hammond for 50 acres repatented as Hammond's Enlargement; Resurvey of same tract with vacancies minus 6.5 acres in elder surveys for Brunts Meadow, Elders Puzzel, and Hammond's Pursuit Marriottsville
MINERAL HILL Surveyed 12/12/1757 by Loch Weems; Patented in Dec 1757 by Caleb Dorsey for 54 acres; "adjoining to a tract of land called Dorsey's Range on a branch called Mewshaws Branch" Glenwood
MOBERLEYS CHANCE Surveyed 1/1/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1743 by John Moberley for 60 acres; starting "on a ridge of the east side of a small branch of Patapsco called John Howards Cabbin Branch and near the head thereof"; don't see a good fit for this plat
MOBERLEYS DESIRE Surveyed 1/19/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Jan 1744 by John Moberley for 60 acres; "on the head of a draught of Snowdens River called Turkey Glade and on the west side thereof", beginning near the west side of a road leading to Linganore Woodbine
MOBERLEYS REST Surveyed 1/19/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Jan 1744 by John Moberley for 50 acres repatented as Hobson's Choice; "on one of the drafts of Snowden's River called and known by the name of Turkey Glade" Woodbine
MOBERLEYS TAVERN Surveyed 1/19/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Jan 1744 by John Moberley for 40 acres; "on both sides the Main Waggon Road Leading to Monocacy and between the head draughts of the western falls of Patapsco River and the head draughts of Snowdens River" Mt. Airy
MOORES MORNING CHOICE Surveyed 11/10/1695; Patented in Nov 1695 by Mordecai Moore for 1368 acres repatented as Moore's Morning Choice Enlarged Elkridge
MOORES MORNING CHOICE ENLARGED Surveyed 5/20/1742 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1743 by Caleb Dorsey for 1766 acres repatented as Rockburn; Resurvey of Moore's Morning Choice and Dorsey's Chance starting "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River and near the mouth of a run called Secamore(?) Run and on the upper(?) side thereof" Elkridge
MOREHOUSES GENEROUSITY Surveyed 6/29/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1754 by William Morehouse for 755 acres; Resurvey of Morehouse's Grove, adjoining Lemington, Grimes Venture, Victory, Wrights Chance And Neighbors Good Will, Upland, Small Land, Anything, Dorseys Addition to Thomas' Lot, Left Out, and Foster's Makeshift Dayton
MOREHOUSES GROVE Surveyed 1/16/1746 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1747 by William Morehouse for 50 acres repatented as Morehouse's Generousity; adjoining Grimes' Chance starting "on the east side of a draught of Geist's Branch" Dayton
MOTHERS CARE Surveyed 4/19/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1757 by Elizabeth Ridgely for 118 acres; "in the Great Fork of Patuxent River" adjoining Small Land Dayton
MOUNT AETNA Surveyed 10/6/1750 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1751 by Benjamin Stevens for 200 acres repatented as Three Brothers; Resurvey of Mount Sion "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River and on the east side of Patuxent River", adjoining Rebecca's Lot, Yeates Contrivance, Yeates Inheritance, Yeates Addition, Tucker's Delight, Addition To Tucker's Delight, Ferry Bridge, Frizells Chance Ellicott City - East
MOUNT CALVARY Surveyed 9/29/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Oct 1782 by Valentine Brown for 252 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; Resurvey of Hebron (123 acres for resurvey) adjoining Stinchcomb Hills, Batchelor's Choice, Gardiners Mill, and Gardiners Gardin Ellicott City - West
MOUNT GILBOA - Dorsey Patented in Jun 1706 by John Dorsey for 247 acres repatented as Gaither's Adventure and Creaghs Enlargement; One acre included in resurvey of Ferry Bridge called Gaither's Adventure Ellicott City - West
MOUNT HEBRON Surveyed 8/25/1828 by John Duvall; Patented in Jun 1830 by Thomas Dorsey for 2152 acres; Lying partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Baltimore Counties , a resurvey of Gardiners Garden, Batchellors Choice [Samuel Peele], Gardiners Mill, Addition To Gardiners Garden, Carters Whim, Carters Addition, Fools Folley, Ivy Hills And Pine Bushes, Sewells Contrivance, Hebron, Youngs Discovery, Johns Lookout Enlarged, Cummings Bower, The Addition To Thomas Purchase, Sewells Contrivance Enlarged, MacKinseys Manor Neglected, MacKinseys Neglect, Batchellors Choice [Bacholders Choyce], Rogues Harbor, Grays Bower, MacKinseys Angle, Carrick, Williamsons Trouble, Good Luck, Good Luck Enlarged, Johns Lookout, Manor Hamilton, part of Sewells Lot, Mount Calvary, Yates Contrivance, Cockeys Regulation, East Lothian, Thackers Chance, Yates Inheritance, Yates, Addition, Hopsons Choice, MacKinseys Discovery Enlarged, Windsor Plains, John And Elizabeth Ellicott City - West
MOUNT MISERY Surveyed 6/21/1773 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1773 by Thomas Cockey for 414 acres; Resurvey of Joshua's Grove, Joshua's Addition, and Boden's Folly Ellicott City - East
MOUNT SION Surveyed 10/20/1725 by John Dorsey; by Thomas Wainwright for 32 acres repatented as Mount Aetna; in Baltimore County "on the west side of the main falls of Patapsco River", adjoining Rebecca's Lott Ellicott City - West
MOUNT UNITY Surveyed 11//4/1773 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Feb 1784 by Joseph Ellicott for 55 acres repatented as West Ilchester; Resurvey of 34 acres of Mount Gilboa adding vacancies, spanning both sides of the great falls of Patapsco, adjoining Prestidges Folly and Good Neighborhood in the same area as Contention which was never patented, plat shows river running north of mill rather than south Ellicott City - East
MOUNT VESUVIUS Surveyed 10/26/1787 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jun 1789 by Jonathan Ellicott for 92.5 acres; Vacant land between Hipsley's First Adventure, Contentment, and Islington Ellicott City - East
NEALS CHANCE Surveyed 1/2/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1748 by Neale Clark for 100 acres; "on the head draft of that branch of Patuxent called Snowdens River" beginning "on the north side of a draft of the afsd Snowdens River and near the head of the said river" Mt. Airy
NEALS DELIGHT Patented in Dec 1714 by Neale Clark for 675 acres repatented as Neals Delight - Resurveyed Laurel
NEALS DELIGHT - Resurveyed Surveyed 1/17/1731 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jul 1734 by Neale Clark for 1050 acres repatented as Davis' Purchase; Resurvey of Neal's Delight that was 675 acres "in the great fork of Patuxent River and on the North Branch or Snowdens River", adjoining Clark's Walks Laurel
NEALS DELIGHT (Unpatented) Surveyed 3/1/1701 by James Carroll; Patented in Oct 1701 by Neale Clark for 675 acres; "on the north side of ? River" Laurel
NELSONS RAINBOW Surveyed 1/4/1727 by James Weems; Patented in Oct 1729 by Nicholas Ridgely for 100 acres; "in the fork of Patuxent River" starting at the beginning tree of Laswell's Hopewell, surveyed for Richard Nealson (Nelson) but he assigned his rights to Nicholas Ridgely Laurel
NELSONS WALKS Patented in Sep 1720 by Richard Nelson for 100 acres repatented as Resurvey On Nelsons Walk and Part Of Rich Neck; 95.75 acres clear of elder surveys to repatent to Lloyd Hammond Savage
NEW YEARS GIFT Patented in Feb 1706 by Charles Carroll for 1300 acres repatented as New Year's Gift Enlarged Columbia - East
NEW YEARS GIFT ENLARGED Surveyed 8/1/1800 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Oct 1801 by Caleb Dorsey for 272 acres; Repatented New Year's Gift, Addition To New Year's Gift, and part of Major's Choice to remove elder surveys and add vacancies for 297 acres, adjoining Talbott's Resolution Manor and Higgins Chance And Dorseys Friendship (the original request for patent had been denied due to elder survey conflicts) Columbia - East
NOAHS ARK Surveyed 5/13/1754 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1754 by Joseph Hobbs for 50 acres repatented as Repentance - Hobbs; "in the head drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent" Woodbine
NORTH HILLS Surveyed 2/13/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jan 1761 by Henry Howard for 186 acres; beginning "near to the Middle River of Patuxent and on the north side thereof" at the beginning tree of Howards Resolution West Friendship
NORTHERN ADDITION Surveyed 5/4/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in May 1745 by Philip Hammond for 240 acres repatented as Hammond's Enlargement; "on the south side of the Western Falls of Patapsco River joining a tract of land called Woodford" starting near the mouth of Delaware Bottom Branch Marriottsville
OAKLAND Surveyed 3/4/1837 by John Duvall; Patented in Jun 1839 by Thomas Gen. Hood for 1461 acres; Resurvey of Barnes Friendship, Barnes Pleasant Meadow, Dear Bought, Store House Hill, Addition To Store House Hill, Discord, Littleworth, First Addition To Littleworth, Second Addition To Littleworth, The Hurry, Sapling Hill; and part of the following tracts: Poverty Discovered, Conclusion, Self Defense, Invasion, Red Oak Spring, Good Neighborrhood Enlarged, Shipleys Discovery, Worthless, Lessworth West Friendship
OELLA Surveyed 2/24/1810 by John Hatherly; Patented in Mar 1811 by for 864 acres; Resurvey lying partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Baltimore County of part of West Ilchester, Hisseys First Venture, Garden, and Cragged Hills Ellicott City - East
OLD MANS FOLLY - Brown Surveyed 1/10/1756 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1756 by Benjamin Brown for 24 acres; "on the westernmost side of the main falls of Patapsco River between the land called Brown's Addition and Ranter's Ridge", patented by Benjamin Brown and Robert Davis Woodstock
OLD MANS FOLLY - Hammond Surveyed 3/3/1747 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1748 by John Hammond for 420 acres; Resurvey of Dorsey's Angles in the drafts of Deep Run Elkridge
OLIVERS CHANCE Surveyed 9/4/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1750 by John Oliver for 140 acres; Resurvey of A Slipe By Chance Ellicott City - West
OVEN WOOD THICKET Surveyed 2/24/1731 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Peter Barnes for 116 acres; "on the ridge between the drafts of Tongue Branch running into the Middle River of Patuxent and Robert Barnes's branch running into Snowdens River of the said Patuxent", near Dorsey's Grove Glenelg
PARRS ADDITION Surveyed 5/6/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Sep 1731 by John Parr for 103 acres repatented as Bensons Request; "in a fork of Patuxent River called Winkepin neck" adjoining Boyce's Beginning and Boyce's Branch Columbia - South
PARRS RANGE Surveyed 2/7/1744 by Thomas Bentley; Patented in Feb 1744 by John Parr for 100 acres; beginning "on the south side of a small branch of Patapsco River" Mt. Airy
PARTNERSHIP Surveyed 11/28/1719 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Nov 1736 by Thomas Worthington for 1000 acres repatented as Partnership - Resurveyed; "lying on the west side of the Middle River of Patuxent and on the East side of the Cabbin Branch" Columbia - South
PARTNERSHIP - Resurveyed Surveyed 9/5/1740 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1744 by Thomas Worthington for 764 acres; Resurvey of Partnership "in the great fork of Patuxent River adjoining to the land called White Wine And Claret" Clarksville
PARTNERSHIP RENEWED Surveyed 2/15/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1744 by Peter Shipley for 190 acres; Resurvey of Brothers Partnership - Shipley Ellicott City - East
PATAPSCO MILL SEAT Surveyed 6/21/1773 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Nov 1796 by Samuel Goodman for 116 acres; partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Baltimore Counties, resurvey of The Mill Seat north and east of Contentment, bordering Yates Contrivance, Contentment, the Patapsco River, Cragged Hills, Jacobs Desire, Garden, Eslington, Hoods Haven, and Joshuas Folly Ellicott City - East
PATRICKS CHOICE Surveyed 3/5/1793 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jul 1795 by Patrick Jr. Macgill for 6.25 acres; a vacancy between Jones' Addition, Cole's Choice, and Addition To Hobbs' Park Columbia - East
PATRICKS DELIGHT Surveyed 3/5/1793 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jul 1795 by Patrick Jr. Macgill for 4.5 acres; a wedge-shaped vacancy between Brown's Hopyard and Cocksell beginning at "the beginning trees of a tract of land called Brown's Hopyard" Columbia - East
PATRICKS FANCY Surveyed 3/6/1793 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jul 1795 by Patrick Jr. Macgill for 9.25 acres; starting at "the end of the ninth line of a tract or parcel of land called Cocksell, said post being also a boundary of a tract or parcel of land called Crosses Forrest" bounding southeast along Cocksell to Jones' Addition and back again in a narrow wedge Columbia - East
PATRICKS RAMBLE Surveyed 3/4/1793 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jul 1795 by Patrick Jr. Macgill for 27 acres; adjoining Brown's Hopyard, Cocksell, Crosses Forrest, Wincopin Neck, Cole's Choice, Jones' Addition and Jones' Fancy starting "at the end of the north sixty four degrees east forty six perch course of a tract or parcel of land called Bare Hill" Columbia - South
PEACE Surveyed 6/20/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1761 by Philemon Dorsey for 65 acres; beginning "at the end of the sixty second course of a tract of land called Silence, runs west of the northern end of Silence Woodbine
PHEASANT RIDGE Surveyed 10/7/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1745 by Henry Howard for 195 acres; "between the Middle River of Patuxent and Snowdens River", adjoining Hay Stack Meadows Glenelg
PHELPS LUCK Patented in Dec 1695 by Walter Phelps for 238 acres repatented as Hammond's Elk Ridge Connection Columbia - East
PIERPOINTS DISCOVERY Surveyed 6/1/1721 by John Dorsey; Patented in Mar 1729 by Charles Pierpoint for 100 acres repatented as Upton Park; in Baltimore County "the south side the main falls of Patapsco River and on Elk Ridge" starting near "the head of a draft of a branch descending into Patuxent" Ellicott City - East
PIERPOINTS PLEASURE Surveyed 2/10/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Feb 1744 by Charles Pierpoint for 26.5 acres; "between two tracts of land one called Chews Vineyard the other called Talbotts Last Shift and joyning a tract of land called Calebs Vineyard", starting at the beginning tree for Calebs Vineyard Ellicott City - East
PIGEON ROOST Surveyed 6/5/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1761 by Thomas Bisset for 40 acres; no description but shown on the plat for Windsor Forrest survey of 1769 Mt. Airy
PILLA TERRA Surveyed 3/16/1776 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Oct 1783 by William Sellman for 23 acres; starting at trees "near the south side of the Middle River of Patuxent they being the second bounded trees of a tract or parcel of land called Warfield's Range and the beginning trees of another tract or parcel of land called Long And Narrow" Laurel
PILLAGED ENLARGED Surveyed 12/11/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jan 1765 by Samuel Mansell for 771 acres repatented as Trouble For Nothing; Resurvey of Pillaged Land with vacancies lying in both Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties, adjoining Moberley's Tavern to the south and Favour And Ease to the west; this survey was never patented Mt. Airy
PILLAGED LAND Surveyed 5/1/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1763 by Samuel Mansell for 55 acres repatented as Hampton Court; "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco River on a small branch descending into the aforesaid falls" Mt. Airy
PINCH CLOSE FORREST Surveyed 3/6/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1753 by Uri Shipley for 45 acres repatented as Four Brothers Portion; "on the western side of Middle River" starting about 100 perches east of Beaver Dam Glade leading into Dorsey's Branch Columbia - West
PINKSTONES DELIGHT Patented in Mar 1696 by Peter Pinkstone for 200 acres repatented as Three Brothers Ellicott City - West
PLANTERS PLEASURE Patented in Jun 1700 by Edward Penn for 100 acres; patented in both Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties according to Settlers of MD Fulton
PLEASANT FIELDS Surveyed 6/28/1784 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jan 1788 by Samuel Chase for 557 acres; Resurvey of Upton Park adjoining Freeborns Progress, Sewells Coffer Ellicott City - East
PLEASANT HILLS Surveyed 2/17/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Oct 1796 by Thomas Snowden for 250 acres; Resurvey of Ridgely's Great Park and Ridgely's Range adjoining Fredericksburgh and Good Will To His Lordship Woodbine
PLEASANT MEADOW Surveyed 10/22/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Dec 1767 by Charles Barnes for 150 acres; beginning "on the north side of the Cattail River" Woodbine
PLEASANT MEADOWS Surveyed 12/24/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1774 by John Dorsey for 16 acres; beginning "on the west side of a glade descending into Snowdens River commonly called and known by the name of the Hay Stack Meadow Glade" Glenelg
PLEASANT PLAINS Surveyed 12/18/1795 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Nov 1809 by John Stringer for 758.25 acres; Resurvey of Hobbs Park, Warfields Contrivance, Food Plenty, Halls Lot, Browns Purchase, Widows Cost, and Stringers Park Columbia - South
PLEASANT PROSPECT Surveyed 7/6/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Mar 1775 by Elizabeth Dorsey for 70 acres; "beginning at the end of the third course of a tract of land called Dorsey's Range" Woodbine
PLEASANT SPRING Surveyed 4/18/1793 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jan 1794 by Wiilliam Hobbs for 7.75 acres; "at the end of the sixty sixth line of a tract of land called Range Declined" adjoining The Blooming Plains, Range Declined, Hampton Court, and Mansells United Friendship Mt. Airy
PLEASANT VALLEY Surveyed 3/23/1805 by John Hatherly; Patented in Oct 1812 by Charles G. Dorsey for 23.5 acres; "Beginning at the end of twenty perches on the eighty first line of the land called Ridgelys Range" surveyed for Henry Welsh but patented for Charles G. Dorsey Woodbine
PLUMB TREE MEADOWS Surveyed 2/17/1797 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Aug 1797 by Richard Ridgely for 712.75 acres; Resurvey for Richard Ridgely Esq. of a tract called Resurvey of Tracts (Thomas Worthington - 1735), beginning where stood the beginning tree of Long Reach then running SW two courses to Dorsey Search, then two more courses NW to the Patuxent River and then bounding on it. Note that Resurvey of Tract appears to be south of Howard County and I suspect they referenced the wrong patent. Appears to be a resurvey of Freeborns Progress. Ellicott City - West
POINT LOOKOUT Surveyed 3/3/1766 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Mar 1766 by Samuel Musgrove for 25 acres repatented as Point Lookout Enlarged; Beginning "on the north side of a draft called the Mine Hill draft and right of the head of said draft" Woodbine
POINT LOOKOUT ENLARGED Surveyed 1/31/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1769 by Samuel Musgrove for 196 acres; Resurvey of Point Lookout beginning "on the north side of a draft called the ? Hill draft" Woodbine
POLE BRIDGE TRACT Surveyed 11/10/1774 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jul 1802 by John Welsh for 31 acres; Surveyed in 1774 beginning "near the head of a valley leading into Bush Cabbin Branch" Woodbine
POLE CAT GLADE Surveyed 1/20/1747 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1747 by John Hammond for 84 acres; "between the falls of Patapsco River and a run called Deep Run near Polecat Glade and next adjoyning a tract of land called Scotts Folly" beginning at the beginning tree of Scotts Folly Hanover
POOLES CHANCE Surveyed 4/13/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1743 by Basil Poole for 79 acres repatented as Pooles Chance - Resurveyed; "on the south side of the Westernmost Draft of the Great Falls of Patapsco River" .. "near the head of a small branch descending into the said falls commonly called and known by the name of the Bridge branch" Cooksville
POOLES CHANCE - Resurveyed Surveyed 7/29/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Dec 1753 by Basil Poole for 200 acres; Resurvey of Poole's Chance adjoining Shipley's Discovery, Mercer's Friendship, Robert's Advantage Cooksville
POOR MANS BEGINNING Surveyed 10/23/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Oct 1731 by John Alstone for 100 acres repatented as Resurvey Of Tracts - Howard Clarksville
POOR MANS BEGINNING - Resurveyed Surveyed 9/3/1746 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1746 by William Hankes for 100 acres repatented as Resurvey Of Tracts - Howard; Resurvey of tract of same name with no changes "on a Draft of Dorseys Great Branch" adjoining Ridgely's Care Clarksville
POPLAR BOTTOM Patented in Oct 1752 by Henry Ridgely for 387 acres Fulton
POPLAR SPRING GARDEN Surveyed 10/14/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1745 by Levin Lawrence for 272 acres repatented as Poplar Spring Meadows; "on both sides that branch of Patuxent called Middle River and joining a tract of land called Dorsey's Grove" West Friendship
POPLAR SPRING MEADOWS Surveyed 4/1/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Aug 1770 by John Lawrence for 194.5 acres; Resurvey of John Lawrence's part Poplar Spring Garden inherited from his father Levin Lawrence containing the one-acre parcel for the Chapel Of Ease West Friendship
PORK PLENTY IF NO THIEVES Surveyed 4/28/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Nathaniel Ward for 41 acres; "on the east side of Snowden's River beginning .. near the river on a flat bottom about 40 perches above the mouth of Indian Johns Cabbin Branch" Woodbine
PORTERS CARE Surveyed 6/19/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Sep 1728 by Peter Porter for 400 acres; "lying in Baltimore County aforesaid on the ? side of the easternmost great branch of Patuxent River commonly called and known by the name of Brown's River", adjoining Shephard's Forest to the south Ellicott City - West
POVERTY DISCOVERED Surveyed 10/1/1759 by Loch Weems; Patented in Feb 1760 by Joseph Hobbs for 1737 acres repatented as Thomas Good Will, The Trusty Friend, and Hobbs Regulation; Resurvey of Joseph's Advancement [sic. Addition To Josephs Advancement] "on the head draft of the Middle River of Patuxent" West Friendship
POVERTY IN REALITY Surveyed 6/21/1776 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1777 by William Hood for 75 acres; "Beginning at the end of the ninety fifth course of a tract of land called the Invasion" Sykesville
PRESSBY Surveyed 12/8/1746 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jun 1750 by William Cumming for 216 acres; Resurvey of Gillpin beginning "on the side of a hill on the west side of a draught of Snowdens River called and known by the name of the Cattail River" adjoining Red Oak Hills and bounding on Snowdens River Brookevillle
PRESTIDGES FOLLY Surveyed 2/5/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1762 by James Sewell for 180 acres; Resurvey of Sewell's Coffer "near a small draft which descends into the western falls of Patapsco River", that was evidently made for John Prestidge but he turned over his title to James Sewell Ellicott City - East
PRETTY LAND Surveyed 9/17/1725 by James Weems; Patented in Jun 1734 by Lewis Duvall for 50 acres repatented as Lewises Lot; "on the east side of the Second Addition To Snowdens Manor and on the head of the drafts of Hammonds Branch"; surveyed for William Griffith but then transferred to Lewis Duvall Fulton
PROGRESS Surveyed 12/10/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Oct 1752 by John Whipps for 390 acres repatented as Additional Progress; Resurvey of The Forrest Grove lying both in Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties, adjoining Shipley's Search, John's Chance, Whips Purchase, and Whips Lott Sykesville
PROSPECT Surveyed 3/12/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jul 1768 by John Hammond for 61 acres; adjoining Dorsey's Angles on the northeast border, this is actually a resurvey including some vacancies that should have been included previously Elkridge
PROSPECT HILL Surveyed 11/5/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1775 by Henry Ridgely for 3008 acres repatented as Warfield And Snowden; Resurvey of Friendship Enlarged partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Frederick County, adjoining Neal's Chance; upon the death of Henry Ridgely ownership was transferred to Thomas Snowden and Charles A. Warfield; wraps around Neals Chance and borders Windsor Forrest to Mullinix Road. Mt. Airy
PURDUMS CHANCE Surveyed 2/1/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Sep 1809 by Harriet Crapster for 271 acres; Resurvey of Purdum's Range and part of Bite The Skinner (6+ acres of Bite The Skinner lies in Silence), adjoining Hopson's Choice at the end of its seventh line Woodbine
PURDUMS CHOICE Surveyed 5/30/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1737 by John Purdum for 100 acres repatented as Purdum's Enlargement; "on a branch of Snowdens River of Patuxent called Spurriers Branch" Clarksville
PURDUMS ENLARGEMENT Surveyed 9/32/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1754 by Benjamin Purdum for 281 acres; "on the drafts of Snowdens River of Patuxent", adjoining Hickory Ridge, Spurriers Lott, and Victory Clarksville
PURDUMS RANGE Surveyed 2/23/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1748 by Jeremiah Purdum for 50 acres repatented as Purdum's Chance; "between the head drafts of Snowdens River, on a branch of the said river called Johns Cabbin Branch" Woodbine
PUSHPIN Patented in Oct 1700 by John Jones for 200 acres Ellicott City - West
RACE GROUND Surveyed 6/24/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1770 by James Brown for 15 acres; all the vacant land between the tracts of land called Rocky Ridge, Whats Left, and Sapling Range "Beginning at the end of the fifth line of the first mentioned tract called Rocky Ridge" Glenelg
RANGE DECLINED Surveyed 12/11/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1765 by Samuel Mansell for 2770 acres; Resurvey of his part of Additional Defense starting at the beginnining trees of Additional Defense and Moberley's Desire. Woodbine
RANTERS RIDGE Patented in May 1705 by Thomas Brown for 415 acres; Adjoining Hammond's Enlargement Woodstock
RAYNOLDS HABITATION Surveyed 11/8/1728 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Oct 1730 by McCubbin Raynold for 150 acres; "on a Draft of a branch Called Dorseys Great Branch Beginning .. on the east side of the aforesaid draft and very near to the aforesaid draft and near also a road called the Eastern branch Road" Clarksville
RAYS CHANCE Surveyed 9/23/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Oct 1762 by William Ray for 61 acres; "Beginning at the end of the last course of a tract of land called Gaithers Chance Dayton
REBECCAS LOT Patented in Oct 1704 by Rebecca Herbert for 740 acres repatented as Three Brothers; Later resurvey says the patent was granted to John Dorsey Ellicott City - East
RECOVERY Surveyed 2/4/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1752 by John Hammond for 54 acres repatented as Hammond's Elk Ridge Connection; "adjoining Phelps Luck the Addition to Phelps Luck and Talbot's Resolution Mannor" (wraps around the northwest end of Addition To Phelps Luck) Columbia - East
RED OAK HILL Surveyed 9/5/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1742 by John Mobberly for 30 acres; "in the fork between Snowdens River and Cattail River" near Thomas Altharp Brookevillle
RED OAK SPRING Surveyed 5/18/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1761 by John Hood for 173 acres repatented as Oakland; Resurvey of 112 acres of Shipleys Search Sykesville
REMNANT Surveyed 3/25/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1764 by Henry Griffith for 150 acres repatented as Remnant Corrected; "on the drafts of Deep Run and adjoyning three other tracts or parcels of land (viz.) Dorseys Hills, Bachelors Hall and Calebs Pasture Beginning at the end of the sixth line of the aforesaid tract called Calebs Pasture" Elkridge
REMNANT CORRECTED Surveyed 12/11/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Apr 1773 by Joshua Griffith for 307 acres repatented as Friendship - West; Resurvey of Remnant excluding land lying in Batchelors Hall and Dorseys Hills beginning "at the end of the ninth line of one of the elder surveys aforesaid Dorseys Hills the same being north forty seven degrees thirty minutes west two hundred and thirteen perches" Elkridge
REPENTANCE - Hammond Surveyed 3/27/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1775 by Joseph Hammond for 10 acres repatented as Joseph's Gift; "in the great fork of Patuxent river Beginning at the end of the fourth line of a tract of land called Athol" Columbia - South
REPENTANCE - Hobbs Surveyed 5/22/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in May 1765 by Joseph Hobbs for 235 acres; Resurvey of Noah's Ark resulting in a parcel that lay between Shipley's Enlargement and Poole's Chance Woodbine
RESURVEY OF TRACTS - Howard Surveyed 10/21/1816 by John Duvall; Patented in Apr 1818 by Joseph Howard for 250 acres; Resurvey of White Oak Orchard, Howards Chance - Cornelius, Poor Mans Beginning, Joshuas Lot Clarksville
RESURVEY OF TRACTS - Ridgely Surveyed 9/6/1740 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1744 by Henry Ridgely for 552 acres; Resurvey of Ridgely's Care and Good Neighborhood near White Wine And Claret, adjoining Partnership, Hickory Ridge, Good Neighborhood, Maccubbin Reynolds property, and Poor Mans Beginning Highland
RESURVEY ON HARRYS LOT Surveyed 3/7/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jun 1773 by John Warfield for 469 acres repatented as Warfields Connection; Resurvey of Harry's Lot starting "at the end of the twenty third course of a tract of land called Fredericksborough it being abounder of said land" Woodbine
RESURVEY ON NELSONS WALKS AND PART OF RICH NECK Surveyed 12/5/1806 by John Hatherly; Patented in Mar 1810 by Lloyd Thomas Hammond for 250 acres; Resurvey of Nelson's Walks and Rich Neck Savage
RESURVEY ON THE DISAPPOINTMENT Surveyed 3/7/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Sep 1810 by Beale Warfield for 497 acres; beginning "at the end of the sixth course of a tract of land called the Defiance", surveyed in March 1768 for Philemon Dorsey but the patent was initially revoked due to errors Woodbine
RICH BOTTOM Surveyed 1/24/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Feb 1798 by William Shipley for 6.25 acres repatented as The Willow Spring; adjoining Addition To What's Left Sykesville
RICH LEVEL Surveyed 2/9/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Apr 1841 by George Israel for 21 acres; "Beginning at the end of the seventh course of a tract of land called Snap Short" Clarksville
RICH MEADOW Surveyed 10/17/1757 by Loch Weems; Patented in Sep 1763 by John Hood for 205 acres repatented as The Willow Spring; Resurvey of Addition To Long Bottom Sykesville
RICHMONDS LOT Surveyed 9/4/1731 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Richmond for 150 acres repatented as Joseph's Gift; "in a fork between Brownes River of Patuxent and the Middell River" adjoining Athol Columbia - West
RIDGELYS ADDITION Surveyed 12/15/1717; Patented in 1717 by Henry Ridgely for 110 acres repatented as Harrys Lot - Ridgely Columbia - South
RIDGELYS CARE Surveyed 9/16/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1725 by Henry Ridgely for 300 acres repatented as Resurvey Of Tracts; in Baltimore County "on the westward of Carrolls Mannor" adjoining White Wine And Claret Highland
RIDGELYS FOREST Patented in Apr 1696 by Henry Ridgely for 264 acres repatented as Harrys Lot - Ridgely Savage
RIDGELYS GREAT PARK Surveyed 5/15/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Oct 1796 by Thomas Snowden for 4013 acres repatented as Snowden's Range, Pleasant Hills, and The Piece By Chance; Resurvey of Ridgely's Range, Henry And Peter, Boyling Springs, and part of Curry Galls plus vacancies Woodbine
RIDGELYS LOT - Chase Surveyed 4/25/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Feb 1800 by Jeremy T Chase for 68 acres; Resurvey of Ridgely's Range (probably what was left over from the resurvey called Ridgely's Great Park) beginning "at the end of the twelveth course of Dunghill Ground Thicket" being also a course of Mansell's Defense Mt. Airy
RIDGELYS LOT - Henry Patented in Dec 1694 by Henry Ridgely for 272 acres repatented as Brown's Purchase; North of Vine's Chance as shown in Brown's Purchase patent, formerly in Baltimore County Jessup
RIDGELYS MEADOW Surveyed 5/1/1795 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Apr 1796 by Richard Ridgely for 101 acres; Apparently a resurvey of What Is Left although not explicitly stated, perhaps it had been forfeited back to the state; "Beginning at the end of ninety perches on the second line of a tract or parcel of land called Barnes Hunt it being at the end of the one hundred and sixth line of the aforesaid tract of land called Invasion" Sykesville
RIDGELYS NECK Patented in Sep 1717 by Henry Ridgely for 200 acres repatented as Worthingtons Addition Columbia - South
RIDGELYS RANGE - Henry Surveyed 2/15/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1763 by Henry Ridgely for 2750 acres repatented as Ridgelys Great Park, Snowdens Range, Pleasant Hills, and The Piece By Chance; Resurvey of Curry Galls adjoining Henry And Peter Woodbine
RIDGELYS RANGE - Nicholas Surveyed 9/10/1716; Patented in Sep 1716 by Nicholas Ridgely for 300 acres repatented as Worthingtons Improvements; The beginning trees of this property adjoin Hunting Ground Columbia - West
ROBERTS ADVANTAGE Surveyed 4/11/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Feb 1743 by Peter Porter for 55.5 acres; "on west side of the westernmost draft of the falls of Patapsco River Cooksville
ROBERTS LOT Surveyed 11/10/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1743 by Robert Lankford for 50 acres; Resurvey of Boyces Beginning which had become escheat "in the fork of Patuxent River Beginning .. on the west side of Browns River of Patuxent and south side of Boyces Branch or Boyces Run Columbia - South
ROBINSONS MISTAKE Surveyed 8/20/1766 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Aug 1766 by William Simpson for 10 acres; starting at "the original beginning tree of a tract of land called Clarys Forrest" Clarksville
ROCK HALL Surveyed 4/29/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1785 by Joseph Howard for 254 acres repatented as Joseph's Gift; Resurvey of his part of Deaver's Lot and all of Deaver's Choice Columbia - South
ROCKBURN Surveyed 11/17/1824 by John Duvall; Patented in Oct 1826 by Mary Murray for 1215 acres; Resurvey of part of Moores Morning Choice Enlarged and part of Calebs Pasture Elkridge
ROCKY RIDGE Surveyed 11/26/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1746 by Abel Brown for 70 acres repatented as Whats Left Corrected; "in the fork of Patuxent River" starting "on the north side of a branch called Browns Branch which said branch runns to Snowdens River about fifty yards from said branch" Glenelg
ROGUES HARBOR Surveyed 11/27/1805 by John Hatherly; Patented in Dec 1806 by Thoms Cockey for 9 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; adjoining Yates Contrivance "on the west side of a branch called Rich Neck Branch" Ellicott City - West
ROUND ABOUT HILLS Surveyed 11/15/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1745 by Henry Ridgely for 266 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River" adjoining Beyond Far Enough owned by Robert Nelson Glenwood
SAFEGUARD Surveyed 1/1/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Henry Howard for 50 acres; "between a tract of land called Pheasant Ridge and a tract of land called Henry And Peter" Glenwood
SAINT JAMES PARK Surveyed 5/20/1765 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in May 1765 by Samuel Chase for 100 acres repatented as Honest Triumph; beginning at the bounded trees "of a tract of land called Additional Defense and standing near a spring called Poplar Spring" Mt. Airy
SALLYS CHANCE - Resurveyed Surveyed 4/29/1754 by Nicholas Ruxton Gay; Patented in Nov 1754 by John Hood for 390 acres repatented as Sallys Chance Resurveyed; Resurvey of Sallys Chance "lying in Baltimore and Anne Arundel Countys" adjoining Greenberry's Grove Woodbine
SALLYS CHANCE RESURVEYED Surveyed 3/27/1762 by William Smith; Patented in May 1762 by John Hood for 1346 acres repatented as Airy Hills And Pleasant Spriings; starting "in a hollow descending into the Cattail Marsh which descends into the western falls of the Patapsco River", adjoining Greenberrys Grove Woodbine
SALOPIA Surveyed 11/10/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1742 by John Johnson for 100 acres; "close on Patapsco Falls and adjoyning to a tract of land called Belts Hills" Sykesville
SAMUELS CONTRIVANCE Surveyed 2/11/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1802 by John Welsh for 13.5 acres; beginning "at the end of the fourth course of a tract or parcel of land called Peace", shaped like an "N" south of Peace Woodbine
SAPLIN RANGE Surveyed 5/10/1733 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Sep 1744 by Henry Ridgely for 225 acres; Adjoining Broken Land along its northern border (western border of Broken Land), but apparently encroaching on the southeastern part of Broken Land. The names Sapling Bottom and Poplar Range have not been found. Laurel
SAPLING GROUND Surveyed 8/10/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1743 by Philemon Dorsey for 339 acres repatented as Sapling Range; "in the main fork of Patuxent River and between a tract of land called Beyond Far Enough and a parcel of land formerly belonging to Samuel ? " starting "on the west side of Bloars Branch and near the head thereof which said branch descends partly south into a branch called Howards Branch" Glenelg
SAPLING RANGE Surveyed 7/22/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1750 by Philemon Dorsey for 574 acres; Resurvey of Sapling Ground in the main fork of the Patuxent, references Bloars Branch and Mathews Spring Branch, adjoining Brothers Love, Addition to Brothers Level, Friendship, and Nelsons Rouling Road Glenelg
SAPLING RANGE - Resurveyed Surveyed 4/28/1760 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1760 by Philemon Dorsey for 1222 acres; Resurvey of Sapling Range "in the main fork of Patuxent River" starting "on the west side of a branch called Bloars Branch", adjoining Brothers Love, Mothers Care, Browns Enlargement, Disappointment, Presley, Friendship, Duvalls Range, Dorseys Range, Struggle For Life, Dependence, Round About Hills, Beyond Far Enough, and Barnes Purchase Glenelg
SAPLING RIDGE Surveyed 9/1/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1761 by Benjamin Wright for 9 acres; starting "on the east side of a branch called Bush Cabbin branch" Glenwood
SAPPINGTONS SWEEP Surveyed 6/3/1765 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Dec 1765 by Thomas Sappington for 971 acres; Resurvey of Warfields Neglect adjoining Laswells(?) Hopewell and close to Davises Hill Laurel
SCANTLINGS LOT Surveyed 2/20/1740 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Cornelius Scantling for 20 acres; "on the east side of a branch of Patuxent River called Middle River" adjoining Ridgelys Range Columbia - West
SCOTTS ADVANTAGE Surveyed 12/20/1746 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1748 by Burridge Scott for 80 acres; adjoining Harben(Harbert?) Care starting near "a branch leading into Middle Run" Elkridge
SCOTTS FOLLY Patented in Mar 1695 by Edward Scott for 200 acres; Patent found in Anne Arundel collection at MSA site but Settlers of MD says Baltimore County Elkridge
SECOND ADDITION TO CALEBS PURCHASE Surveyed 4/5/1785 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Oct 1797 by Pamela Porter for 41.75 acres; "on Elk Ridge" .. "beginning at the end of one hundred perches in the thirty third line of a tract or parcel of land called Caleb's Purchase"; just guessing as to its location Elkridge
SECOND ADDITION TO FREDERICKSBURGH Surveyed 6/5/1804 by John Hatherly; Patented in Sep 1806 by Joshua Warfield for 437 acres; Resurvey of Addition To Part Of Fredericks Burgh Woodbine
SECOND ADDITION TO HALF PONE Surveyed 1/10/1785 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1786 by Charles Seavener for 7.75 acres; Lying between Arnold's Fancy, Eagle's Tower, Half Pone, Joshua's Loss And Dorsey's Advantage Ellicott City - West
SECOND ADDITION TO HAZARD Surveyed 1/6/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by Mathias Hammond for 3 acres repatented as Larances Purchase; "Beginning at the end of the fourth and last line of a tract or parcel of land called Hazard" Ellicott City - West
SECOND ADDITION TO KENDALLS DELIGHT Surveyed 4/21/1783 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Aug 1784 by Mathias Hammond for 8.75 acres repatented as Larances Purchase; Beginning at the beginning tree of Kendel's Delight and the beginning tree of Hazard and the fourth and last boundary of Dryer's Inheritance Ellicott City - West
SECOND ADDITION TO LITTLE WORTH Surveyed 1/24/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1772 by John Hood for 20 acres; "Beginning at the end of the eleventh course of Little Worth" Cooksville
SECOND CHOICE Surveyed 6/28/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1770 by William Shipley for 42 acres repatented as Whips Hills; "on the south side of the main western falls of Patapsco River" starting "near the end of the fifth line of a tract or parcel of land called Forrest Grove..on the head of one of the drafts of the Second Branch that is above Bens Branch", near First Choice Sykesville
SECOND DISCOVERY Surveyed 3/16/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1757 by Caleb Dorsey for 116 acres; "Between the Branches of Deep Run and the Branches of Patuxent River" starting "in the head of a draft of Ridgelys Great Branch" Jessup
SECOND DIVISION Surveyed 4/10/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Apr 1745 by Henry Howard for 108 acres repatented as Hammond's Inheritance; Resurvey of 500 acres of The Second Part Of Discovery "on the east side of the Middle River of Patuxent" adjoining Kendall's Enlargement, Doddridge, The Disart, and Brown's Forrest. Ellicott City - West
SECOND SUPPLY Surveyed 11/9/1757 by Loch Weems; Patented in Aug 1758 by Joseph White for 27 acres; starting "north of Stony Run" (Stoney); adjoins Whites Contrivance Jessup
SECOND THOUGHT Surveyed 3/28/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jul 1770 by Philemon Dorsey for 60 acres; "on Nimble John Cabbins Branch .. beginning at the end of the third line of a tract or parcel of land now in the possession of a certain James Grimes called Purdums Range" Woodbine
SELBYS INHERITANCE Surveyed 5/27/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1757 by Mordecai Selby for 220 acres repatented as Lost By Neglect; Resurvey of part of Good Neighborhood Enlarged "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco River", adjoins Shipley's Search, Shipley's Discovery, Conclusion, and Discord Sykesville
SELF DEFENCE Surveyed 10/6/1819 by John Duvall; Patented in May 1839 by Thomas Gen. Hood for 88.5 acres; Resurvey of part of Poverty Discovered
SEPTEMBER 14, 1739 I WAS BORN JOHN HAMMOND SON OF JOHN Surveyed 8/10/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1746 by John Hammond for 280 acres; "partly on the drafts of Deep Run" Hanover
SEWELLS COFFER Surveyed 10/19/1717 by John Clark; Patented in Oct 1717 by Phillip Sewell for 180 acres repatented as Prestidge's Folly; "lying in Baltimore County on the drafts of Patapsco River"; never patented apparently due to a question about the warrant; was resurveyed and patented as Prestidge's Folly in 1762. Philip Sewell conveyed to Lance Todd in 1724. Ellicott City - East
SEWELLS LOT Surveyed 11/7/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1729 by Daniel Carter for 260 acres repatented as John And Elizabeth; in Baltimore County "on the south side the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "at the bounded oak of John MacKensay's standing at the head of a branch called the Cranberry Branch"; surveyed for Philip Sewell who assigned his rights to Daniel Carter on 15 Sep 1726 Ellicott City - West
SHEERWOOD FORREST Surveyed 3/29/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jan 1771 by Henry Griffith for 50 acres; "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco River and Beginning at the end of the fifth line of a tract or parcel of land called Additional Defense" Mt. Airy
SHEPHARDS FOREST Patented in Jun 1702 by Nicholas Shephard for 292 acres Ellicott City - West
SHEVERS ADVENTURE Patented in Jun 1729 by John Shever for 100 acres; Shown on the plat for The Search Enlarged as being south of that tract, may have been patented by John Shivers who patented Shiver's Integrity in 1753 Ellicott City - East
SHIPLEYS ADVENTURE Surveyed 3/16/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1761 by George Shipley for 1280 acres; Resurvey of Shipley's Enlargement - Resurveyed, adjoins Noah's Ark and Little Worth Woodbine
SHIPLEYS CONTENT Surveyed 5/4/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Sep 1770 by Henry Ayton for 474 acres repatented as Bunkers Hill; Resurvey of Brothers Agreement Mt. Airy
SHIPLEYS CONTENTION Surveyed 1/22/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Feb 1798 by William Shipley for 16.25 acres repatented as The Willow Spring; "starting near a branch called Bens Branch and on the west side thereof they being the beginning trees of a tract of land called What's Left", adjoining Addition To What's Left and Shipley's Neglect Sykesville
SHIPLEYS DISCOVERY Surveyed 9/12/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jan 1726 by Robert Shipley for 250 acres; in Baltimore County "on the south side the great falls of Patapsco River" Cooksville
SHIPLEYS ENLARGEMENT Surveyed 12/8/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jun 1750 by Robert Shipley for 417 acres repatented as Shipley's Enlargement (Resurveyed); Resurvey of Williams Lott with vacancies "on both sides the Main Waggon Road the leads to Monocacy partly between the western falls of Patapsco River and the head drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent", plat explains the odd-shaped tentacles spreading north, south, and southwest as being due to the Bald Barrans to the west; adjoins Cattail Marsh Woodbine
SHIPLEYS ENLARGEMENT - Resurveyed Surveyed 11/8/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in 1756 by George Shipley for 625 acres repatented as Shipley's Adventure; Resurvey of Shipley's Enlargement with vacancies, near Welshes Cabbin, adjoins Noah's Ark and Little Worth Woodbine
SHIPLEYS FORESIGHT Surveyed 8/20/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1752 by Robert Shipley for 50 acres repatented as Last Shift; "on the south side of the western falls of Patapsco River" adjoining Shipley's Search (Last Shift resurvey gives date of Aug 1751) Sykesville
SHIPLEYS NEGLECT Surveyed 2/25/1783 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1820 by Robert Shipley for 7 acres repatented as The Willow Spring; starting "near a branch called Bens Branch" and on the west side thereof they being the beginning trees of a tract or parcel of land called What's Left", south of Shipley's Search and north of What's Left Sykesville
SHIPLEYS SEARCH Surveyed 4/9/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Robert Shipley for 543 acres repatented as Barnes Friendship, Red Oak Spring, and The Willow Spring; "on the drafts of a branch called Bens Branch and between the westernmost Great Branch of the Falls of Patapsco and the head branches of the Middle River of Patuxent" Sykesville
SHIVERS INTEGRITY Surveyed 9/13/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by John Shiver for 684 acres; Resurvey of his part of Parrs Range adjoining Hobbs Chance and Tear Coat Thicket Mt. Airy
SILENCE - Farmer Surveyed 5/9/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1748 by Samuel Farmer for 50 acres repatented as Silence (Resurveyed); "on the east side of Snowdens River" Woodbine
SILENCE - Hobbs Surveyed 2/18/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Feb 1762 by Joseph Hobbs for 78 acres; "on some of the head drafts of the Middle River of Patuxent" beginning "on one of the southermost bounds of the land called Shipleys Enlargement" Cooksville
SILENCE - Resurveyed Surveyed 3/9/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Philemon Dorsey for 726 acres repatented as Brooke Fields; Resurvey of Silence (originally granted to Samuel Farmer) partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Frederick Counties, references a "bank of Snowdens River", "south side of Swan Harbour Branch", Indian Johns Cabbin stone noted on plat, adjoining Meeks Delight, Purdum's Chance Woodbine
SLIPE Surveyed 9/20/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Sep 1764 by John Hood for 11 acres; "Beginning at the end of the fourteenth course of the land called Shipleys Search" Sykesville
SMALL LAND Surveyed 5/5/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Feb 1748 by Henry Ridgely for 353 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River between a branch called Howards Branch and a tract of land called Upland" Dayton
SMITHS FORTUNE Surveyed 5/6/1776 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Apr 1801 by Richard Ridgely for 597 acres repatented as Plumb Tree Meadows; Resurvey of escheated tract Freeborn's Progress Ellicott City - West
SNAKE IN THE GRASS Surveyed 8/14/1754 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1754 by John Hobbs for 4.5 acres; "on the east side of the north branch of Snowdens River of Patuxent"
SNAP SHORT Surveyed 6/15/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Jun 1745 by Richard Israel for 81 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River adjoining to a tract of land called Reynold's Habitation" Clarksville
SNOWDENS COWPEN Surveyed 4/5/1733 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1736 by Richard Snowden for 357 acres repatented as Snowden's Cowpen Regulated; "on the south side of the falls of Patapsco River" starting "on a small run descending into Dilleware [Delaware] Bottom Branch", mostly lying foul of Taylors Park Marriottsville
SNOWDENS COWPEN REGULATED Surveyed 6/6/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1753 by Richard Snowden for 438 acres; Resurvey of Snowdens Cowpen starting "on the west side of Delaware Bottom Branch", vacancy starting at Belt's Hills and The Parke "standing near the head of a small branch that leads into the Falls of Patapsco River" Marriottsville
SNOWDENS INTENT Surveyed 7/10/1733 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1736 by Richard Snowden for 932 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River", adjoining Clarkes Walks Laurel
SNOWDENS NEW BIRMINGHAM Patented in Mar 1735 by Richard Snowden for 12422 acres repatented as Snowdens New Birmingham Corrected; Courses shown in 1777 resurvey but not all courses are readable Laurel
SNOWDENS NEW BIRMINGHAM CORRECTED Surveyed 12/18/1767; Patented in Dec 1767 by Thomas Snowden for 12355 acres repatented as Snowdens New Birmingham Manor; Resurvey of Snowdens New Birmingham, courses shown in 1777 resurvey but not all courses are readable Laurel
SNOWDENS NEW BIRMINGHAM MANOR Surveyed 1/1/1777 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1785 by Thomas Snowden for 16038 acres; Resurvey of Snowdens New Birmingham Corrected (which was a resurvey of Snowdens New Birmingham patented in 1735), Happy Choice, Clarks Grove, Abrahams Fancy, Williams Delight, Linthicums Lot, John And Thomas, Clarks Fancy, Rilies Plains, Wolfs Harbor, Josephs Neglect, Ropers Range, Williams Range, Wilsons Chance and other tracts adjoining Huntington Quarter, Howards Luck, Wards Care, Rich Neck, Riggs Hills, Venison Park, Brothers Partnership, Sappington Sweep, Rutlands Purchase Enlarged, Samuels Forrest Enlarged, and many others Laurel
SNOWDENS RANGE Surveyed 2/17/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Oct 1796 by Thomas Snowden for 788 acres; Resurvey of Ridgely's Great Park and Ridgely's Range adjoining Fredericksburgh, Bite The Skimmer, Hamilton's Choice, and Small Piece Woodbine
SNOWDENS SECOND ADDITION TO HIS MANOR Surveyed 12/25/1719 by James Stoddert; Patented in Dec 1719 by Richard Snowden for 5456 acres; Beginning "at the end of the first course of a tract of land called the Addition To Snowdens Manor" Fulton
SNOWDENS THIRD ADDITION TO HIS MANOR Surveyed 11/14/1737 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Mar 1746 by Richard Snowden for 6296 acres; Resurvey of Snowdens Second Addition to His Manner adjoining Partnership, Hickory Ridge, Baer Garden, Brothers Content, and Charley Forrest, much of it in Prince George's county Highland
SNUG BIT Surveyed 10/20/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jun 1770 by John Welsh for 18 acres repatented as John's Hurry; beginning "on a south hill side" Woodbine
SOAP STONE RIDGE Surveyed 4/30/1773 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1774 by John Dorsey for 12 acres; "Beginning at the end of the eleventh line of a tract or parcel of land called Partnership", looks like it conflicts with Hickory Ridge Highland
SOUTH BRAN Surveyed 5/3/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Nov 1754 by John Campbell for 411 acres repatented as Four Brothers Portion; Resurvey of Dunkel "in the great fork of Patuxent River" Clarksville
SOUTHERN ADDITION Surveyed 4/25/1752 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1761 by Charles Hammond for 264 acres; "on the head drafts of that branch of Patuxent called Browns River" adjoining Delaware Bottom, and Woodford Marriottsville
SOUTHERN ADDITION (Unpatented) Surveyed 5/10/1745 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1745 by Philip Hammond for 360 acres Marriottsville
SPLIT TRACT Surveyed 8/24/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Mar 1804 by John H. Stone for 492.25 acres; Resurvey of Head Quarters into 6 separate tracts clear of elder surveys and adding vacancies Mt. Airy
SPURRIERS INTEREST Surveyed 12/17/1795 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Mar 1808 by John Spurrier for 12 acres; adjoining Brown's Purchase, Warfield's Contrivance, and Barry's Duck Jessup
SPURRIERS LOT Surveyed 3/28/1728 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Dec 1732 by Thomas Spurrier for 190 acres; "near the head of the drafts of a great branch leading into Snowdens River of Patuxent", near Eastern Branch Road (the great branch was later called Spurriers Branch) Clarksville
STEVENS FOREST Patented in May 1709 by Charles Stevens for 702 acres repatented as Felicity, Howard's Fair And Amicable Settlement, and Joseph's Gift; a portion was repatented as Felicity, a portion was resurveyed as Howard's Fair And Amicable Settlement from the resurvey conducted in Aug 1746 for 1283 acres to Philip Hammond Columbia - East
STEVENS FOREST - Resurveyed Surveyed 6/10/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1746 by Philip Hammond for 1283 acres repatented as Howards Fair And Amicable Agreement; "on that branch of Patuxent called Browns River", adjoining Talbotts Resolution, Whitakers Chance, Hazard, Richmonds Lot, Geists Plains, Howards Passage, Addition (Thomas Brown), and Rich Neck Columbia - East
STEVENS LEVEL Surveyed 11/10/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Sep 1796 by Benjamin Todd for 24.5 acres; "Beginning at the end of the east it being the last course of a tract or parcel of land called Tuckers Delight and the beginning of another tract or parcel of land called The Addition to Tuckers Delight" (should say east 120) Ellicott City - East
STONERS HAMMER Surveyed 4/1/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Apr 1762 by John Stoner for 54 acres; starting at a tree "on the north side of a small draft of Patuxent River it being a bounder of the land called Trusty Friend" Jessup
STONEY HILL - Barnes Surveyed 12/10/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1774 by Robert Barnes for 18 acres; Beginning "on the south side of a branch, about one hundred yards to the eastward of the said Robert Barnes's now dwelling house" Dayton
STONEY STRATFORD Surveyed 4/7/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Apr 1773 by Thomas Hobbs for 164 acres repatented as The Trusty Friend; adjoining Noah's Ark Cooksville
STOP THE GAP Surveyed 5/5/1768 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Feb 1762 by Joseph Hobbs for 22 acres repatented as Warfield's Forest; "on the north side and near of a draft of Patuxent River called the Cattail River" Woodbine
STORE HOUSE HILL Surveyed 5/26/1772 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Mar 1762 by John Welsh for 4 acres; "Beginning at the end of the seventeenth line of a tract of land called the Conclusion" Sykesville
STRING Surveyed 12/12/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jan 1769 by Henry Griffith for 10 acres repatented as String Enlarged; "Beginning at the end of the seventh course of a tract of land called Who Knows The Worth Of It" and running northwest from there Mt. Airy
STRING ENLARGED Surveyed 1/12/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1774 by Samuel Chase for 644 acres repatented as Head Quarters; Resurvey of String Mt. Airy
STRINGERS ADDITION Surveyed 11/29/1739 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1740 by Samuel Stringer for 90 acres repatented as Stringer's Park; "on Elkridg and next adjoyning to a tract of land called Warfields Contrivance" Columbia - South
STRINGERS ADVANTAGE Surveyed 3/5/1773 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1784 by Richard Stringer for 18 acres; "on the Middle River of Patuxent between the four following tracts of land (viz.) Wincopin Neck, Bare Hill, and the Addition on the north side of the said River and Warfields Range lying on the south side of the said river" Columbia - South
STRINGERS NEGLECT Surveyed 8/27/1803 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Apr 1804 by Elisha Brown for 11 acres; between The Addition to Hobb's Park, Crosses Forrest, and Halls Lot Columbia - South
STRINGERS PARK Surveyed 1/31/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1771 by Richard Stringer for 590 acres repatented as Pleasant Plains; Resurvey of Stringer's Addition and Hobbs Park Columbia - South
STRUGGLE FOR LIFE Surveyed 9/10/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1744 by John Mewshaw for 20 acres repatented as Dependence; "on the head branches of Patuxent River" starting "on the west side of a draft of Mewshaws Branch" Glenwood
TALBOTTS ADDITION Surveyed 1/29/1762 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Mar 1763 by Edward Talbott for 92 acres; Resurvey of his share of 22 acres of Talbott's Last Shift to join his share with vacancies adjoining Chew's Vineyard Ellicott City - East
TALBOTTS LAST SHIFT Surveyed 9/5/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Mar 1732 by John Talbott for 1120 acres; All land on the great falls of the Patapsco lying between Moore's Morning Choice, Chew's Vineyard, and "the other tract whereon Edward Dorsey now liveth" (Dorsey's Adventure?). Elkridge
TALBOTTS RESOLUTION MANOR Patented in Aug 1714 by John Talbott for 1087 acres Columbia - East
TARRIPAN HILL Surveyed 7/16/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Nov 1767 by Elizabeth Dorsey for 24 acres; "Beginning at the end of the twenty ninth course of a tract of land called Dorseys Range" Woodbine
TARRIPINS RAMBLE Surveyed 1/28/1799 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Oct 1799 by John Cord for 112 acres; Resurvey of part of MacKinzies Discovery Enlarged. Sold to John Riggs Brown (1775-1814) some time before his death. Ellicott City - West
TAYLORS HALL Surveyed 11/25/1721 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Worthington for 100 acres repatented as Windsor Plains; in Baltimore County "on the west side of the main falls of Patapsco River", originally surveyed for John Hatherly who assigned the patent to John Worthington Sykesville
TAYLORS PARK Patented in May 1727 by John Taylor for 1500 acres Sykesville
TEARCOAT THICKETT Surveyed 1/26/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jan 1749 by John Gassaway for 50 acres; "on the head drafts of Snowdens River" starting "near the head of a draft of Snowdens River" Mt. Airy
TERRA EXCULTABILIS Surveyed 6/23/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jul 1770 by Joseph Burgess for 268 acres; "on one of the drafts of Patuxent (alias) Snowdens River called Nimble Johns Cabbin Branch and Beginning at the end of twelve perches on the second line of a tract or parcel of land called Pork Plenty If No Thieves taken up by a certain Nathaniel Ward", plat shows adjoining to James Brooks' Brook Grove, Disappointment, and Harry's Lot Woodbine
THACKERS CHANCE Surveyed 3/26/1726 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1727 by Thomas Cockey for 320 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; in Baltimore County "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "near a meadow called the Round Meadow and at the head of a small run running into the Island run" Ellicott City - West
THE ADDITION - Brown Patented in May 1709 by Thomas Brown for 400 acres repatented as Felicity; Hammond's Inheritance; a portion was repatented as Felicity Columbia - West
THE ADDITION - Stringer Surveyed 4/13/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Apr 1767 by Richard Stringer for 18 acres; "Beginning at the end of the eighth course of a tract of land called Hobbs Park" Columbia - South
THE ADDITION - Worthington Surveyed 27 Mar 1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Dec 1730 by Thomas Worthington for 143 acres repatented as Worthingtons Addition; "in a Neck between Middell River and Browns River of Patuxent called Winkepin Neck .. starting near the mouth of a branch called Worthingtons Quarter Spring Branch and by the river at the end of the East North East course of a tract of land called Ridgely's Neck" Columbia - South
THE ANGLE Surveyed 9/25/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1755 by Philip Hammond for 20 acres; "on the drafts of Patuxent River and next adjoining the lands called Davisses Pasture and Batchelors Delight" Fulton
THE ANVIL Surveyed 7/20/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Jul 1749 by Joshua Dorsey for 50 acres repatented as The Anvil - Resurveyed; "on the drafts of the branches of Deep Run" adjoining Dorsey's Chance Elkridge
THE ANVIL - Resurveyed Surveyed 3/12/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Joshua Dorsey for 542 acres; Resurvey of The Anvil now adjoining Dorsey's Chance, Good For Little, The Locust Thicket, Hammond's Chance, The Addition, The Widows Cost, Browns Purchase, Sept 14 1739 etc., Calebs Purchase, The Neglect Elkridge
THE BLOOMING PLAINS Surveyed 1/11/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Sep 1775 by Thomas French for 977 acres; Resurvey of Honest Triumph from vacancy left from Fox Hunters United Friendship beginning "at the beginning trees of a tract of land called Mansells United Friendship" Mt. Airy
THE BOYLING SPRINGS Surveyed 5/14/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in May 1745 by Peter Barnes for 105 acres repatented as Ridgely's Great Park; "on the east side of Snowdens River" beginning "near the head of a small branch leading into Snowdens River afsd and near to a great stone which stone is marked PBx1745" Glenwood
THE DESART Patented in Jun 1696 by Thomas Blackwell for 148 acres repatented as Hammond's Inheritance Ellicott City - West
THE DISCOVERY - Bordley Patented in Nov 1725 by Thomas Bordley for 2590 acres repatented as Howard's Fair And Amicable Settlement, and The Second Part Of Discovery; According to J. D. Warfield, 500 acres went to John Beall, 1090 to Joseph Howard, 200 to Abel Brown, and 800 to Thomas Bordley Columbia - West
THE FIRST DISCOVERY Surveyed 10/26/1787 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jun 1789 by John Ellicott for 22.5 acres; "lying in Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties and adjoining the following lands viz. Hipsley's First Adventure, Mount Misery, Mount Gilboa and Contentment" starting at the beginning tree of Mount Gilboa Columbia - West
THE FORREST GROVE Surveyed 5/10/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1733 by John Whipps for 90 acres repatented as Progress; "on the south side of the westernmost Great Branch of the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "about 70 yards above the Second Branch that is above Bens Branch and about 300 yards to the said falls or westernmost Great Branch" and running northwest from there, later adjoins Second Choice Sykesville
THE GORE Surveyed 3/31/1719 by John Dorsey; Patented in Feb 1722 by Joshua Dorsey for 135 acres repatented as The Gore Resurveyed; lying in Baltimore County on Elk Ridge, adjoining both Talbott's and Chew's Resolution Manor Columbia - East
THE GORE RESURVEYED Surveyed 8/30/1793 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Feb 1797 by Edward Dorsey for 140.5 acres; Resurvey of The Gore adjoining Talbott's Resolution Manor, Chew's Resolution Manor, Columbia - East h
THE GROVE Surveyed 9/15/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Sep 1720 by Henry Ridgely for 900 acres repatented as The Grove; in Baltimore County "on the east side of the Middle River of Patuxent and on the southward of Carroll Mannor", near the dividing line between AA and Baltimore counties Clarksville
THE GROVE - Resurveyed Surveyed 11/28/1735 by William Cromwell; Patented in Jul 1741 by Henry Ridgely for 344 acres repatented as Addition To The Grove; "in the great fork of Patuxent River", adjoining White Wine and Claret following near the "Roleing Road between William Ridgelys and Peter Shipleys" Clarksville
THE HOPPYARD Patented in Oct 1731 by Richard Davis for 260 acres repatented as Davis' Purchase Laurel
THE LONG DISCOVERY Patented in Nov 1719 by Christopher Gardiner for 370 acres repatented as Cockey's Regulation; adjoining Yates Contrivance, the patent was never granted - not sure where this date comes from Ellicott City - East
THE MILL SEAT - Frost Surveyed 10/20/1801 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Sep 1802 by John Jr. Frost for 6.5 acres; between Salophia and Last Shift Sykesville
THE MILL SEAT - Sellman Surveyed 10/11/1786 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jun 1791 by William Sellman for 21.5 acres; "Beginning at two bounded white oaks and a bounded hicory standing on the w. side of Middle River of Patuxent and near the mouth of a run called bear run; they being the beginning trees of a tract of land called Luck Supported" Columbia - West
THE MISTAKE Surveyed 1/5/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in Nov 1726 by Daniel Carroll for 500 acres repatented as Howards Improvement; in Baltimore County "on the west side the main falls of Patapsco River" adjoining Ranter's Ridge Woodstock
THE MISTAKE - Resurveyed Surveyed 12/1/1803 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Nov 1726 by Daniel Carroll for 601.5 acres repatented as Howards Improvement; Resurveyed as part of Howards Improvement Woodstock
THE NEGLECT - Basil Dorsey Surveyed 4/4/1749 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1749 by Basil Dorsey for 100 acres; "on the drafts of Deep Run and next adjoining the land called Caleb's Purchase now in possession of the said Bassile Dorsey" Elkridge
THE NEGLECT - John Dorsey Surveyed 3/10/1779 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Feb 1794 by John Dorsey for 91 acres; adjoining Good Will To His Lordship, Dorsey's Range, and Ridgely's Great Park "Beginning at the end of the forty first course of a tract or parcel of land called Good Will To His Lordship" Woodbine
THE NEGLECT - Martin Surveyed 12/31/1754 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Dec 1754 by John Jr. Martin for 100 acres repatented as Brother's Agreement; "on the south side of the falls of Patapsco River in the Barrans" Mt. Airy
THE PIECE BY CHANCE Surveyed 2/17/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Oct 1796 by Thomas Snowden for 37 acres; Resurvey of Ridgely's Great Park and Ridgely's Range adjoining Bite The Skinner, Wise Man's Folly, and Range Declined beginning "at the end of three perches on the sixty fifth line of the aforesaid land called Bite the Skinner" Woodbine
THE PILLAGED THICKET Surveyed 1/5/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Oct 1785 by William Shipley for 20.25 acres; "Beginning at the end of the nineteenth line of tract or parcel of land called The Last Shift being also at the end of the fourth line of a tract or parcel of land called Forrest Grove" Sykesville
THE PLATT Surveyed 3/2/1740 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Samuel Musgrove for 100 acres repatented as Friendship; "in the great fork of the patuxent River and on the East Side of the Branch of Said River Called the Cattail River which falls into Snowdens River"; called Friendship The Platt on the map but is The Platt on AA patent site. Glenelg
THE SEARCH Surveyed 3/15/1757 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Mar 1757 by Henry Pierpoint for 90 acres repatented as The Search Enlarged; "joyning a tract of land called Longreach (Long Reach) and(?) tract of land called Freeborns Progress" Ellicott City - East
THE SEARCH ENLARGED Surveyed 11/10/1774 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Dec 1782 by Henry Pierpoint for 112 acres; Resurvey of The Search removing land from elder surveys of Dorsey's Search, Freeborns Progress, and Joshua's Desire starting at the beginning tree of Long Reach, Freeborns Progress, Shever's Adventure, and a bounded tree of Chews Resolution for two parts Ellicott City - East
THE SECOND DISCOVERY Surveyed 2/8/1724 by John Dorsey; Patented in Sep 1729 by Joseph Howard for 910 acres; in Baltimore County near Carrolls Mannor adjoining Altogether- John Beale, Vachel Denton, Christian Geist, and Joseph Howard were partners but it was later divided between Denton and Howard; Denton sold his interest to William Worthington; Joseph Howard willed 300 acres of The Second Discovery to son Henry Howard and 100 acres to grandson Joseph Higgins in 1736. Ellicott City - West
THE SECOND PART OF DISCOVERY Surveyed 11/24/1725; Patented in Sep 1725 by Joseph Howard for 1090 acres repatented as The Second Part Of Discovery - Resurveyed; This is Joseph's Howard original portion of The Discovery as mentioned in the survey for the First and Second Division Ellicott City - West
THE SECOND PART OF DISCOVERY - Resurveyed Surveyed 4/10/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1747 by Joseph Howard for 500 acres repatented as First Division and Second Division; This is Joseph's Howard resurveyed portion of The Discovery Ellicott City - West
THE STONES Surveyed 10/1/1792 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Nov 1793 by Talbott Shipley for 39 acres; starting at "the beginning of a tract of land called Shipley's Adventure" Woodbine
THE TRUSTY FRIEND Surveyed 6/8/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Jun 1797 by Thomas Hobbs for 366 acres; Resurvey of Stoney Stratford, Defiance, Whitsuntide Gift, and Poverty Discovered; adjoining Noahs Ark, Shipleys Adventure, Silence, Pools Chance, Repentance Cooksville
THE VALLEY OF OWEN Patented in May 1705 by Richard Owen for 361 acres repatented as Glen Owen Ellicott City - East
THE VICTORY - Hutchcraft Surveyed 9/20/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Sep 1748 by Thomas Hutchcraft for 475 acres; Resurvey of Hutchinson's Fortune starting "..on the south side of Spurrier Branch it being a draft of Snowdens River", adjoining Purdums Choice, Hammond And Geist, Wright's Chance And Neighbors Good Will Clarksville
THE VICTORY - Welsh Surveyed 3/1/1769 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1769 by Charles Welsh for 2560 acres repatented as Columbia; Resurvey of Find It If You Can bounded by Shipley's Adventure, Warfields, Stop The Gap, Ridgelys Range, Pleasant Meadows, Henry & Peter, Poverty Discovered, and Silence, Goodwill, Littleworth, and Worthless Woodbine
THE WIDOWS COST Patented in Aug 1730 by Charles Carroll for 370 acres Columbia - South
THE WILLOW SPRING Surveyed 1/8/1823 by John Duvall; Patented in Jan 1824 by William Shipley for 516 acres; Resurvey of part of Shipley's Search, part of What's Left, Shipley's Neglect, part of Shipley's Contention, Rich Bottom, part of Red Oak Spring to be called the Willow Spring Sykesville
THIS OR NONE Surveyed 5/15/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1753 by William Harrison for 50 acres repatented as Barnes Purchase; "on the drafts of Snowdens River" near "the south side of the head of a draft of a branch called Nelson's Branch" Glenwood
THOMAS BEGINNING Surveyed 2/10/1759 by Loch Weems; Patented in Feb 1759 by Thomas Hobbs for 18 acres; "near the head of a draft of the Falls", shown on the plat for Warfield's Forest Woodbine
THOMAS GOOD WILL Surveyed 4/11/1777 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Dec 1795 by Noah Hobbs for 115 acres; Resurvey of 101 acres of Poverty Discovered Glenwood
THOMAS HIS CHOICE Surveyed 11/10/1745 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1745 by Thomas Edney for 50 acres; "on the head drafts of that branch of Patuxent called Browns River between Squire Carrolls Manner called the Doohorogan and a tract of land called the Mistake Beginning at the end of the east seven hundred and twenty seven perch course of the Doohorogan" Ellicott City - West
THOMAS LOT Surveyed 12/20/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1734 by Thomas Reynolds for 270 acres repatented as Dorsey's Addition To Thomas' Lot; in Baltimore County west of Altogether and south of Brother's Partnership; 202.5 acres owned by Edward Dorsey Jr. and repatented as Dorsey's Addition To Thomas' Lot Dayton
THREE BROTHERS Surveyed 11/11/1810; Patented in Nov 1810 by Caleb Dorsey for 909 acres; Resurvey of parts of Day's Discovery, Mt. Gilboa, Benn's Delight, Benn's Luck, Pinkstone's Delight, Gaither's Adventure, Rebecca's Lot, and Mt. Etna Ellicott City - West
TIMBER BOTTOM Surveyed 5/4/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in May 1748 by Alexander Warfield for 50 acres; "in the great fork of Patuxent River on a branch called Hammonds Great Branch between two tracts of land one called Venison Park the other called Snowdens Intent Beginning at the end of the sixth course of the afsd land called Venison Park it being one hundred and forty perches" Laurel
TIMBER LANE Surveyed 11/20/1764 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Aug 1765 by Henry Griffith for 8 acres; starting at "the beginning trees of a tract of land called Dorseys Hills" Hanover
TIMBER NECK - Budd Surveyed 10/13/1694; Patented in Nov 1695 by William Budd for 132 acres repatented as Timber Neck Corrected Hanover
TIMBER NECK - Worthington Surveyed 3/6/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Aug 1737 by John Worthington for 50 acres; "adjoyning to a tract of land now in possession of Phillip Sewell [ed. Sewells Coffer] Beginning at a bounded white oak standing on a hill side near the head of a bottom and in or near the east line of the aforesaid Sewells land"
TIMBER NECK CORRECTED Surveyed 4/1/1785 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1795 by William Hammond for 500 acres; Resurvey of Timber Neck and Addition To Timber Neck near Budds Run adjoining Scott's Folly and Prospect Hanover
TITT FOR TATT Surveyed 4/6/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jul 1761 by Henry Ridgely for 290 acres; Adjoining Mineral Hill, Dependence, and Dorsey's Range Glenwood
TO BE OR NOT TO BE Surveyed 7/22/1774 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Mar 1775 by Hugh Finlay for 168 acres; Beginning at the "Beginning trees of a tract or parcel of land called Tear Coat Thickett they also are a boundary of Shivers Integrity", bounded by Hampton Court to the north, Range Declined to the northeast, and Chestnut Hill to the southeast Mt. Airy
TODDS IMPROVEMENT Surveyed 8/1/1794 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Mar 1806 by Benjamin Todd for 520 acres; Resurvey of Carter's Rock and part of Yates' Contrivance Ellicott City - East
TODDY Surveyed 3/30/1758 by Loch Weems; Patented in Mar 1758 by Michael Dorsey for 27 acres; "Beginning at the end of thirty five perches of the course south forty degrees west ninety four perches it being the seventh course of a tract of land called Altogether" Clarksville
TREOVER Patented in May 1701 by John Jones for 100 acres Columbia - East
TRIANGLE Surveyed 6/20/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Jun 1761 by Charles Hammond for 18 acres repatented as Felicity; "on the North Branch of Patuxent River commonly called and known by the name of Browns River and joyning a tract of land called Browns Addition" Columbia - West
TROUBLE ENOUGH Surveyed 4/16/1777 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1784 by Richard Dorsey for 36.5 acres; "Beginning at the end of the first course of a tract or parcel of land called Pleasant Prospect" Woodbine
TROUBLE FOR NOTHING Surveyed 8/2/1796 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Sep 1797 by Wiilliam Hobbs for 294.75 acres; Resurvey of part of Hampton Court, A Piece By Itself, and Pillaged Land Mt. Airy
TROY Patented in Nov 1695 by John Dorsey for 763 acres Elkridge
TUCKERS DELIGHT Surveyed 2/3/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Aug 1725 by William Tucker for 100 acres; in Baltimore County "on the south side the main falls of Patapsco River" starting "the east side of a run called ? Island Run" Ellicott City - East
TURKEY POINT Surveyed 10/17/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Oct 1744 by Henry Howard for 75 acres repatented as Howard's Resolution; "on both sides of that branch of Patuxent called Middle River" .. "on the north side of one of the head draughts of Toungue branch" near Dorsey's Grove West Friendship
UNITY MOUNT Surveyed 6/28/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1770 by William Shipley for 12.75 acres; "on the south side of the main western falls of Patapsco River and adjoining thereto" Sykesville
UPLAND Surveyed 4/30/1725 by John Dorsey; Patented in May 1725 by Christian Geist for 840 acres repatented as Burgess Look Out; in Baltiimore County on the north side of Snowden's River and starting near Geist's Run; resurveyed in 1753 by James Dick or Dickey, adjoining Small Land Dayton
UPLAND RESURVEYED Surveyed 3/1/1755 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Apr 1755 by James Dick for 530 acres; Resurvey of his share of Upland of 420 acres "on the North Branch of Patuxent commonly called Snowdens River", adjoining Wrights Chance And Neighbors Good Will and Morehouse's Generousity Dayton
UPTON PARK Surveyed 4/1/1761 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in Aug 1761 by John Noble for 593 acres repatented as Pleasant Fields; Resurvey of Pierpoint's Discovery, Joshua's Delight (Joshua's Desire), Joshua's Expectation, and Cowick Hall; adjoining Sewell's Coffer Ellicott City - East
VALLEY Surveyed 3/8/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Oct 1792 by Philemon Dorsey for 15 acres; Beginning "at the end of the twenty fifth course of a tract of land called Vanity Mount it being a bounder of said land", it was surveyed for Henry Ridgely who signed over his rights to Philemon Dorsey Woodbine
VANITY MOUNT Surveyed 9/10/1744 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1746 by John Mewshaw for 30 acres; "starting near the head of a bottom descending into Hankses Branch" Glenwood
VANITY MOUNT - Resurveyed Surveyed 3/10/1751 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Philemon Dorsey for 450 acres; Resurvey of tract of same name adjoining Duvall's Range, Friendship, Gilpin aka Pressley, Red Oak Hill; directions shown on the plat are reversed from the survey measurements Glenwood
VENISON PARK Patented in Jul 1702 by John Warfield for 800 acres repatented as Venison Park Resurveyed Laurel
VENISON PARK - Resurveyed Surveyed 4/30/1720 by Thomas Larkin; Patented in Jul 1727 by Alexander Warfield for 1336 acres repatented as Brothers Partnership; "on the forks of Patuxent River" starting "on the south side of a branch called Hammonds Great Branch" Laurel
VICE Surveyed 4/2/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Nov 1768 by John Hammond for 68 acres; "Beginning at the end of the fifth course of a tract of land called Champion forrest it also being the end of the first course of a tract of land called Stoner's Hammer" Jessup
VICTORY Surveyed 9/4/1766 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Sep 1766 by Robert Davis for 30 acres; starting at "the beginning tree of a tract of land called Ranters Ridge and a tract of land called the Mistake" Ellicott City - West
VINES CHANCE Patented in Oct 1727 by William Vines for 200 acres repatented as Brown's Purchase; Repatented as Brown's Purchase in which it says the date of the warrant was 1 Jun 1727, between Ridgely's Lott and Batchelor's Hope as shown in Brown's Purchase patent, formerly in Baltimore County Jessup
VINES FANCY Patented in Mar 1697 by William Vines for 60 acres repatented as Vines Fancy Enlarged; Called Vines His Fancy at MSA site but called Vines Fancy in the resurvey of 1903 Ellicott City - East
VINES FANCY ENLARGED Surveyed 1902 by R. R. Carroll; Patented in May 1903 by Benjamin Sunderland for 91 acres; Resurvey of Vines Fancy Ellicott City - East
WALKERS LAYING Surveyed 5/30/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1746 by Joseph Walker for 150 acres; "on the westernmost side of the great branch of Patuxent River" starting "near the head of a small draught of a branch called Horse Run descending into Middle River" Marriottsville
WARFIELD AND SNOWDEN Surveyed 6/14/1811 by Joseph Elgar; Patented in May 1812 by Charles Alexander Warfield for 2084 acres; Resurvey of Prospect Hill beginning "at the end of the sixteenth line of a tract of land called Ridgelys Goodwill", adjoining Hobbs Purchase, Chestnut Hill, Beautiful Craft, Neals Chance, Winsor Forest, Welcome Here Again, Pleasant Plains Of Damascus, Pembroke, Mount Radnor, intersects stone on side of Buseys Road Mt. Airy
WARFIELDS Surveyed 2/4/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Mar 1767 by Seth Warfield for 1544 acres repatented as Warfield's Forest; Resurvey of Warfield's Folly adjoining Howards Resolution Woodbine
WARFIELDS ADDITION Surveyed 1/14/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1773 by John Warfield for 36 acres; "Beginning at the end of the twenty seventy line of a tract or parcel of land called Resurvey On Harrys Lott" Woodbine
WARFIELDS ADDITION ENLARGED Surveyed 5/6/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in May 1776 by John Warfield for 196 acres repatented as Warfields Addition Enlarged; Resurvey of Warfields Addition starting at an oak "on the west side of the road leading by John Welches to Samuel Mansells, the said oak is a boundary of a tract or parcel of land called Fredericksburgh" Woodbine
WARFIELDS CHOICE Surveyed 4/25/1771 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Aug 1772 by Ephraim Warfield for 325 acres; Resurvey of part of Windsor Forrest and part of Look Sharp Mt. Airy
WARFIELDS CONNECTION Surveyed 4/1/1799 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Jun 1838 by Rachel Warfield for 618 acres; Resurvey of part of the resurvey of Harrys Lot, part of Fredericksburgh, and Bear Head beginning "at a small bounded Chesnut now bounded on the South edge of the main road that leads through aforesaid land called Fredericksburgh" Woodbine
WARFIELDS CONTRIVANCE Surveyed 2/26/1719 by Richard Gist; Patented in Jul 1729 by Richard Warfield for 375 acres repatented as Warfield's Contrivance (Resurveyed); in Baltimore County "on the west side of a run called Stoney Run" Jessup
WARFIELDS CONTRIVANCE - Resurveyed Surveyed 5/4/1727 by Richard Gist; Patented in Jul 1729 by Richard Warfield for 836 acres; Resurvey of Warfield's Contrivance and Lees Range lying in Baltimore County Jessup
WARFIELDS FOLLY Surveyed 4/29/1760 by Loch Weems; Patented in May 1760 by Seth Warfield for 700 acres repatented as Warfields; "on the south side of Patapsco Falls" .. "near the head of a glade that leads to the Cattail River" Woodbine
WARFIELDS FOREST Surveyed 11/4/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jul 1794 by Seth Warfield for 1800 acres; repatent of Warfield's, Warfield's Folly adjoining Dunghill Ground, Howards Resolution, Stop the Gap, Brothers Agreement, Sallys Chance Woodbine
WARFIELDS NEGLECT Surveyed 10/20/1757 by Loch Weems; Patented in Oct 1757 by Thomas Sappington for 75 acres repatented as Sappington's Sweep; No location given in survey Laurel
WARFIELDS RANGE Surveyed 3/26/1696; Patented in Mar 1696 by Richard Warfield for 1080 acres repatented as Warfield's Range (Resurveyed) Laurel
WARFIELDS RANGE - Resurveyed Surveyed 4/5/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Sep 1733 by Richard Warfield for 1502 acres; "on the west side of a branch of Patuxent River called the Middle River", near Hammonds Great Branch Laurel
WEAVERS LOT Surveyed 8/10/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1747 by John Hammond for 80 acres; "on Elk Ridge" Laurel
WELCOME HERE AGAIN Surveyed 2/4/1772 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Nov 1772 by Thomas Bisset for 36 acres; Shown on the plat for Prospect Hill as lying south of Windsor Forrest along the Patuxent Mt. Airy
WEST ILCHESTER Surveyed 2/15/1803 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Sep 1804 by Jonathan Ellicott for 743.25 acres repatented as Oella; Lying partly in Anne Arundel and partly in Baltimore Counties, a resurvey of part of Mount Unity, Teals Search, Mount Gilboa, Stout, Prestidges Folly, Good Neighborhood, Addition To Mount Unity, The First Discovery, Mount Vesuvius, The Escheat, Teals Chance, Haywards Pleasure Ellicott City - East
WHAT IS LEFT Surveyed 2/10/1759 by Loch Weems; Patented in Nov 1760 by Charles Ridgely for 94 acres repatented as Ridgelys Meadow; "Beginning at the end of the second course of a tract of land called Barnes Hunt" Sykesville
WHATS LEFT - French Surveyed 7/1/1775 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Oct 1782 by Thomas French for 24 acres; Beginning "on the south side of Patapsco falls and about eighty yards from the said falls and on the southwest side of a draught or small branch that descends into the said falls" Mt. Airy
WHATS LEFT - Hobbs Surveyed 5/5/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Nov 1769 by Thomas Hobbs for 190 acres; Resurvey of Catch As Catch Can beginning "at a stone marked HB on the east side of a draft that descends into Middle River the said stone being a boundary of a tract of land called Cumberland" West Friendship
WHATS LEFT - Shipley Surveyed 3/28/1743 by William Cromwell; Patented in Mar 1743 by Robert Shipley for 100 acres; "on the south side of the westernmost drafts of the Great Falls of Patapsco River" starting "near the head of a small branch descending into the said falls commonly called and known by the name of Bens branch" Sykesville
WHATS LEFT CORRECTED Surveyed 5/10/1785 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Apr 1794 by John Dorsey for 440 acres; Resurvey of what was orginally called Mill Race, now containing all or part of Brown's Enlargement, Rocky Ridge, Sapling Range, Gaither's Purchase, Benjamin's Lott, Addition to Brooke Grove, Brooke Chance, and Brooke Black Meadow, Burgess' Lookout; bordering Gilpen and/or Pressley, Holland's Sweep and located mostly in Montgomery County Dayton
WHIPPS HILLS Surveyed 12/1/1795 by Baruch Fowler; Patented in Mar 1803 by George Whipps for 234 acres; Resurvey of Second Choice and his part of Additional Progress starting at the beginning tree of both First Choice and Second Choice, adjoining The Last Shift, Progress, Shipley's Search, Unity Mount, Whips Mill Seat, Forrest Grove, Whips Lot, The Improved Centre, Hood's Friendship, and Pillaged Thicket Sykesville
WHIPPS LOT Surveyed 1/20/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Sep 1742 by John Whipps for 5 acres repatented as Whipps Mill Seat; "on the great west fork of patapsco falls" Sykesville
WHIPPS MILL SEAT Surveyed 2/22/1783 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Apr 1791 by Benjamin Whipps for 9.6 acres; Resurvey of Whips Lot Sykesville
WHITE OAK BOTTOM Surveyed 4/18/1753 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Aug 1753 by Nathaniel Ward for 11 acres; "on the east side of Snowdens River"
WHITE OAK ORCHARD Surveyed 12/30/1729 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Martin for 116 acres repatented as Resurvey Of Tracts - Howard; "in the great fork of Patuxent River" starting near "the mouth of a small draft leading into Dorseys Great Branch", adjoining Joshua's Lot Clarksville
WHITE WINE AND CLARET Surveyed 6/6/1702; Patented in Jun 1702 by John Dorsey for 1400 acres repatented as White Wine and Claret (Resurveyed) Clarksville
WHITE WINE AND CLARET - Resurveyed Surveyed 3/27/1733 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1735 by Charles Ridgely for 2145 acres repatented as Charles Ridgely of Baltimore and his son William of AA; "in the great fork of Patuxent River" lying west of "Carroll's Manner", adjoining Worthingtons Range and Clarys Forrest, "to Dorseys Great Branch now commonly called Clagett's Branch" Clarksville
WHITEACRES CHANCE Surveyed 10/25/1695; Patented in Mar 1696 by John Whiteacre for 150 acres repatented as Felicity; a portion was repatented as Felicity which says it was surveyed 25 Oct 1695 Columbia - East
WHITES CONTRIVANCE Surveyed 10/24/1759 by Loch Weems; Patented in Jan 1797 by Griffith White for 801 acres; Resurvey of Marlborough Plains and White's Fortune plus vacancies, adjoining Second Supply, Food Plenty, Warfields Contrivance, and Harrys Lott Savage
WHITES FORTUNE Surveyed 3/19/1726 by James Weems; Patented in Jun 1734 by Joseph White for 268 acres repatented as White's Contrivance; Survey courses and plat shown in the resurvey, overlaid Marlborough Plains quite a bit Savage
WHITSUNTIDES GIFT Surveyed 2/18/1762 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Aug 1770 by Thomas Hobbs for 112 acres repatented as The Trusty Friend; adjoining Poverty Discovered Cooksville
WHITTECARS PURCHASE Patented in Apr 1696 by John Whittecar for 79 acres repatented as Dorsey's Inheritance; Original plat shown in resurvey but missing some of the original course measurements Elkridge
WHO KNOWS THE WORTH OF IT Surveyed 5/8/1765 by Joshua Griffith; Patented in May 1765 by Samuel Mansell for 50 acres repatented as Mansells United Friendship; beginning "on the west side of a draft that leads into a branch commonly called the Hay Meadow branch and nigh the head of said draft" Mt. Airy
WHOLE GAMMON Surveyed 4/23/1741 by William Cromwell; Patented in Nov 1741 by Joshua Brown for 100 acres repatented as Joshua's Loss And Dorsey's Advantage; "next adjoining to a tract of land called Half Pone on the north side of Patuxent River" Woodstock
WILKS AND LIBERTY Surveyed 4/1/1768 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Jul 1770 by Cornelius Howard for 650 acres; Resurvey of Howards Resolution Woodbine
WILLIAMS CONTRIVANCE Patented in Jun 1700 by Benjamin Williams for 327 acres Fulton
WILLIAMS LOT - Brown Surveyed 9/7/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jun 1734 by Robert Brown for 100 acres; "in a fork of the branches of Patuxent River commonly called and known by the name Winkepin Neck" starting "at the end of the second course of a tract of land called Atholl and also in the line of a tract of land called Brownes Hopyard" Columbia - South
WILLIAMS LOT - Shipley Surveyed 4/16/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Sep 1731 by Robert Shipley for 103 acres repatented as Shipley's Enlargement; "on the south side of the westernmost great branch of Patapsco Falls" starting "on the west side of the first branch on the westward of a tract of land called Shipley's Discovery" Woodbine
WILLIAMSONS TROUBLE Surveyed 6/26/1784 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in May 1786 by Thomas Williamson for 8.6 acres repatented as Mount Hebron; "Beginning at the end of the thirteenth course of a tract of land called Addition To Gardiners Gardin" Ellicott City - West
WINCOPIN NECK Patented in Jul 1702 by Benjamin Warfield for 883 acres repatented as Wincopin Neck (Resurveyed) Columbia - South
WINCOPIN NECK - Resurveyed Surveyed 9/13/1732 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Nov 1735 by Richard Warfield for 864 acres; "in the fork made by the Middle and North Rivers of Patuxent", adjoining John Jones' land Columbia - South
WINDSOR Surveyed 6/1/1758 by Loch Weems; Patented in Jun 1758 by Henry Howard for 516 acres repatented as Ridgelys Great Park; Resurvey of Henry And Peter "between the branches of Snowden's River and the branches of the Middle River in the Barrens", adjoining Pheasant Ridge, Fine Soil Forrest, and the Boyling Springs Glenwood
WINDSOR FORREST - Mansell Surveyed 10/28/1765 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Dec 1769 by Samuel Mansell for 1434 acres; Resurvey of Look Sharp Mt. Airy
WINDSOR PLAINS Surveyed 4/11/1795 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Sep 1811 by John Worthington Dorsey for 644 acres; Resurvey of Taylors Hall, John And Elizabeth, Frizells Chance, Yates Addition Ellicott City - West
WISE MANS FOLLY Surveyed 2/27/1748 by Richard Shipley; Patented in Feb 1748 by Richard Richardson for 140 acres; on the drafts of the branches of the Snowden River and adjoining Mobberley's Rest Woodbine
WOOD PLENTY Surveyed 3/23/1805 by John Hatherly; Patented in Oct 1811 by Henry Welsh for 33 acres; Vacant land lying between Ridgelys Range, Ridgelys Great Park, Bite The Skinner, Dunghill Ground Thicket, Warfields Forest, Fredericksburgh, and Additional Defense; "Beginning at the end of one hundred sixty one perches on the eighty ninth line of the aforesaid land called Ridgelys Range"
WOODFORD Surveyed 5/8/1727 by Richard Gist; Patented in Dec 1727 by John Taillor for 3440 acres repatented as Hammond's Enlargement and Guinns Purchase; Resurvey of Delaware Bottom and Belt's Chance in Baltimore County, adjoining Taylor's Park, Ranter's Ridge, and Jack's Peacock, mentions the east side of Delaware Bottom Branch. 1023 acres sold to Samuel Howard by Matthias Hammond were repatented as Hammond's Enlargement; 263 acres resurveyed as Guinns Purchase. Marriottsville
WOODFORD - Resurveyed Surveyed 5/10/1830 by John Duvall; Patented in Mar 1831 by William H. Marriott for 905 acres; Resurvey of Hammond's Enlargement Marriottsville
WORTHINGTONS ADDITION Surveyed 8/20/1787 by Vachel Stevens; Patented in Jan 1791 by Nicholas Worthington for 791 acres; Resurvey of Ridgely's Neck, The Addition, Long And Narrow, and Broken Land Columbia - South
WORTHINGTONS IMPROVEMENTS Surveyed 2/18/1812 by Charles Stewart; Patented in Sep 1812 by Thomas Worthington for 767 acres; Resurvey of Hunting Ground, Ridgelys Range, Worthingtons String, part of Broken Land
WORTHINGTONS PLAINS Surveyed 6/5/1820 by John Duvall; Patented in Aug 1822 by Thomas Worthington for 703 acres; Resurvey of Food Plenty, part of Howard's Luck, Huntington's Quarter, and Harrison's Beginning Jessup
WORTHINGTONS RANGE Surveyed 5/9/1730 by Henry Ridgely; Patented in Jul 1733 by Thomas Worthington for 1169 acres; Resurvey of Henry And Thomas "on the west side of the Middle River of Patuxent", adjoining White Wine and Claret, Brown's Chance and Capt. Dorsey's Friendship, Altogether Clarksville
WORTHLESS Surveyed 12/29/1757 by Loch Weems; Patented in Jan 1758 by William Fisher for 90 acres; Resurvey of Littleworth Woodbine
WRIGHTS CHANCE AND NEIGHBORS GOOD WILL Surveyed 12/20/1736 by William Cromwell; Patented in Aug 1739 by Robert Wright for 24 acres; in the "fork of Patapsco River Next Adjoining to a tract of land called Upland" beginning "on a hill facing the said river" Clarksville
YATES ADDITION Surveyed 2/29/1720 by John Dorsey; Patented in Jun 1734 by John Awbrey for 130 acres repatented as Windsor Plains; in Baltimore County "on the south side of the main falls of Patapsco River" adjoining the land where Yates now lives Ellicott City - East
YATES CONTRIVANCE Patented in Jun 1706 by George Yates for 400 acres repatented as Todd's Improvement and Mount Hebron; Adjoining Cockey's Regulation (Long Discovery), the northwest part was resurveyed as part of Mount Hebron while the southeast part was included in Todd's Improvement Ellicott City - East
YATES INHERITANCE Patented in Dec 1717 by John Yates for 100 acres repatented as Carrick; described in the resurvey as beginning at trees on the "draft side of a run called the Island Run Branch" Ellicott City - East
YEATES GOOD WILL Surveyed 11/21/1767 by Orlando Griffith; Patented in Nov 1768 by Richard Yeates for 65 acres; "Beginning at the end of the eighth line of the land called Stoner's Hammer", lies north east of that tract Jessup
YOUR NAME Surveyed 11/17/1770 by Basil Burgess; Patented in Jun 1773 by John Welsh for 56.5 acres repatented as John's Hurry; Beginning "on the south side of a hill near the head of a valley leading into a branch called Bush Cabbin Branch" Woodbine