- [S2] Audrey F. Gibson, Certificate of Birth, Registered No. D39666 (23 Aug 1928) (Baltimore, MD: Baltimore City Health Department, 1928); Edward S. Strine.
- [S4] John Gibson, Certificate of Death, Registered no. E20748 (30 Mar 1927) (Baltimore, MD: Baltimore City Dept of Health, 1927); Maryland State Archives.

- [S6] Andrew M. Gibson, Certificate of Death, Registered No. 57-6502 (7 Jul 1957) (Baltimore, MD: Baltimore City Health Department, 9 Jul 1957); Maryland State Archives.
- [S19] Helen Mary Shields, Certificate of Birth, Registered No. A94671 (26 Aug 1898) (Baltimore, MD: Vital Statistics, Board of Health, Baltimore City, Aug 1898); Maryland State Archives.
- [S20] John Shields, Certificate of Death, Registered No. D67462 (9 Sep 1922) (Baltimore, MD: Health Department - City of Baltimore, 22 Sep 1922); Maryland State Archives.
- [S21] Morris Shields, Certificate of Death, Registered No. D41141 (9 Mar 1920) (Baltimore, MD: Health Department - City of Baltimore, 10 Mar 1920); Maryland State Archives.
- [S35] Kathryn Murray Gibson, Certificate of Death, Registered No. 04499 (12 May 1938) (Baltimore, MD: State of Maryland, 1938); Maryland State Archives.

- [S36] Jon A. Shields entry; Parisian Passenger List, 29 Mar 1883; in Baltimore Passenger Lists; 3482 (Baltimore, MD: Baltimore City Archives).
- [S39] Interview with Mary Jo Gibson (Halethorpe, MD), by Joanne Frey.
- [S40] John Shields and Mary Wheeler, Marriage Record, Record no. 271 or 295 (12 Apr 1894) (n.pub., 13 Apr 1894); Maryland State Archives.
- [S46] Compiled, Baltimore City Directory (Baltimore, MD: Woods/R. L. Polk & Co., 1880-1930); Baltimore City Archives, 211 East Pleasant Street, Baltimore, MD, US.
- [S49] Audrey Gibson, Baptism Record, 2 Sep 1928 (Baltimore, MD: St. Edward's Church Records, 1928).
- [S56] Frances C. Shields, Certificate of Death, Registered No. 57-3341 (4 Apr 1957) (Baltimore, MD: Baltimore City Health Department, 7 Apr 1957); Maryland State Archives.
- [S59] 1920 US Federal Census (Population Schedule), Maryland, Baltimore City, Ward 20, ED349 (Database online, Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2005, Census as of 1 Jan 1920).
- [S67] 1900 US Federal Census (Population Schedule), New Jersey, Hudson, Jersey City, Ward 12, ED167 (Database online, Provo, Utah: ancestry.com, 2004); http://www.ancestry.com, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archives, Washington, DC).
- [S74] Helen M. Shields, Certificate of Death, Registered No. 10511 (27 Nov 1955) (Baltimore, MD: Maryland State Department of Health, 28 Nov 1955); Maryland State Archives.
- [S80] Letter from Parish Priest Very Reverend Thomas Doyle (Adamstown, Co. Wexford, IRE) to Joanne Frey, 6 Dec 1994; Joanne S. Frey (Ellicott City, Howard, MD, US).
- [S90] International Genealogical Index (R) (35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150: The Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, Copyright @1980, 1997, data as of February 1997); Family History Center.
- [S95] Carlton Jones, Streetwise Baltimore - The stories behind Baltimore street names (Chicago: Bonus Books, Inc., 1990).
- [S101] Cemetery Marker (Irvington, Baltimore, MD: New Cathedral Cemetery).
- [S113] Andrew M. Gibson, Certificate of Birth, Registered No. G44 (30 Nov 1898) (Trenton, NJ: New Jersey State Department of Health, 1898).
- [S126] W. Andrew Boyd, Gopsill's Jersey City Directory (Washington, DC: n.pub., 2000); Family History Center, 4100 St. John's Lane, Ellicott City, Howard, MD, US.
- [S137] Joanne S. Frey, Testimony (n.pub.).
- [S144] Baptism Records, Films M2654-5 (Baltimore, MD: St. Martin's Catholic Church, 1880-1905); Maryland State Archives.
- [S205] Church Records (Jersey City, NJ: St. Paul of the Cross, 1923); Family History Center.
- [S252] John Shill entry; Caspian Passenger List, 29 Apr 1883; in Baltimore Passenger Lists; 417349 (Baltimore, MD: Baltimore City Archives).
- [S259] 1861 Scotland Census (Population Schedule), Angus, Dundee (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archive of Scotland (NAS)).
- [S268] Panama Canal Museum, Roosevelt Medal Certificates (http://panamacanalmuseum.org, 2004).
- [S269] 1930 US Federal Census (Population Schedule), Maryland, Baltimore, Ward 16, ED622 (Database online, Provo, Utah: ancestry.com, 1930); http://www.ancestry.com, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archives, Washington, DC).
- [S280] Panama Canal Employment Records (Panama Canal Zone: Panama Canal Commission); National Archives II.
- [S301] 1900 US Federal Census (Population Schedule), Maryland, Baltimore City, Ward 19, ED249 (Online: Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2004, Census as of 1 June 1900); http://www.ancestry.com, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archives, Washington, DC).
- [S302] 1910 US Federal Census (Population Schedule), MD, Baltimore City, 18 Ward, ED300 (Database online, Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2004, Census as of 15 April 1910); http://www.ancestry.com, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archives, Washington, DC).
- [S318] 1871 Scotland Census Angus (Population Schedule), Angus, Dundee (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archive of Scotland (NAS)).
- [S319] 1881 Scotland Census (Population Schedule), Angus, Dundee (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archive of Scotland (NAS)).
- [S325] John Gibson, Registration of Birth, Angus, Dundee, St. Mary, pg. 180, #539 (1 Jul 1877) (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database.
- [S326] David Gibson, Registration of Birth, Angus, Dundee, St. Mary, pg. 182, #544 (13 Jul 1879) (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database.
- [S327] Helen Gibson, Registration of Birth, Angus, Dundee, St. Mary, pg. 118, #354 (9 May 1883) (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database.
- [S328] Jessie Kennedy Gibson, Registration of Birth, Angus, Dundee, St. Mary, pg. 169, #506 (16 Jul 1886) (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database.
- [S330] James Gibson, Registration of Birth, Angus, Dundee, St. Peter, pg. 121, #361 (17 Apr 1876) (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database.
- [S331] John Gibson, Registration of Birth, Angus, Dundee, Second District, #1175 (11 Nov 1855) (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database.
- [S332] John Gibson and Elizabeth Patterson, Marriage Record, Angus, Dundee, St. Peter, #21 (31 Dec 1875) (Database online: Dundee, Scotland: http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/, 2005); http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk, subscription database.
- [S347] 1881 UK Census (Population Schedule), Broughton in Salford, Lancashire, England (IGI, familysearch.org, 1881); Family History Center.
- [S368] Andrew M. Gibson and Helen M. Shields, Marriage Record, 20 Sep 1923 (Jersey City, NJ: St. Paul of the Cross, 1923); Family History Center.
- [S507] New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com The Generations Network, 2006); Ancestry.com, Provo, Utah, UT, US.
- [S592] 1900 US Federal Census (Population Schedule), Maryland, Baltimore, Ward 19, ED251 (Database online, Provo, UT: ancestry.com, 2004); http://www.ancestry.com, subscription database, (Digital scan of original records in the National Archives, Washington, DC).
- [S633] Philadelphia Architects and Buildings (http://www.philadelphiabuildings.org/pab/app/pj_display.cfm/871375: The Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 2007).
- [S649] Testimony - Audrey Gibson Strine (n.pub.).
- [S698] Ancestry.com, U.S. Passport Applications, 1795 - 1925 ([database online] Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007); Ancestry.com, Provo, Utah, UT, US.
- [S781] 1871 Scotland Census Lanarkshire (Population Schedule), Lanarkshire, Scotland (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2007); http://www.ancestry.com, subscription database, (Extract of Scotland census from General Register Office in Edinburgh, Scotland).
- [S782] 1881 Scotland Census Lanarkshire (Population Schedule), Lanarkshire, Scotland (Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2007); http://www.ancestry.com, subscription database, (Extract of Scotland census from General Register Office in Edinburgh, Scotland).