Download Files for Tracing the Settlement of Anne Arundel County, MD V3.0 (Prior version files are still available - see below)

    Start by reading the pdf file below to learn more about how similar files for Howard County were created and how to load the .kml files into Google Earth, then download the zip file to a safe location. A list of the files included in the .zip file is provided in case you prefer to download them individually. None of these files are executable but always defend against hacking!

The files for this third official release were posted on 3/29/2024. Due to losing support for the web app I have been using to create the land patent plats as well as a long backlog of other work I need to get to, I will no long be working on upgrading these files. Email me at JSFrey with any questions, I still intend to support the work I have already published.

Archived Files for Tracing the Settlement of Anne Arundel County, MD V2.0

    These files have been retained for anyone who is still working with the Version 2.0 posted on 3/23/2020.

Archived Files for Tracing the Settlement of Anne Arundel County, MD V1.0

    These files have been retained for anyone who is still working with the Version 1.0 first posted on 6/18/2019.

Email me at JSFrey with any questions.